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American Express/PayPal Payment?


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9 minutes ago, Janet said:

PayPal does not permit the sale of adult digital goods, ( https://3dxchat.com/support/#gametime ) so i don't think so. Not sure how it is with AmEx.

I don't know how much I believe that. 
AmEx especially I've bought adult stuff for years with, even just recently bought some toys online, and a few other adult sites accept AmEx.
PayPal, I can't say for certain but I know Paypal is accepted on Steam, and Steam sells digital adult games and currency. That being said, Paypal there could just be a loophole.

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1 hour ago, KayliMoon said:

I don't know how much I believe that. 
AmEx especially I've bought adult stuff for years with, even just recently bought some toys online, and a few other adult sites accept AmEx.
PayPal, I can't say for certain but I know Paypal is accepted on Steam, and Steam sells digital adult games and currency. That being said, Paypal there could just be a loophole.

When i have that right in mind, on steam you don't buy a game "directly". You exchange money to steam currency and this currency fluences into the game after it.  It's more or less like you would buy a paysafecard via paypal and use it for the 3DXchat gametime code.

Edited by Janet
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15 hours ago, KayliMoon said:

I don't know how much I believe that.

Digital Goods – PayPal prohibits all account holders from buying or selling sexually oriented digital goods, including downloadable pictures or videos, subscriptions to websites, or other content delivered through a digital medium.


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4 hours ago, Nuheni said:

Digital Goods – PayPal prohibits all account holders from buying or selling sexually oriented digital goods, including downloadable pictures or videos, subscriptions to websites, or other content delivered through a digital medium.


Okay but this doesn't explain about AmEx


11 hours ago, BellaGirl said:

One thing about American Express is that they charge the highest to the retailer then any other charge card, upwards of 10%. Could be part of the 3DXchat decision.

This is false. 
They are slightly higher than Mastercard and Visa, but the difference is miniscule.
MC and Visa are around 2.26% upcharge to retailers and merchants, AmEx is around 2.3%. 
I don't see a reason why a 0.04% difference would detour them from opening up their doors to a huge amount of people who have started using AmEx over the years. The amount of people they could attract would more than pay for that 0.04% difference.

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6 hours ago, KayliMoon said:

Visa and Mastercard tend to charge merchants processing fees between 1.5 percent and 2.5 percent to accept their credit cards, whereas American Express charges 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent. While this may not seem like a significant difference, the gap in fees can make accepting American Express an unattractive proposition. After all, a business that does $100,000 in credit card sales per week would much rather pay $1,500 to $2,500 in fees to accept credit cards versus $2,500 to $3,500.

Link from 2021

It`s just a numbers game like anything else these days.

Edited by Nuheni
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On 3/6/2023 at 8:58 AM, KayliMoon said:

Does 3DXChat plan to add American Express or PayPal to the payment options anytime soon? I have a hard time paying for anything on 3DX without going through like a dozen hoops because they don't accept AmEx atm.

🇫🇷 Bonjour,
J'ai fait une petite recherche, concernant l'AMEX et voici ce qui en ressort.  

(Il est à prendre en compte que je suis Français, et que donc, ma recherche est basée en France, mais cela est également valable pour d'autres pays d'Europe. Il ne faut, également, pas oublier que les propriétaires de 3DXChat sont Russes...)

Assez peu courante en France, la carte American Express est une carte bancaire que l’on peut qualifier de haut de gamme. En effet, cette carte permet à ses détenteurs de bénéficier d’assurances supplémentaires, de partenariats personnalisés et d’une assistance. Elle est particulièrement courante aux États-Unis et commence à prendre de plus en plus en plus d’ampleur en France à mesure que le nombre de partenariats augmente.

Pourquoi la carte American Express n’est pas acceptée partout ?

Pour bien comprendre pourquoi la carte American Express n’est pas acceptée dans tous les commerces, il est essentiel de comprendre le fonctionnement de cette carte et ce qu’elle implique pour le commerçant (mise en place, frais prélevés…). Tout d’abord, il faut savoir que pour pouvoir accepter les cartes American Express, il est nécessaire de prendre contact directement avec American Express ou de disposer d’un terminal de paiement électronique (TPE) qui accepte l’option monétique AMEX.

