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Everything posted by Camden

  1. You reference it like it’s an actual study then insinuated that it makes someone look foolish for not agreeing with it. Then create a poll to gather an “unrepresentative” sample. Forum polls, have always been flawed and unreliable. Not just related to a sex game. I’ve seen people create multiple accounts, never to be used again just to vote, for example. The best solution is as someone here mentioned. Implement a workflow for accepting or declining hugs and kisses on the cheek. The additional layer of permission based on groups would be ideal.
  2. RL sex in public can be fun. Just depends on where you do it at. If you go to the right club you can get a stripper to dance nude for u. But I tend to agree that a lot of things done in 3DX are not done in real life. In 3DX I’m a Barbie that never ages.
  3. Hugging doesn’t bother me so much. It’s weird, yeah. If I’m in a good mood, I’ll laugh it off. If I’m annoyed I’ll warn them. What was bad was back when I first joined, before user rooms... there were what was referred to as sharkers. Those who would jerk off over you and spray their load. Then repetitive colds. I blocked someone for chasing me trying to get his jollies but he came back as someone else so I moved locations. That’s when I start whipping out the sword. That doesn’t seem to happen anymore, at least not as much.
  4. 3DX polls do not have a large enough sample size to represent the population from which it was sampled. If you are referring to the poll linked in this thread done here. The forum has thousands of registered users. Data is not available as to exactly how many are active. Still, 53 poll participants doesn’t make a representative sample. IF that’s what you are referring to.
  5. I think that when the old baiting game happens, all involved will likely be penalized. So it’s basically shooting yourself in the foot. Because it’s not quite looking the way ya think.
  6. Careful my memory is not long. Specially if I’ve been in le wine.
  7. ^Only in real life, Rob, only in real life. I’m like a serial pixel killer. But it’s only in vengeance.
  8. I just murder them with my sword. But these arguments are very interesting and purposeful.
  9. You lost me at repressed homosexuality. The alpha/beta business was satire based on the audacity of a man daring to judge a woman based on her sexual desires when he’d be considered a lothario or what ever the current term is for a man sowing his oats. There is nothing in that last point that indicates male feminism. Men cannot be feminist. They can be supporters and allies but they cannot be feminist which is an outdated term in my opinion.
  10. I didn’t read all of the pages. I am not shocked by people using Pandora. It seems extreme to me. It’s my opinion and like an asshole, I have one. I do not disagree with the presented solution because it allows an opt-in. The person can choose to opt-in, if not the person sending the request could base their interaction on that. So if I’m in a sex room looking for the magical BBC, I could decline, cause I’m just here to get dicked down. No need to share details. Forgive my vivid language, I like creating a picture.
  11. Inspired by mega thotism and why men think their opinions matter. You forgot points for dick pics. The need to constantly have the male ego stroked. The need to always feel Masculine, lest your fragility shows. Let’s see... on a scale of masculine to toxic masculinity where do the men of 3DX fit? I’m too lazy at the moment to do a fancy chart but here is the hierarchy: 1. Toxic Masculinity..,. These bears have issue with a woman having control of her own body. I mean, it should only be for him amiright? He needs constant reassurance and don’t look at another man... oh noes.. It means that you now have the extra task of ensuring him that his dick size is adequate. You may express this verbally but he needs you on your knees in a subservient position. Ahhh. 2. Alpha Masculinity... He’s strong and important. He likes his woman to be there at his beck and call, He might even do the wifey test. The one where he does asinine shit to see if she remains loyal and dutiful. Cause he’s a man, an alpha in all of his glory. On your knees pet, get ready for me. My dick may be average, but you suck it like it’s gotdamn diamonds encoated in platinum. Now, I might last a just minute but just think, for one whole minute you got to suck on male royalty. 3. In Betweener... He realizes that his counterparts are mere assholes, so he seems to not make the same mistakes... BUT, he is still a man and as such entitled to some pussy. I mean, most women prefer alphas who treat them like trash. So being in between puts him in the position to keep her around longer. To manipulate her into thinking he’s a good guy when all he ever wanted to be was an alpha... Poor Tink 4. The good guy in touch with his feminine side... He’s the buddy, who secretly hates women because he feels overlooked. Overlooked and entitled, He doesn’t want to be 1-3 because he’s convinced himself that he’s good, He’s kind and important, He gets women. He really gets us. He waits silently for that moment where we are most vulnerable, See1-3. Then he strikes and dammit! We should be so lucky. He’s here to save our damaged and over used bodies. Never mind that he’s done this enough to be damaged and used... Naw, that’s different... /Cam sees her way out with a heavy side-eye.
  12. I thought this was going to be a game where I could find the Giz hidden in a picture.
