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Everything posted by Tsela

  1. Also we should be able to keep clothes on if we want to regardless of the poses we are using
  2. aham talking is cheap We are still waiting, but the devs either throw in some cheap talk, or nothing at all. The point is, that other than some poses here and there and another round of useless socks for the girls, nothing actually happened to the game in any meaningful way. I will believe it when I see it.
  3. Tsela


    No it doesn't have to be approved by the devs. Same as with rooms created, and opened by people who made them. Anyway, you got proof there, even if nobody is here to prove you something that we all know about anyway. But Alivia was kind enough to find stuff for yet another guy who has no clue what we are talking about and can't use a search function about something we were through time and time again. So do your research maybe next time.
  4. Tsela


    Well you sound quite new if you don't know the most obvious details everybody around here already knows about. I'm not going to go forum minding again for every newb who never heard of a search function. Gizmo created a topic about it. even has a poll if we want it. also he replied to another post i which he stated that it is coming. keep digging dude, if you have no clue. Otherwise the question is, if we need it or not. Sure we do. It was the result of the poll, and also promised. Maybe some wannabees around here such as yourself are happy hanging in Sin club all day, but the rest of us are happy to have a large pool of user created rooms. And the same is true for poses and clothing. But don't worry about any of this if you are ok with a small ammount of official releases. Fresco time forever for you And keep asking for new official rooms
  5. Tsela


    If you don't recall it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. it was quoted many times here over the forums, so do yourself a favor and search for it yourself. if you are new around here. And yes you are just one guy from many and the majority naturally wants the pose editor. so yes, we need it.
  6. Tsela


    We *need* teh pose editor, because we *want* the pose editor, even if you don't think it's our "job" to make poses. Same with the Builder for rooms. It's a wonderful thing that we have it, and people are making good use of it. We love to create and want to create new things that we personally enjoy. Everybody is different, and every type of editor is very welcome, since people can create their own things. You might enjoy the small number of official rooms that are in the game, and you might also be happy with the default room provided, and wait for the devs to be kind to give you something new, since it's their "job". but the majority of us very much enjoy to create what we desire, and many times enjoy what others created. That was true for user created worlds, also true for user created poses, or clothing. Plus it was promised.
  7. Tsela


    One more time: Pose Editor is the answer to everybody's wishes in this regard.
  8. Maybe reinstall the game redownloading the client. Sometimes the autopatcher screws things up in some ways. My dearest ended up with two stockings slot after one of those patches. And I lost completely the gift and any invite - visual and sound notification after a patch, until I reinstalled
  9. yes they do. like the pose editor. is it coming?
  10. They buy it, for coins. Literally. That's how much they "work" on the development
  11. damn right uploading it to the stream too
  12. Well it's sorta hypocritical for the one who gets a lot more, to tell those who get a lot less, that they are never satisfied... Well of course "some" people are not satisfied with that..
  13. well there might be full lesbian pretenders too... but the point is, that the developed content is one sided for the most part
  14. It's about self expression, same for male or female. I can tell you the same. If you are such a moron and the only thing you can think of is a masturbation pose. Females also don't need 20 more single poses. They have more than enough. they don't even need clothes, if we go by your logic. We only need them naked, right? So much for your silly "eye candy" logic. So allow me to talk about what we need and what we don't need, mkay? I know that I need just as many options in a subscription based game like the other gender. (Or the dudes who bounce around with their futa avis, and bowling ball boobs, maybe such as yourself)
  15. I absolutely agree with you that the same poses are not suitable for guys, of course, but there are male specific poses to be done then which are VERY few in number. Of course we are not asking for the exact same poses, but the one sided development is really dissapointing if I compare the vast ammount of differences in number of options depending what gender you are, or play as. It's not like the male avi is free to play but surely many times feels like that. Like a trial very much reduced version of teh game. And for premium package, with vastly more options, we should create a female avi? It's just unprofessional and unfair. Of course I am not asking for the female single poses. I'm asking for the male specific poses which don't exist, to fill that big void there. It makes no sense not to create and focus a bit more on the parts where one side is lacking the content they are paying for, while they add more and more on the side which has 5 times more already. Just in single poses. Not to talk about anything else. So probably the focus should be on MALE AVI for a while
  16. Yeah kind of feels like a scam at times, doesn't it
  17. Yes I did and paid more attention to it apparently. The single poses shown there are for women only again. The dance poses probably will be for both. I was talking about the single poses. Since it's not like women were lacking options how to sit on a darn chair, bed or sofa. But looks like when it comes to Lisa doing her job, she only knows one gender. Same goes for pretty much everything else. Thank god for the likes of Redji and others who at least make an effort in their spare time....
  18. Looks like @Lisa and co. returned to female only single poses in the latest patches. I gotta remind them again that the subscribers are of both genders
  19. HAHA :)) At first I thought that the existence of the pose itself is a joke. I couldn't find it. I didn't notice the "sports" tab. But yeah maybe just as a social fun thing, it could be filled with some actual poses, like working out, push ups, yoga poses, so on
  20. Yeah we sometimes complain about "everything" Well... more like features that the devs themselves promised and talk is cheap. to name a few: Pose Editor, hair customization options, working TV which was promised years back to work again after being taken down temporarily, space sky box for the builder, clouds sky box for the builder, the list goes on. The most active lately were people like @Manyasha and @Redji and others like them who did a wonderful job contributing with their creations, in any way they could, while the devs were sitting on their butt. No we didn't get any actual update for a long time.
  21. Oh absolutely. It's a very rare thing indeed, and there are other cases too where there a different set of chromosomes are present in an individual, like XXY, XYY or any sort of combination. It really happens rarely. And no, I don't know a person like that but I do know that it can happen. Naturally, we can talk about them as special cases as this isn't generally the case at the majority of people, it's not that we can speak about a community of intersex people here as the third gender. Genetic mutations also can make people have 3 legs, more toes, and so on. But saying, that people have 5 toes, is certainly not a discrimination against those ultra rare cases where some people have more on one leg.
  22. Well having a cock basically means you are a male. I don't agree with him on many things but cock means male. not female. Maybe some love to nurture these modern ideas about a guy having a dick is a female, but not everybody has to be part of that game, you like to have fantasies of. Especially since it has nothing to do with reality, only for calling him a "she" that doesn't change a damn thing. And in this game there is a magic cock option for females. There is no trans girl here. There is just a dick/strapon option, but there are only 2 genders. Male and female. Look at it when you create a character. what does it say? There is a trans? NO. So let's stop this stupid debate already always coming in with your silly ideas about your personal views. There are no dick girls. There are no turtle birds. But in a videogame you can have wings and fight against dragons whatever. stop taking it personal if someone doesn't like your dragons. It's not everybody's thing
  23. Nobody will freak out, jack. Who pays for the subscription, gift card or whatnot is completely irrelevant. Also even 3dx staff doesn't know who pays for it, or who's card is that. The transactions are managed through BMT Micro. So it makes absolutely no difference who buys it. That's why for example you have to pay attention to the email address when you renew your subscription because if you make a mistake, you create a new account. So don't worry about that. Help out your friend if you want, as far as 3dxchat is concerned they simply accept your transaction, whoever it comes from
  24. Well I don't think we should come up with excuses in their stead, if the devs themselves are never coming out and actually talk about the development status of any feature. Otherwise we can come up with any number of probable issues using blind guesses. You asked a question with this post.You did well. These are questions asked by many of us. It would be nice if they would give some answers, or some development status somewhere. You shouldn't do the favor for them, answering your own questions with guessings
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