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  1. Wishing Everyone A Very Happy & safe Halloween! From A.I.-3DX & From The Hearts! Me & My Lovely Wife
  2. So I'm trying to revamp my profile with new images and new text. I removed all of my old images and I'm trying to upload the new ones, but the spinning circle never stops. It uploads the previous images just fine, but none of the new images go through. I've already double checked the file type and file sizes. Every image I upload is saved as .jpg. The first attempt, the image was 530 KB, second one I lowered it down to 175 KB, and the last time it was lowered down to 120 KB. So I really don't understand why nothing's being uploaded. One of the images I had uploaded previously was 765 KB so the file size shouldn't be the problem. The last thing I tried was to save it as a .png file type but that didn't do the trick either. Would anyone happen to know why I can't upload any new files on my profile? Thanks in advance!
  3. chloe

    Girls with Masks

    After Girls and Towels ~ which wasn't that successful as I expected (I still try to figure out why) ~ I like to introduce another girls image thread: Girls with Masks I know this time this thread will become a huge success.... I know it !!! I got inspired to do this thread cause of Candice upcoming Party: MASQUERADE | 17th of Feb | 6pm CET
  4. I thought it would be fun to display some Signature Banners for Forum Profiles with instructions how to display them. I'll include the instructions first what to do. Then upload some Banners. Please feel free to use if you like them. ****************************************************** 1. Log into Forum. 2. Go to your Forum Profile by clicking on your name, top right and choosing “My Profile” Option. 3. Then click on “Edit my Profile” in a black box, on the right, towards the top. 4. On the Left is a menu, Click on Signature. This will lead you to your Forum Signature / Banner page. 5. You will see the rules for signatures and a text box for uploading your signature url or http address. Your signature may contain: • Up to 1 images • Images up to 800 x 150 pixels • Up to 2 URLs • Up to 1 lines This is used the same as uploading any pic to forum. See below if unsure. When you are happy “Save Changes” under the text box and your personal signature should show. ******************************************************************************************************************* Useful FREE Downloads. Down Load these 2 free programmes and open a free account with imgur to upload your pics too. Useful FREE Downloads. 1. For taking images - Light Shot Http://app.prntscr.com/en/download.html 2. For storing images and giving them a http address - Imgur https://imgur.com ******************************************************************************************************************* REMEMBER YOUR SIGNATURE HAS TO BE UP TO 800 x 150 pixels Uploading a pic to imgur. 1. Log in to your free imgur account. 2. Click on your name to show drop down menu. Click on Albums 3. Click on “New Album” 4. A box appears. Choose a name, maybe your partners name, the subject etc… Make sure you click on “hidden”. You don’t want the public to see your obscene pics – you could even get kicked off the site. 5. Click on “Add another image” and a box appears. Click on “Browse” and it open a box to your PC. In the Pop up box, look for your pic/signature. Save pics in an area you can find easy such as - “Documents” in your menu and then your “User Name” Specials Folder, then “Fave Internet Pics” folder or “Screen Shots” folder. 6. Choose the pic you want. Click on the pic to populate the box , then on “Open” and it will upload to your imgur album. This uploaded pic in your album will now have a “http…” address. You need the http address to post in forum either in a PM or a Topic. To upload a pic to 3 DXChat forum. 1. Right click on your chosen image from the internet or in your imgur album you wish to post or pm in forum. A drop down menu will appear. Click on “Copy Image Address” or “Copy URL” or similar. OR Control / Ctrl + C. This is to copy the http address of the pic. 2. Open up Forum and the topic or PM (Private Message) you wish to answer or send or your Profile“Signature Box”. Paste it by right clicking and choosing paste from the drop down menu (OR Control / Ctrl + V) in your Forum "Message" or " Reply" box. The URL will appear. 3. Sometimes this will take by itself. 4. If it doesn’t click on the icon “image” box above the text box - 2nd Line where B for bold is and I for italics, 11 across is image icon. This will open a box to paste the http address in. Paste (Ctrl + V ) & Click OK. 5. The image should now show. 6. Click Post to show in the topic. Or Save if its your profile. The Signatures are below :
  5. I love all the outfits in the game and i would love to see other peoples creations, share your outfits!
  6. Guest

    Love Bites...

    Love Bites...and nothing bites harder or better than a good Vampire. This thread is simple, just post your favorite Vampire or Vampiress images (sexy, funny, scary) whatever, just have fun...
  7. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - September 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Black and White Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 4 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 1 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments, text etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  8. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - August 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Cosplay Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 4 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 1 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments, text etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  9. Shawn

    This is silly

    A place for your random silly photoshopped pictures. More to follow... (unless you pay me to keep quiet )
  10. Not the best creation ever, but doing some modification on Grim the Ripper. Using Electronic Speed Control to control the motor and the only thing that's left is a karaoke machine, mic and the speaker. Here's what it looks like:
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