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Posts posted by Perimede

  1. I think that last post confirms who's alt TheTruth3dxChat is - someone, perhaps, who referred to himself as a lesbian whisperer for quite a long time, maybe. Not who I was thinking of when I first rumbled him.


    So I complain about people who use alts to cause trouble.

  2. now you did it sam, shes bringing out her imaginary friends


    Oh dear, that is soooo clever. He forgets he was made to look a tit when he accused Desi of being me, then someone who could possibley have been his alt suggested I was TamsinUK, yes I did go looking to check. Who posted while I was flying to Poland sitting next to my husband.................... shit he knows and he's just doing it to be irritating. God if I remember rightly I even had to post a pdf of the BA regulations on teh use of mobile phones on their aircraft. He thinks he's being clever. He'll say I'm a bloke next, then a rampant feminist - whatever suits his pathetic little games. Report time, I think he's overstepped the mark several times today, possibley because he knows that unless Gizmo wants to work on a Sunday nothing will happen until Monday morning.


    All because him and maybe one, possibley two others don't like what all this is telling us.

  3. We know exactly who got the threads removed, and who trashed them so the mods had no alternative. You think people forget ....................... no way! That is what you and your friends are trying to do to this one.


    Ex put together a suggestion in good faith. She took time and trouble to put it together. Show her some respect and discuss it sensibley. I suggested three simple criteria which might help in judging suggestions. My third could also include something on the lines of the fourth from Sam. or could be rephrased to something like


    4) The suggestion does not unneccesarily impinge players privacy


    That way suggestions can be judged, ammended and if they get traction presented to the devs. Is that too hard for you?

  4. yeah because ranting about a hug in game on forums from someone who isn't even a member of forums for three days isn't foolish


    I have deemed the entire episode as made up for attention. Somehow you are irate about it, have no issue calling people out for this or that yet wont say who it was nor show any proof it actually happen.


    The jury finds you guilty of fictional tales, You are sentenced to five hours in Yaluns jail


    You said it was a week an hour ago. It's you keeping it going with your insensitivity. Is it a badge of honour to make yourself out to be the most annoying person on teh forums and in games. Is it really as you said the otehr day all about you wanting be the top all time poster on the forums. Quality, RobT, counts for far more than quantity.


    Sometime in November 2017, RobT, two weeks after I renewed my sub after a six month break to deal with major rl stuff. That is really, really significant now in June 2018. If you must use Pandora data to try to make a point, use teh complete record relating to the alt, yeah? Your approach is intended to cause trouble, the complete record tells a rather different story. There's no need fo rme to go any furtheer in to that. The fact you've had to be reminded of this several times shows just how much you value people. Just like your constantly saying Twiggy's a bloke - and what's worse you forced her into feeling she had to prove her gender rl. Yet you still insist on throwing it at her. Do you really think that sort of thing shows you as a likeable decent human being?

  5. People do not like random hugs, end of. You are condoning and trivialising it. Therefore you are showing total insensitivity to those who don't like it. Is it any wonder some people see you for what you are. As I say try it rl and see what happens. Just because 3dxChat is pixels doesn't make behaviour that is stupid, insensitive, annoying in RL any less so in here. Good manners cost nothing.


    As I say if a hugger is doing it because they want a shag they'd be better off starting a conversation about something funny, interesting and make the person they fancy acctually want to have sex with them. Not that hard is it. But then RobT gets his jollies by being annoying, or so it is easy to surmise.

  6. The sample here is better than any sample you've put together Mar_Mohan. That's why I find your negativity so irritating. It also completely undermines any credibility you want to present. Find soem data, present it, analyse it and say what you think then. Until then you're just making yourself look foolish.

  7. It’s clear already that people don’t like random hugs except under specific circumstances. 15 to 1 so far, it also pisses people off, so don’t trivialise it because you get some nefarious thrill out it. Did you vote yes or couldn’t be bothered? It’s a secret poll so you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to, but you see the point?


    You and one or two others, probably fewer seeing as you’re playing alt game, are in the minority, get used to it and accept that most people don’t find what you’re doing, funny, interesting or anything other than a bloody nuisance.

  8. So you are saying random hugging is acceptable? I think find if you ask around that to most people is isn’t except in quite a restricted range of circumstances.


    If you cannot accept how other people feel about certain behaviours then you are unlikely to be able to sustain a relationship with them. And my poll is now suggesting something you won’t like so you can declare it invalid, whereas Xeno’s poll on identifying lead Avis was ok because it gave a result you liked. Curious that seeing as it fails your test for reliable poll.