  13. They did do something. They implemented a charge which only served to line their pockets. They didn’t give a crap about preventing the presented issues. They monetized them. That’s the funny thing people celebrated this. It was supposed to eliminate the issue of mind fuckers. Looks like it is just as big of an issue as it’s always been. Serious question, how many changes that impact role players are to be made to prevent people from getting their feelings hurt? Let’s say, they go with color coding name plates, what’s next? I don’t think anyone will be happy until it’s one alt per account, which will only happen one way. That is if they see more money in new accounts. If they do that I suggest that they add more virtual partners to test with. Yes furries are weird but I try not to kink shame. If a my little pony approaches me, I walk away. I think your cat is safe but your comment makes me wonder if furries are an American thing. We have conventions here. I’ve been squeezed by one, and had to let them know that I value personal space . Anyway it’s a big deal here.
  14. They already do but alas, updates still lacking. I do wonder if it will hurt subs as from my experience this is the only game that allows multiple alts in this space.
  15. I’m going to admit to not reading your full post. However, I understand both sides. I’ve advocated for both but my point is, how does colored Avis not impact the privacy of a furry? Before ppl run with my example, it’s a big thing in SL, along with a lot of weird shit that I’m not into. But idc about them either way. If you want to bang the wolf hulk, that’s your business. I’m legit trying to figure out how you wouldn’t trade one witch hunt for another. Maybe the best idea is one avi per account. That eliminates the issue of alts but does not eliminate the crux of the issue presented. Your sarcasm is amusing. Any woman on this game knows what it is like to be accused of being a man. Especially in earlier years. Before user rooms and such. If my main avi is white but my alt red then that makes me a target of a witch hunt. People will say, “who is she?” Accusations will fly. I mean as I’ve saod before. I was gone a while and did not have the appropriate number of photo slots and was accused. See how that works? In all fairness, it does no good to shift one problem onto those playing the game as it is meant to be. Nor does it help a newb who is trying to form connections. The price of an alt is 10k, you can buy five and 15k xgold, I believe. I don’t buy but the point is it’s not far off from a new account. How do you manage that?
  16. What about people who just want to keep their fetishes private? Like for example, let’s say someone is into furries. However, they might not want to share that part of their experience with everyone. So they create FurryTails, an alt account. Why should that person be exposed when they aren’t adding to the problems of a few? From what I’ve seen most that like to play stupid games have more than one account. Hell they’ll even be on at the same time with each account.
  17. You had alts on the same account? You have to create a new account which many people do because it’s free. They just have to invest in making their avi look good and if you are a creator or have an in with one that costs little to nothing. Even in your link it states that you can create a few free ones. Additionally, there is no single account identifier. It’s how people cheat and steal.
  18. She offered previews for early access at a price. In her thread people were signing up because you got some in game currency and a mansion. They were supposed to preview but from the forum, couldn’t do much. I doubt those people were refunded.
  19. I agree with this. We were able to create an entire party, The Yacht Murder, Hollywood, etc. people participated because it cost us nothing. It was fun. This is why I would not want to see a charge for name and gender changes. If there has to be a small one, 300 XG. That is provided that everything on your account stays the same. If there’s a question of the unknown in your friends list, check their gifts. The only issue I see besides people abusing it, is losing your name if you change it. Some people will take your original even if you planned changing it back.
  20. I’ve been asked. Or if rejecting someone that whole thing thrown in my face as an insult. I was even told that my MCM, profile pics cast doubt upon me because they were men. Celebrity men whom I wanted to saddle but in any case... I found that I was being pressured due to paranoia and the so called “rumor” was likely spread by him to pressure me. Even went so far as to ask me questions about my cycle to glean if my answers were authentic. He still knows nothing of me. Those that do are those it took me a long time to reveal myself to. This world is full of pervs and you need to be safe and protect yourself. After that terrible ordeal, if asked, they can fuck off. I used to be put off by women playing as men but now I wonder if as a woman she might fuck me better. I dunno.
  21. You know what’s disappointing? BBCs. I go to a room and there are no BBCs. I’m going to need verification henceforth.
  22. Michael Bae Jordan can have all of me. Yes, many women say this but... I’m just saying. Alla me.

  23. Michael Bae Jordan can have all of me. Yes, many women say this but... I’m just saying. Alla me.

  24. I wish I could like this more than once.
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