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Everything posted by Chilles

  1. Sounds similar like the game streaming of XBox where you can play the games of your XBox One on your PC?! Well I did found this because some guys had a long time in the past the idea about External Graphic Cards for Laptops and my Laptop is now very old but still with a Good CPU (IntelCore i7 QuadCore 1th generations, this rare CPU where the Laptops sometimes did Burn ) Well the CPU is good with 2,4GHz x4, it has 8GB of Ram and a 512GB SSD HardDrive but just the Graphics is too old with DirectX9 and Rainbow Colour Bug The Desktop PC I want Buy is very heavy of the price and about this I need a temporary solution to win a bit more time
  2. I start this Topic in Off Topics because it wouldn't be the ultimate solution for Laptop User and it's also a bit strange/funny One thing is fact, it works but see self http://youtu.be/PJabK8TfyOA The needed cost are around 280€ In my opinion is it just a temporary solution because a Desktop PC is just the best solution for gaming. For ppl who don't want buy a desktop pc and just use their Laptop for 3DXChat is it a good solution and I try it soon too There is also a Beast Dock Adapter for ExpressCard slots and you will find them on Amazon. Beast Dock for ExpressCard slots Graphic Card ASUS Geforce Dual GTX 1050 Ti Power Adapter
  3. Very nice location, awesome work Unfortunate was it a bit too laggy for me It's very difficult to find a good middle way between Design and performance Well I'll fix this problem for myself and got the opinion it's time for a gaming pc
  4. Was "discussed" before but it seems there is nothing possible about the problem See the replays about Posting #1373
  5. Of course is it possible to add automatic reboot sequences and they would very good for hardware maintenance. Sometimes runs on the server applications which are have a sensitive behaviour about reboots but that's individual dependent... When the fall outs go up compared to planned reboots, well no question which would be the better choice Personal I would search as first a alternate way, for example reduce of useless Server Communication, check the Load at different times of the day, add or edit Crontabs. I think the sync of the User world file for example is useless about two reasons: They are temporary files who keeps in Ram also when the Designer isn't done with the creation and didn't published the Location. If possible I would just upload this file when the user made the Location public or wants to invite another player. This would be save a lot resources and could also a security step to keep the creations "safe". It's just a guess but I think this many synchronizations of the world files could be a reason for the instability.
  6. I'm sure many ppl will follow your example It has in my opinion nothing to do with get paid but some ppl are too lazy to make it by herself and other ppl do it really gladly as a kind of hobby why not help each other ... It's for everyone a nice feeling if they get back a small recognition and well a one year Xmas membership is nothing compared about the unique Design you get and the endless invested time
  7. Linux doesn't erase from self the memory Also when the application is closed or temporary files aren't needed Linux keeps this in Ram until this moment when the Ram is over and Linux starts to swapping. This means the system switch files between the Ram in to the Swap file and back... This Task needs extra CPU Resources until the moment who the system needs a Load of 1.00 (100% per Core)... But mostly get stuck the system before The Server owner need set Crontabs and Cronjobs which are based on his system and applications (maintenance work). Well Linux has many advantages but it does just the things you told the system. Windows cleans the Ram Files sequential from self... Everyone can test it by herself: Use your PC 365days without reboot, use all your programs as always and you will see also windows becomes instability and slow ^^ Of course does a Reboot help but this is again a moment (5 - 10min) with Server down and new topics about in Forum It's sometimes a bit tricky to find and use the best settings for a Linux based Server System...
  8. Some of this Locations are so awesome, I would pay for Well and in my opinion is there nothing wrong if ppl would sell it! They have the same and a higher quality like the unity store Locations and they have many hours of work inside. Why not support this artists for example like RobT does, with a Prepaid Code for a Membership or other stuff of interest... I've for example more as enough stream servers and I don't need it, I could help ppl who need it. There are so many things possible to help friends and support them it doesn't needs be always money I think the awesome Designers have fun with Design Locations, they do it gladly and it could be easy to give something back to them if they help not so talented ppl
  9. Forum was also Down many times well that's normal. Depending about the needed tasks of each server... A server who use there performance just for a simple Web page or web storage has of course very rare fallouts compared with a game server who use the resources for extensive applications. Server doesn't crash mostly, many times they get stuck in SWAP but the effect is a bad or no connectivity... The reasons mostly similar specially for Linux Servers! Well it's possible to overload a 10Core and 512GB Ram server with some simple tasks very fast, without the correct maintenance work
  10. The manual removing of objects works Did add a Bush in the World Editor and remove this of the file. Well maybe should it works if she removes objects until she can this file again open in game that would save at least a large part of work
  11. Ad the end of this file are the last objects you did add My looks so after my last edit: For example: {"n":"Grass1","p":[-549784,9103,-1199612],"r":[2700000,0,0],"s":[21135,18899,10002]} should be one object with the positions... Edit: You can copy this file and try it but don't remove the last double ]}]} because I think it's like html and this close the File!
  12. Well you can open the File with the Notebad Editor and try to remove some objects Hope it helps but I don't have experiences with the problem
  13. Wait three weeks and we will say "Rooms made of 1000 Cubes and Tables is so 2017" I think no one in 2013/2014 did expect we can in the future Build our own realistic 3D Virtual Locations and this all just for free
  14. You could set down the sequences for the Crontabs
  15. I think it was the same year like Black Christmas http://youtu.be/s1oWgsXLTPA
  16. Still Figure out the possibles with the World Editor but I made a little Gadget for Island Owners
  17. I thought just about the Pictures you Build Pompeii
  18. As first we should talk about a Location I think it should be one of this master piece Designers... Date and Time, well so soon as possible because we are already too late ^^
  19. Awesome creations, just Amazing I'm far away of this quality but I hope I've soon more time for Building but currently does my real Life castrate me
  20. Hmm I'm in Party mood We should celebrate the 5th BDay at one of the new Awesome World Editor Locations! Someone Interested?
  21. Happy 5th Anniversary Congratulation for a successful update and looking forward to the next five years! Avatar and Clothes Editor? Or maybe the YouTube streaming functions?
  22. Is the Twister a part of my new nursery room? Haha funny idea, very cool
  23. I think it should be easily possible to design our own Lamps and spotlight Change the size and done is the spotlight...
  24. For the price of the yearly xmas deal the players get a lot in my opinion and compared to other games. The most games are after two weeks boring and the price is similar or higher with some DLC... Complain about some hours of Server issues shows the true dependency and satisfaction about 3DXChat Dissatisfied customers would not complain about server issues they would play wordless something else^^
  25. I thought there is no offline version of 3DXChat
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