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Everything posted by Nicci

  1. Nicci

    Say Hello!

    Hello Newcummers, beware of Zombies and Midgets
  2. Yep, what RobT said you are already on 2.0 but don't listen to Rob he is a goof And Welcome to 3DX !!!!
  3. The first online sex game I tried was Thrixx chatroulette they had multiple poses for BDSM and a BDSM room you could use and a paddle for spanking racks and tables to be secured to the graphics are not as good as here but they put way more effort into the poses and clothes / body options there. If the Dev's wanted to they could do the same here..... Just doesn't seem like they want to, which is sad
  4. I will just say this.... sorry i wont be there but I'm sure it will be great
  5. try going here and contact bmt they can help with that i'm sure https://secure.bmtmicro.com/customers
  6. I'm a little new to the pic contest never entered a pic or anything but why have Judges at all, why not just pick the winner with the most likes, now i know some here have more friends than others to vote for their pics but at least every vote would count then and it would be the forum community picking the winner not a panel of Judges. Maybe that wouldn't work just throwin it out there
  7. Most user rooms are created to Dance or fuck, and while you can do both in your room the Creativity and thoughtfulness shows through love the concept and the adventure of walking though your room. you have created something unique and i applaud you Great Job !!!!
  8. Aeshya, you can consider me one of those people who would be thrilled you know you as a friend, I have met many here who identify themselves as either TG, TS and several are among my very good friends. Those who hate will hate regardless, don't let it effect you. There are plenty of people here who will except you for for just who you are
  9. I have seen many user room clubs with titles such as Gay / bi and others more descriptive in the title you can also put n your profile what or who you are interested in that helps a lot too
  10. if gifting this to a friend all they need to do is enter their email address and the activation code correct. ? will your info show up anywhere ?
  11. It's been about a month and I haven't written anything here mostly because things have been fairly good lately, until now.The past has come back to haunt me yet again. My Ex in the game ( I will not use names) did some really awful things to me towards the end of our relationship, told other people some deeply personal and privately painful things that I had confided in her about and had those people use these things to try to hurt me all the while blaming others for the harassment that was occurring.( not the first time she has played sick games with people here I have learned) then she just disappeared... POOF gone. which was a blessing in more ways than one, peace was made and the harassment stopped. Something else wonderful happened but that is another story So months go by and low and behold there she is, new name new face exact same profile. Ran from me whenever i entered the same room, I never pursued her or tried to make her talk to me, I just let her be. but she can't seem to let things be, she has started to insinuate herself into my friends lives ( even ones she hated ) without telling them who she is / was and wasn't really responsive to those friends who knew who she was. Until now I will admit I have difficulty some times making friends, I am often Guarded and closed off. partly that is just how I am and partly because of things that have happened here. There is one person that I consider to be my closest friend in the game, it is / was a true friendship, no sex involved just wonderful company and fun times and talks. Her private life here has always been her own I have never stuck my nose in it, so to speak , other than to be there for her when things aren't going well and when they are going very well. this friend approached my ex to ask her why he had been hanging on the periphery of our group for a few nights and my ex told her it wasn't intentional and she would keep her distance. ( bullshit )( cough ) Now just the other day my friend,yes the one I wrote about above tells me that my ex asked her to be her Domme, something something sad and lonely my friend asked if it was ok with me, which it was not and is not, I know that may be very wrong on my part but it just isn't ok.. and it did hurt that my friend thought it would be ok. There are 500 + people here she can fuck yet she keeps trying to get with my friends when she knows how it would make me feel. It has fractured my friendship with one of ( I thought ) the truly good people here and a very very dear friend. very sad and discouraged again ......
  12. I honestly could care less if someone, male or female accepts gifts for sex. but this line in the initial post is just stupid " It is an acknowledged fact in the game that women with more gifts are harder so get to bed" Women with a lot of gifts have either been here for a long time playing or have a lot of friends who love them and gift often, maybe that person with 200+ gifts also sends a lot of gifts so receives a bunch back in response. there are much more important things to discuss ........
  13. Love, real Love has very little to do with sex, it never has. Even the love you find here has little to do with sex.an open relationship or exclusive it doesn't matter, you may say that real love is impossible here and maybe it is, but the bond of love and caring for someone isn't about the sex. some are here just to live out fantasy some just to get off. Others really do look for connection beyond the sex, if you keep in mind that this is a "game" and the sex is not and can not be real then love is truly possible
  14. total bad ass 16 year old girl shredding this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whCJqQrOk2g
  15. I very seldom venture into world chat, on the rare occasions I do I often hear people having fun with friends as much as i hear drama or arguments. As I said I rarely ever post in world but would hate to see it go for the people who enjoy it
  16. Ok so patch 358 happened today with 2 new poses both M/F.When are the Dev's going to start listening to the females here and add some more F/F and F/F/F poses ?
  17. I have met many very cool people here and made some very dear friends , whom I love very much. I have also had some pretty bad experiences and bad relationships, and have found myself jaded by them. I find it harder and harder to let people in to my life here (not my real life but my game life) People I don't yet know will start conversations with me and most of the time I just have no interest in taking to them or getting to know them. I used to very much enjoy meeting and getting to know new friends, but I find my trust in people lacking and my circle of friends slowly shrinking Been in this funk for several months and it is starting to bother me, maybe I'll be able to finally be able to punch my way out of this paper bag after putting these thoughts on paper(so to speak) maybe not this may not really be a diary just some random thoughts but i may write more in time
  18. Thank you all for your replies, My friend still doesn't know what caused her room to disappear but she has started to rebuild. I truly appreciate all your thoughts and suggestions
  19. do you think redownloading the DLL and installing it will restore the room ?
  20. My friend has spent hours and hours creating her user room and when she logged on today most of it was gone only a few items of furniture were left floting in the air does anyone have any clue why this happened or if and or how she can get it back without having to start over ???? PLEASE HELP !!!!
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