Les cartes American Express sont encore trop peu connues en France, ce qui fait que de nombreux commerçants ne connaissent même pas ces démarches et ne peuvent par conséquent l’accepter comme solution de paiement. Pour ceux qui auraient connaissance de la solution de paiement par carte American Express, ils n’ont pas forcément le temps d’effectuer les démarches pour la mise en place et l’acceptation, bien qu’elle devienne de plus en plus commune en France. Les démarches sont simples et rapides, il faut tout de même prendre le temps de les faire.

Quelle est la différence entre la carte American Express et les autres ?

La carte American Express ne peut pas être acceptée partout pour une bonne raison, elle est réservée aux personnes ayant un certain niveau de revenus. Cette carte est donc sélective pour ses clients devant justifier d’un bon niveau de vie pour pouvoir en profiter. Même la carte standard est soumise à un niveau de vie minimal, ce qui empêche « n’importe qui » de pouvoir la détenir.

Seulement, AMEX travaille principalement par partenariats. En d’autres mots, la sélection n’est pas réservée qu’aux clients mais aussi aux commerçants. En effet, les taux de commissions ne sont pas les mêmes en fonction des volumes de vente des commerçants. Il convient donc d’établir un partenariat pour tout négocier à moins que vous disposiez d’un TPE déjà équipé. Ces questions ont été négociées au préalable directement par votre fournisseur.

Plus les revenus sont élevés, plus les commissions chutent et plus le déploiement de la solution de paiement est avantageux. Avec American Express, vous avez l’assurance d’avoir des clients d’un certain standing,. Mais aussi des commerçants bien équipés si la carte est disponible dans leur commerce. Un échange gagnant-gagnant qui vise à effectuer un certain tri parmi les consommateurs et les commerçants afin de ne garder que les meilleurs (et qu’ils soient récompensés) !

Des conditions de revenus et de standing que l’on ne retrouve dans aucune autre offre de carte bancaire conventionnelle et qui constitue la principale différence entre la carte bancaire American Express et les autres cartes.

J'espère que cela, t'apportera quelques éléments de réponses.


🇺🇸 Hello,
I made a small research, concerning the AMEX and here is what appears.  

(It should be taken into account that I am French, and that my research is based in France, but this is also valid for other European countries. Also, don't forget that the owners of 3DXChat are Russian...)

Quite uncommon in France, the American Express card is a bank card that can be described as high-end. Indeed, this card allows its holders to benefit from additional insurance, personalized partnerships and assistance. It is particularly common in the United States and is starting to gain momentum in France as the number of partnerships increases.

Why is the American Express card not accepted everywhere?

To understand why the American Express card is not accepted in all businesses, it is essential to understand how this card works and what it implies for the merchant (implementation, fees charged...). First of all, it is important to know that in order to accept American Express cards, it is necessary to contact American Express directly or to have an electronic payment terminal (EPT) that accepts the AMEX electronic payment option.

American Express cards are still not well known in France, which means that many merchants are not even aware of these procedures and therefore cannot accept them as a payment solution. For those who are aware of the American Express card payment solution, they do not necessarily have the time to take the necessary steps to set up and accept it, even though it is becoming more and more common in France. The procedures are simple and quick, but you still need to take the time to do them.

What is the difference between the American Express card and other cards?

The American Express card cannot be accepted everywhere for a good reason, it is reserved for people with a certain income level. This card is selective in that its customers must have a good standard of living in order to benefit from it. Even the standard card is subject to a minimum standard of living, which prevents "just anyone" from being able to hold it.

AMEX works primarily through partnerships. In other words, the selection is not only reserved for customers but also for merchants. Indeed, the commission rates are not the same according to the sales volumes of the merchants. It is therefore necessary to establish a partnership to negotiate everything unless you have a TPE already equipped. These issues were previously negotiated directly by your supplier.

The higher the revenue, the lower the commissions and the more advantageous the deployment of the payment solution. With American Express, you can be sure that you will have customers of a certain standing. But also well-equipped merchants if the card is available in their business. A win-win exchange that aims at sorting out consumers and merchants in order to keep only the best ones (and that they are rewarded)!

Income and standing requirements that are not found in any other conventional bank card offer and which constitute the main difference between the American Express bank card and other cards.

I hope that this will bring you some answers.

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On 3/7/2023 at 12:55 AM, KayliMoon said:

This is false.

Other merchant fees that may apply can include non-swiped transaction fees (when a credit card isn’t present and the number is keyed in), voice authorization fees, check fees, paper statement fees and more. These can add up and is one reason why I don't take American Express as a small business owner.

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