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Everything posted by Nicci

  1. 🙃

    set free.jpg

    1. Sage Stoner

      Sage Stoner

      Why are you so mean to me? 

    2. Nicci


      because you like it

  2. 😘

    rub the belly.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nicci


      Still recovering from the virus feeling much better now starting back to work on Saturday 

    3. Takisa


      (( why do you always get all the bad stuff , I am glad that you are recovering, at the same time I am sad, life is not fair to you

    4. Nicci


      😘😀yeah I have had a rough few years but I keep smiling and keep moving forward. It helps that I have friends like you 😽

      love you 

  3. one of my favorite pics 🤗


    1. Sage Stoner

      Sage Stoner

      You and me, as the Eye of Sauron watches us. 

  4. This “game” literally costs players pennies a day, less if you buy the Christmas special PENNIES!!! yes the server crashes often, it happens to me all the time. Yes the game being down for days is terrible, but you get compensated for it with free fake money to by drinks and gifts with and they add the lost days back instead of sitting on the fucking forum bitching why not just find something else to do for a few days play another game if that is your thing, go ride a bike, go protest something, go outside for a while for Zeus’s sake It’s not the end of the fucking world if you can’t do the # 22 dance while others annoy you by bunny hopping all over the place for what amounts to in the grand scheme of things only a few waisted hours of your life get a grip people P.S. I MISS YOU LauraLee ok and Guin too
  5. ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️)


    1. Nique


      lovely set of cocunuts

  6. thoughts


    1. Sage Stoner

      Sage Stoner

      Or Matt Damon after hormone therapy.

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