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Everything posted by Rob.

  1. I liked it, minus the X-mas light it was nice. No idea if it ever snowed that much in the desert. But why the hell not.. Snowstorm in Hawaii, Bikini Party in Alaska.. Next thing you know some one will build dragons, giant snakes or floating castles in the sky.. You know have fun in the game..
  2. i like the snowy mountains.. Either way, shit happens, there is an idea, snowy weather!
  3. Rob.

    ...mmm fresh air ❤

    For all the complaining Gizmo receives rarely did he receive a thank you, so Thank you Gizmo. While I am at it thank you Achilles, and a special thank you to Eclipse for starting a trend of fresh air.
  4. I like WC, good place for a Tank and a bunny or more. Trolls, cyber bullies, call them what they are assholes who shit on everything. Arguing and ignoring sometimes does not work, banding together letting administrators know of the issue i guess works. The internet laws have yet to fully be establish, so i guess for now it is best to just inform administration of their laws being broken.
  5. First of there is an Orgy were a bunch of people have sex together and then there is 3DX Orgy where 30 people stand around while two people get it on. (Shy in a sex game) I have yet to see a dead DJ so the notion of a live DJ well, is like wet water! If you want to get people to go to a room, make it fun, invite people to DJ if that is what you want, have places a couple can enjoy, formula: Good music + Good Sex = Awesome Time. Personally I will put BBC in my room name, because the British Broadcasting Company deserves the attention. That is not what BBC means, then BIG BUTT CHICKS deserve the attention. Jessica, awesome post have fun and never be shy. If one disagrees please, politely message her, Jessica does listen and does her best in doing the right thing.
  6. Rob.


    Olesya, as far as I know is one of the nicest person I have ever met in the game. She started showing rooms bring positive attention to the game. She asked or was asked to show the rooms and did her best to showcase them, from version 1. I can not say enough great things about this loving mother we know as Olesya, as for the people trying to make a name for themselves, can't you pick on Trump or yourselves instead?
  7. Multiple people's private information were put on a thread for what 15 seconds of attention, the 5 minutes of fame? I am not a saint but that was ridiculous. Signed.
  8. I bring a tank to a gun fight, A-Bomb to a tank fight, call it overkill, I call it peaceful resolutions.

    1. LexiKitty



    3. Rob.


      you are awesome fucken miss you always. Love you Tansy, you tarnished my cold black heart with warm love.

  9. Similar, but not the same, take pride in what you have done and created. Big smile and I hope others will go as i hope to, to enjoy an amazing party that will be come a pure event in the minds of many.
  10. The day is here and time is counting down. Fun time for the Dancers..
  11. Better be a big bus to keep me down or away. I see many great DJs, love the room, and great friends..
  12. IF? Well I guess if a bus runs me over, I may have and excuse on why I did not make it. (Avoids running into traffic)
  13. To me seeing people like this beautiful couple here makes the game worth playing and the parties and locations worth making. Although we can have fun, it is more fun with a friend and more satisfying when you make new ones. Have fun out there, day 2 will begin shortly.
  14. I heard that we hit 100, sadly no picture was taken but I trust the person who told me it, sorry I was not really paying attention to the numbers the music was too amazing and wow. Please post photos if you got them.!
  15. Music is music no matter what it is called, but damn, some tunes Asian Ukari and Natsumi play are really fucken awesome, just have no idea what they are saying. Kind of like Rammstein, did not know Du Hust was not a love song..
  16. I love the room, really hope those reading this will try to see what an amazing room this is while enjoying actual great music.
  17. Due to real life getting in the way, I have asked Alivia to switch with Ukari. So Alivia is kicking things off on Saturday 3pm Eastern and Ukari has the 5pm Sunday spot. I will open early, not for boobie inspection NinjaGirl, but to get people ready for a weekend of Sex and Music, otherwise known as fun.
  18. Pandora is also the name of the mega sized room completed in March (before the program Pandora came out). To pay to be deleted from the data base just shows it is not about privacy, just hiding some dirty secrets. Think it was Gizmo that said since the Avi is public, there really is no invasion of privacy. As for relieving the gender, well when you make an account the computer does not check, it is however illegal to demand people prove their gender and also stupid. We are here to have fun, so lets have fun, for those here to cause drama, don't bitch when you get drama. As for me I got rooms to build, parties to go to, avis to fuck and especial one woman out there that I love making smile. Best thing about this game is the people I have met, if they are not causing drama with their alts then I don't give a fuck who their alts are or how many they had, if they chose to they will tell me. If not it is their game, how they are received is based on what they do.
  19. I agree in part with this, but fact is we have people running around telling everyone how honest they are, then use multiple accounts and avis to bad mouth people. And for what, to get 15 seconds of fame on a sex game while effecting how people feel of their friends, gfs or bfs and fav DJs. I have been effected by helpful friends looking for my best interest in their minds exposing lies, problem is, it also prevented me from earning their trust, in fact i lost trust, i strongly believe that in a relationship people will say the truth. This program prevents that from happening, it exposes the truth but destroys trust. On the other hand alts are traced back to people that live on creating drama. People whose words are as useful as used toilet paper in a sewer. This program did however help me prove i was not attacking harassing or acknowledging an idiot group, after all was actually busy having fun.
  20. Hmm, well Sammy, I am sure there are more DJs around your time zone, if you want ask the owners of awesome rooms or parties and see if you can organize a party in your time zone using their rooms. Worst that can happen is getting a no.
  21. From three to four pm eastern, Event 5, the Festival of Sound hit 112 people in the room. It hit that number more than once and was staying at 108 for at least an hour. The Amazing music by various DJs of yesterday and today plus the room detail by Natsumi in dispersing a wide area to accommodate past 100 people made it possible for many people to get excited about having been in a room that had 100 people. Funny thing is I was worried about people complaining, but many were there to enjoy the music and the company of new and old friends. It is so good to see people having fun, hearing music play, making one moment in time that many will treasure, aka an eventful moment. I am glad I was there to see Natsumi's eventful moment.
  22. The room is done. The lag for me, well what fucken lag? Play a little Music See a little dance Get a little drunk Thanks to Ayon, returning to the entrance room is possible, exiting is not too hard. I love this pattern cell floors What happens in the Dome, should be videotaped. That is right a girl or guy can be tied up to a stool for a DJ's view while getting their ass fucked. Practice your lines, "I did it for the view." Good excuse to use if you got tied up and ass fucked in front of everyone. Just saying.
  23. 5pm Eastern the Festival of Sound is amazing. DJ CockSlap, asked to build a room for next week, having some Festival of Sound DJs. http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5357-full-affect-sponsored-by-affect3dcom/&do=findComment&comment=238870 Who knows I may even DJ. .
  24. In other words, as good as a person thinks he or she is as a DJ, there is a lot more to learn. If like StarrFyre and many others MUSIC IS LIFE, it is never a hassle to learn more. You will want to, be humble keep your ears open and ask about how some DJs did what they did. Respect give it and more often then not you receive it. it is 10 am eastern, this forum has received 3,440 views, MUSIC IS LIFE & LIFE IS FUN. So go have fun enjoy the Festival of Sound, the gathering of DJs individuals, groups, organizations, as for what makes a DJ, step get up there, put the music ready, press play, have fun. My version, my opinion, only one that counts to me, because all DJs know, the first steps are the hardest.
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