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Everything posted by Xizi

  1. Xizi

    User Reviews

    Yes, how dare this forum-newbie have their OPINION! How dare they LOVE the game and call this forums "nice"! Outrageous! @DMitch76You should hate the game you play (but still paying for it and playing it for years and keep doing it) and rant about how bad it is and how you hate the course of development/another update/some unfixed bug, even better if you will do it on a daily basis! Don't you dare saying that you love the game, no no no, it's unacceptable! Bonus point if you also hate the forum, while having 3.000+ posts on it and spent hundreds of hours here over a course of several years That's how the things should be done here, ask someone from this tangle of the old snakes. And don't you dare to talk back to them, they opinion can't be argued or critizied because they talking directly with Gizmo (making a public threads/messages) while they can critizise any opinion they want, right @SusanLouisa ? Can't wait when these beautiful people finally will have their moderation rights... I am sure they will use it SOO good and fair
  2. Oh, really? Clothes and hairs systems teasers – 3 months ago. 1. If it was asked for year – it does not mean that work on it goes for year. Maybe it is, maybe it's not. 2. Maybe they actually working for a long time on this stuff, you think it's fast and easy for the small team of developers, probably 2-3 people, to make clothes, poses and hair editors? And don't forget that while they working on this stuff – they also should work on the regular updates.
  3. Good decision to go from the rare big updates to the smaller, but more frequent ones. I were pleasantly surprised by update. Not a big builder myself, but new lights were helpful even for my humble home. And I already can imagine how much new good stuff some experienced builders will make using new props to all of us to enjoy. You think hair and clothes editors are fast to develop things? Ofc it will take time. Or they should not have showed it before it's ready? Well, community actually were ASKING devs to show progress and keep us informed. I guess some people like you will be bitching no matter what lol.
  4. Good that I saved some stuff from 32-bit version in new file format to use it in the future hehe.
  5. Well I guess Gizmo could make some app for us and let us use it to host rooms with one of our avis, while we can either don't play 3dx currently (so our PC will not spend so much resources because it will be solely room hosting, without graphics) or even in the same time with hosting a room using this app we could play using the same account on other avi, using the main client. But making a whole sepparate app sounds like a lot of work. Honestly, I would prefer this time invested in other things, more important ones (for me at least) than ability to host rooms 24/7.
  6. How to make yourself invisible? I can see how to make it on the phone – but it does not affect me when I am on PC. And on PC I simply can't find such an option.
  7. Therefore @Gizmo or @Lisa or whoever is responsible for forum really should check this topic and made a decision. Right now, when people can delete topics but can't moderate them – it works bad for everyone. So people should either have an ability to moderate their topics, or lose the ability to delete topics too. It can't stay in-between, it's a worse option! Either the right to delete+moderate, or no right for both moderation and deletion. Be consistent!
  8. It is important if these people have moderation rights. True. But other forums have not such a feature and I am sure they have reasons for that too.
  9. 3dxchat really needs this. These two are one of the very crucial things for making possible proper BDSM roleplay. Simple solo kneeling pose, without masturbation or any other activity. Just the display of submission. And crawling animation. Like walk/run but walk/run/crawl. Some other submission poses would be nice too, but simple kneeling and crawling are really necessary stuff. @Gizmo please
  10. @SusanLouisa can't deal with a simple fact that forum is a public place and anything you post in public space can be put under the criticism and be argued, no matter if you want it or not, no matter if you were asking for it or not. It have nothing to do with a trolling. Btw, If some people here so easily triggered – it's just another reason why I am sure that giving people here moderation rights is not a good idea at all. And yes, I am talking not only about ability to delete posts in topics people create but about ability to delete topics itself.
  11. Even if specific software that devs use can't be implemented in the game it does not mean that they can't make/add some specific editor that actually will work in the game. Or just release it as a separate app if adding it directly in the game not an option. And btw, Poses Editor ALREADY confirmed: Game can accept it. Tho it can be too much stress for servers/user's PCs to show user made poses to all players in the big room, but it can be solved by showing people around some basic pose from the same category, while only the ones involved in the sex act will see the actual user made pose. And why the system of approval and adding user made poses is impossible, can you explain me? So add ingame shop and solve all security issues connected with it – possible, and add pose approval feature together with the pose editor – impossible? For example poses, clothes and hairs editors. The last two already were showed btw. Mhm! You should follow these words yourself tho
  12. Yes! Or add more option to choose for + option to write this section yourself if you can't find what you want.
  13. So you trying to say that your real life or death issues have anything to do with forum moderation, huh? Or how it's even connected to our talk and to subject of the topic? Or it's expected that I will shut up and accept your point of view like something superior and not up to discussion because you had some rl problems related to the 3dxchat? I know what I speak lol. At least about subject of the thread – forum moderation and ignore. I have my position and can express it. Deal with it. Since when the whole forum community delegated you the right to speak for all of it?
