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Found 7 results

  1. #Y2K19WELCOMING #3DXCHAT #WATERGATECLUB #TECHNO Another Year has passed and as usual it is time for a new Y2K Welcoming Party wich has been a tradition since 2015. As every year, I will hold a Welcoming Party for the new year on 2nd of January. Last Years Y2K18 Welcoming Party has been a great sucess while we celebrated the new year on the roof of Studio3, this years party wont fall behind in beeing extra-ordinary too. I want to invite you to come over to the new Watergateclub wich had its Opening Party on 8th December of 2018 (some might have attended the Event) and have a nice party with me and the resident DJ's. As every years end fashion, the location has been updated with a proper roof-party installment. We open one hour early at 6pm GMT so I have a chance to chat with people before the actual live broadcast starts. Also it will be open for awhile after the live broadcast ended. The music will be Melodic Techno as this has some kind of tradition from my part too for thoose partys. I also want to use this opportunity to inform you about the website I have been doing for this little project of mine wich can be found at https://watergateclub.com Feel free to subscribe to the newsletter or register an account to be part of the interactive community that we are building there. Hope to see you all at the 2nd January of 2019 at Watergate Club
  3. #Y2K18WELCOMING #3DXCHAT #STUDIO3 #TECHNO #VIRTUALDJRADIO #STUDIO3 With christmas over we are going fast paced through this years end. I really hope everyone had a great Christmas with Family & Friends. Also wishing everyone a good start into the new year, and of course many great partys out there or even here. As I try to do every year, I will hold a Welcoming Party for the new year on 2nd of January as this party is already somekind of tradition for me. Starting back in the year 2015, the Y2K15 Welcoming Party marked my debut as a DJane in 3DXChat and its kind of an anniversary for me too (I joined a couple of days earlier). I have many great memories from the past 3 years here. So I really want to invite you to come over to my Studio (some might have seen it already during the Christmas Event) and have a nice party with me. Of course the location has been updated properly for the new year. This time we open one hour early at 6pm GMT so I have a chance to chat with people before the actual live broadcast starts. Also it will be open for awhile after the live broadcast ended. The music will be Melodic Techno as this has some kind of tradition from my part too for thoose partys. Also usual the livestream will also be available on virtualdjradio.com for live-track listing. Make sure you select Channel 3 Hypnotica for updates.
  4. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - January 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. New from November and forward! As many have requested that contest is getting split up this month, and as you can see below that means that all photoshopped images have their own prize they can compete for. Basically it means that the non edited photos compete for the old prizes and photshop images for the new which is 10,000 XGold from the devs. Many might wonder what can you actually do to a picture now to be able to compete for the non photoshop prizes. I will list them below but they might change further down the line, depending on the feedback coming from all of you. This is allowed on non Photoshop images Black and white filterLight correctionCropping This is allowed on Photoshop images Everything you can imagine, but it has to be cenetered around something from the game Any questions about this new system? PM me here on the forum (Tauri) and i will answer as best i can. How a winner is picked How it works is... There have been selected 5 judges, which will remain unnamed for now. At the end of the month those 4 judges will vote on which picture they think is the best out of the bunch, whichever picture they come up with will be the winner, they also decide who gets 2nd and 3rd. But remember to keep liking the pictures you like, they still play a role since if there is a tie in votes, the likes will be what decides who wins. Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photosFirst Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photosFirst Place - 10,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  5. Shanti

    NEW YEAR 2015

    NEW YEAR 2015 invites you all to TIME ZONE CONVERTER ******************* Due to celebrations, many of us might not be able to attend the first party on 31st Dec. midnight at NightClub with DJAsh (link below), NEW YEAR PARTY WITH DJASH so 3DXChat is having a second party this weekend on 3rd Jan. at LoveIsland with DJchilles. Don't forget to show up at both parties if you can ! ******************* GET READY TO PARTY TWICE & LET'S WELCOME THIS NEW YEAR TOGETHER !
  6. Hi guys although many of you know I'll be taking a little break from DJing I have been working on a secret New Years Mix, which I will be doing New Years day 12am - 4am GMT at the Night Club! Going to be lots of good music there so hopefully many of you can make it!
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