    Oh and btw the polls which support my analysis are from large sample sizes and at least two were undertaken by professionals, funny that the discrepancies and similarities to Xeno’s avi use poll are so satisfactorily explained.

  9. So in RL we shouldn’t investigate, arrest, prosecute and imprison murderers because to do so invades their privacy?


    That is implied by your point Sam. Some behaviours are unacceptable and the people who do them should expect to have their privacy invaded in a big way. Nobody minds a minor intrusion if it can be seen to be for greater good, like making an effort to make the world a safer, nicer place. Even if it is only in a very small way.

  10. At the risk of giving certain people a chance of messing up this thread I commend Twiggy. Even if you don't agree with her you have to admire how she stands up for her point of view regardless of the crap that's thrown at her.


    I just think it has to be said, so by the same token I commend people who have the courage of their convictions.

  11. As I see,you really need prestige to elaborate on subject we don't fucking care about stupid things happened to you!  It is really so outrageous? You really have time to waste.


    So Briana doesn't care about people being respectful to women, you make light of what I feel and think about one common form of poor behaviour. Cool that's your opinion, just don't think that makes it OK. Anyway if you don't care why post in this thread?

  12. Briana, she only sucked your dick because you agreed to sex - not a very clever thing for a professional DJ to do.


    How come Robt constantly shows his disrespect for women. RL or virtual world if you treat people reasonabley well we'll get on better don't you think? btw - Mardi Gras is rather unique environment where normal boundaries get stretched - it still showed considerable disrespect to the dancer. Had RobT been talking to her and got to know her a bit? He's lucky security didn't arrange for him to make a close inspection of the pavement.

  13. The data I've suggested was relevant. The one that clinched that perticular discussion included 3dxChat by name, the old secondlife data was valid because it is a similar game in many ways, my analysis of  the other data was from games that reflected similar attriubutes to 3dxChat. So in that sense infinitely better than any data you have come up with.


    Are you trying to say that people who mostly use one avi even though they may have others are in a minority? That is totally unsupported. The Pandora data is limited because it doesn't include people who mostly use one avi but have another they use occassionally. Similarly it doesn't include those people who mostly use one avi but have two others they use occassionally. As I recall it the analysis was just one, two or threes avis on each account. As a result it will always give a lower result than Xeno's question of using mostly one avi, which will of course give a slightly high result because of there being no definition of what he sees as mostly. So combine the two and it's safe to say that a majority of users use one avi, a majority being more than 50%. So thinking it through a bit we can say people who use mostly one avi constitute more than 50% of the user base but less that 75% - I think we'd find with more, and better data the result would tend toward around 60 or 65%. Now that seems quite reasonable to me, even if it isn't verified as yet.


    Are you also trying to say that there is no gender imbalance in game? That flies in the face of RobT's assertion that most women avis are played by men and we know you always agree with RobT. In any case the data we have on that shows that male users outweigh female by a factor of about five, maybe even more.


    Maybe you're objecting to the idea that survey data suitably tested and anlysed is not a basis for making any sort of decision. Any survey, even professional ones, suffer from limitations. If you're going to use them then you need to be aware of these and do your best with what you have. Which is what I am trying to do here.


    In this particular case I think my analysis of this data is fair. If you think otherwise then find the data that is out there and present it. Support your case with your own data and analysis.


    Basically you are saying all data is false because you don't want to go lookign for it. If you draw a blank why not ask for help with phrasing your search questions, offer up the search questions you used and see if people can see why it's not delivering what you need. Someone might spot and obscure way of phrasing somethign that could give the results you need. If nothing else it shows you're trying whereas your current approach makes your arguement look  vacuous.


    Another nice day today here so I really do not want to go googling. My gender balance thread got pulled because of bullying and abuse so I'm going to have to if Mar-Mohan pushes this further. I didn't keep the screen grab from where I was given the link, I didn't think it would be neccessary to have to.


    I think my data is better based in 3dxChat than no data at all - in fact Pandora is basically 3dxChat data repackaged. Xeno's survey is 3dxChat users. I've said why I think the data I put together for the gender balance thread is valid, even though it doesn't support the gender balance question in Xeno's survey. There are suitable explanations for the discrepancy. So we learn something from this even if we don't agree with the raw results. as with the mosly using oen avi question - the similarity to Xeno's survey and the discrepancies are easily explained. That done, again we learn something.

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