  14. No, we have another kind of situation. Let's make an example: We both are like to work in world editor. You blocked me. You created a topic "What new props you would like to see in the word editor" in "Development & Suggestions" or in "World Editor" subforum. And in this topic different people asking about what kind of stuff they would like to see. How would it work now? I would be able to post in your topic and asking for some stuff too even if I ignored. How would it work with full ignore? I would not even see your topic and if I would think that such a topic would be good - I would create the very same topic, maybe not same name but same subject. So in result we would have two separate competing topic with very same subject, taking x2 place on the first screen on the subforum, while there is no real need for it. And no one could really accuse me in spamming (at least fairly) – I did not even see your topic and even if I know about your topic – I can not use it so I am completely in my rights to create my own one even if such kind of actions will litter the forum with same threads. So yes – now I don't care much if you block me, it will only mean that we will not communicate anymore – I guess not a problem for both of us. But with the system of block that you propose – it will have quite a different consequences – some of them even potentionally for public.
  15. As far as I know it had/have nothing to do with Rochi's DLL. It's just a game bug. Quite good and useful one tho.
  16. I afraid it's going to be too pricey. Some skilled hired moderator, working part-time, spending several hours/week totally, but visiting forum daily and checking reports, would already enough to keep this place mostly fine. Yes, we will need to wait up to one day to get our reports checked, but it's not too bad. The real problem with shitposters and trolls were the fact that they could do whatever they want for days if not weeks long. To wait several hours is not a big deal.
  17. I'll help you navigate lol. And btw if I remember well – you are the very first one who threaten to block me in like almost year I am on this forum. Not like I give a damn tho. Btw actually blocking people seems more effective than trying to treat them with it. It's... not very scary, you know? P.S.: I can say just the very same about your discomfort and frustration connected with not being able to fully block people by IP or delete their posts in your threads. I don't want it so why your well-being should be my concern?
  18. @ExHaran I don't want to continue this discussion, I understand that at least half of my answer will be the same points I already made. We will not find any compromise here and will not be able to convince each other becasue we have different points of view on the key issues. You think that we own the topics we create, because we created it. I think that we don't own them and we solely give the topic a start, while the topic itself belongs to the whole community because it's being developed by a whole community. Therefore our position about how things should be is opposite: you want people to have a moderation rights for topics they create, while I would like if even the right of deleting threads that currently exist would be taken away from people. On top of it, you believe that vast majority of people are good and will not abuse their power, I have less positive view on things and less faith in people. So, there is really no point in continuing this discussion between us anymore and moving in circles. I hope tho that Gizmo/Lisa will check this topic and if not move things to one or other side – then at least voice their opinion about the subject, because you and me may disagree with how things should be, but I sure agree that it's very important topic.
  19. Yes, but making it possible will in result create discomfort for other people. I already explained my position in the bottom part of this post https://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/9158-forum-topic-feature/&do=findComment&comment=353497 So to achieve your comfort you will most probably in the end create a discomfort to others. I don't argue that you have such a right, ofc you do. But I have my right to state my opinion too, and I also have a right to argue with you about controversial subjects like ones we discussing in this topic, I don't need neither your permission or request to do so.
  20. I don't think that treating game like a real life is really a good advice in any case Being nice and respectful to people and remembering that they have a real, not virtual hearth and have a real feelings – sure. Treating the game like a real life? Nah, will only drastically increase drama if one will happen.
  21. Why should not I want it? I mean if they deleted my posts for example for me insulting them or posting some nasty pics – it's a one thing, but if they do it because they just don't like me or my posts are "unwanted" then I feel like I treated unfair and being oppressed by them, why should not I want them punished for it? I don't think that acting unfair towards me is nice too, you see :p Well, I actually don't see much drama around myself. Tho I am here mostly to discuss 3dxchat, I am rarely visiting any other places here besides "important Topics" and "3dxchat" sections. Sometime I also visit "Open Forum" (main part) but only because there is a lot of 3dxchat discussion there cause before it was impossible to create own threads in "Developments & Suggestions". So yeah, last time I saw any serious drama here were many months ago. And it ended with banning people who caused it, deleting some of their posts, and deleting RobT account together with the filth he were spreading. So in the end the ones who were doing really nasty stuff, openly attacking people and breaking the TOS were punished. Not just some people doing something "unwanted" in other's threads. I'm all up for punishing people who insults others, posts offensive pics or do other TOS breaking offensive stuff – but I am completely against giving people an opportunity to delete someone's post just because they don't like it and don't want it in "their" thread. I feel it is. People here tend to be afraid that even few carefully chosen moderators out of community sooner or later will start to do shit, taking sides with their friends, abusing power etc. And you believe if give a power of moderating to EVERYONE there will be no abuse of it? Well, I am glad that you have so much believe in people here but I definitely do not share such an optimistic views. It does not need to be massive to cause drama and injustice. So I will be punished for creating the same topic even if I can't participate in the already existing one because local Great-Lord-Topic-Creater just deletes all my posts? Sounds like a pretty fair system if you ask me *sarcasm* Yes, because topic starters delete their "own" threads. Because topic is a collective work. You start it – then many other people put their effort in the developing of discussion. I don't agree with such a position because of reasons I stated up there. Topic is the result of collective work, not solely the one who gave it a start. No it's not. You paid for the car. For all the effort other people put in creating it. It's solely yours (yet still you have quite a limitations in using it, even in such a circumstances). Topic, even while being started by you, were developed by the community, not by you solely. It's not yours. Even giving users an ability to delete topics – actually a serious mistake. I have an idea about what I speak. I speak about the subject of the topic. I may not know what personal circumstances you have, but anyway it does not give you some special rights, does not put your comfort over others or make your position undiscussable truth.
  22. Yes, I have. So what? People will know that this person act bad (well, maybe they will, some just will not read my thread becasue they don't give a fuck about "drama"). What will I get from it? Does this person will be banned? Is my proof of their misdeeds guarantees that people will turn their back to that person and stop posting in person's thread? Should I also screenshot every my post and keep it as a proof if I don't agree with topic starter? What if they will delete my post before any active forum member saw it (the passing by ones most probably will not even care about what happeing on forum probably) and declare that my screens are fake? It's not too hard to make a fake screen if you have needed skills. That's why. If topic starter does not let me voice my opinion about subject in their thread – I will create my own topic. Maybe I even create 2 topics – one with the same subject as the topic where my posts were deleted and another one with proofs that other person acts unfair. The forum can become a scrapyard with such a topic wars. Btw, even if people will not write in my topic – I am gonna keep them high with regular bumps. Why? Because I will feel that I was treated unfair. It's a lot easier and plesant (at least for me and tbh I am sure that for most people too) to use forum when you don't have double or triple topics with same subject and also a few drama topics, but just have a one topic where people together discuss some stuff without some local overlord. In past people could moderate their own topics on this forum? So I can or I can not create the same topic if my posts were deleted just because topic-starter does not liked them? It would be great to remove the right of deleting topics actually. I really hope that it's on only because Gizmo or whoever is responsible for forum forgot to turn it off. Because it gives a people opportunity to delete a topic when it's have for example 6 pages of content just because they don't like where it goes. Most probably it will create a drama in future. Creating topic on forum have a very little similarities with a car purchase. Actually the only thing that can be partially similiar is that you own it. But even this not really a matter of fact. I doubt you will be able to legally protect your topic if for example Gizmo will just delete it or the whole forum just because he felt like it. http://changingminds.org/disciplines/argument/fallacies/false_analogy.htm Because you can create a topic with really important subject. And person can create the very same topic because they just don't know that you already created it or because they actually know that you created it and they want to talk about this stuff too or just feel unfair that they can't. It can clutter forum and create additional drama. So long term it can lead to less comfort to the whole community and create quite unpleasant atmosphere on forum. And the comfort of whole community more important that your personal comfort.
  23. They can remove unwanted content, where "unwated content" will be just an opinion that they does not like. Or delete posts of people they don't like. Well if it's all the same that I prefer that people would not have moderation rights even in the diarys section. It's not the same on forum. If on forum I create for example "Adding a third gender to the game" topic – then while this topic is active there is no reson to create another one with the same subject. So if person want to discuss this stuff – they have not a big choice: 1. Tolerate me and my moderation even if they don't like it or find it unfair. 2. Report my behavior and hope that Gizmo or other people will give a fuck about it and not just ignore them (and who know how much time it will take, Gizmo and Lisa usually busy with a game or w/e else, but not with forum and only them can really stop me). 3. Create the topic with same subject which will clutter the forum space and also may lead to some sick topics wars. And now in game, if someone displeased with my room or how I do things in my room – they can go to any other room with a very same theme or create one by themselves. It's okay for the game to have for example 2-3 cold fuck rooms or 2-3 futa rooms being open in the very same time, but it's not okay for the forum to have 3 same subject threads being open in the same time. That's why I think that room moderation is a good thing (but it has to be limited to not create discrimination, I don't really believe that if some place is your property you can do ANYTHING there, I have different views on this subject), but ability to moderate topics created by ourselves is not a good thing.
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