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  1. Hello 3dx chat community This is my first post here, i hope you are all doing great So how do i link / make URL for my spotify list and put it in the radio cuz when i tried to copy and paste the spotify list as these screenshots and played it through the radio... i don't hear anything... so any advice please how to make it?
  2. Stream with Shoutcast Server and WinAmp DSP Plugin 1.) The Stream Hosting Server Rent a Stream Hosting Server! In our example we do this with HMC Hosting Member Center and a Server. This Server is with 10$ monthly very cheap and have a good quality *Look at the end for a cheaper alternate After your order you get the Login datas via Email... 2.) Configuration of the Server Now you should have the Login datas of HMC via Email Go to the Link in the Email and Login in Centova Cast Now you should be in the backend of your Centova Cast stream server. On the left side you see some configuration button: Press the Quick Links Button! Now you are in the Quick Links page and on top you should see your streaming server index page: For example: (link is fictional) Copy this link and save it in a Note or same thing. This link have two parts, the first part is the IP to the server and the second part after the : is the selected Port. Later is this the Link for your Radio in your Home in 3DXchat 3.) Configuration of WinAmp and DSP Shoutcast Plugin WinAmp: Download and install latest Version here Shoutcast DSP Plugin: Download and install latest Version here When you open now WinAmp should open in the same time the Shoutcast DSP Plugin didn't open the Plugin from self: Go to WinAmp Options -->Preferences--> Rider "Plug -ins"--> DSP/Effect--> double-click on "SHOUTcast Source DSP v. xxx" DSP Shoutcast Plugin Now you need the saved link of your server index page! Go in the DSP Plugin to the Rider Output Rider Login--> Output Configuration Port: is the selected Port of your Server, is in your link after the : ,for example 9876 DJ / User ID: let it free (is important for Shoutcast V1 Server) Password: you find it in your Email of HMC or in the Centova backend You can view all the datas in your Cantova backend! Rider Directory: Here is for your fantasy the way free That are only infos for your Stream Index Page... The stream should be not Public or your stream is listed in the Shoutcast Network as Radio station, then you need a Radio stream License Rider Encoder: Encoder Type: MP3 Encoder Encoder Settings: Your server stream bandwidth, 44100Hz, Stereo Rider Titles, Artwork & Logs You can change the Settings but isn't important for your private stream When you have all the Settings, press Connect and you should see in Status the streamed Data! Now you can set a own Playlist with WinAmp and stream this to your Server. 4.) Push your Stream in your 3DXChat Home Copy the saved link of Step 1 and Paste it in your Radio --> My Stream --> Enter stream link field Done The Software for Stream is not matter, the way for stream is in the most programs similar! In VirtualDJ or Traktor2 is it a bit easier but this programs are not for free I hope it was somewhat understandable, my english is not the best, sorry! * There is no guarantee for trouble-free cooperate between linked stream host providers and 3DXChat!
  3. (broken?) ENGLISH VERSION: Many of us created rooms but are unable (or just don't want) to DJ their tunes and are not satisfied with what the game propose as music streams... Here is a simply way to find and broadcast radios from the internet into the game: - Go to https://www.internet-radio.com/ -Here you can choose the musical genre you wish (using the search bar) and listen to each of them directly by pressing the play button -when your choice is made, simply download the m3u list of the radio you like, then open it with Windows Media Player (or foobar, winamp...) -On Windows Media Player, right click on the radio (or song) name in the playlist and go to "Properties" -The opening window shows you the media infos and the URL of the webradio (at the end of the list), simply copy it -Back into the game, simply paste it on"set stream URL" in your radioplayer -Enjoy Hope this thread is clear enough as english is not my first language and will help some of you. _____________________________________________________________________________ VERSION FRANCAISE: Beaucoup d'entre-nous ont créé des rooms mais ne peuvent (ou ne veulent pas) être les DJs de leurs musiques sans pour autant être satisfaits des radios disponibles dans le jeu Voici une façon simple de trouver et diffuser des radios déjà disponibles sur internet directement dans le jeu: -aller à https://www.internet-radio.com/ -sur ce site, vous pouvez faire par genre (en utilisant "search bar") de toutes les radios disponibles et en faire une pré-écoute directement en cliquant sur le bouton de lecture -une fois votre choix fait, téléchargez le m3u de la radio en question et ouvrez-le avec le Lecteur Windows Media (ou Winamp, Foobar...) -Dans Windows Media, faites un click droit sur le nom de la radio (ou de la chanson diffusée) dans la playlist et allez dans "Propriétés" -Une fenêtre va s'ouvrir avec, à la fin, l'URL de la webradio, copiez-la, -De retour dans le jeu, copiez simplement l'adresse sur "set stream URL" et appuyez sur Play dans votre lecteur radio -Enjoy J'espère que ceci sera utile à certains...
  4. SFL Internet Radio (browser link) : https://zeno.fm/sfl_internet_radio/ SFL Website : https://willy34blv.wixsite.com/sudiofantasylabel Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/studiofantasylabel SFL Internet Radio stream (to copy/paste in 3DX radio system) : http://stream.zeno.fm/q6rw976bwp8uv FOLLOW US ! Done by passion, made for music
  5. Please write to me people like the music broadcast on a human by Russian and then I broke my head. With the English like me I just can not understand Th write and parse can not. I would be very grateful to this man!!! At least briefly. If not difficult...
  6. CLUB AUSSIE BEATS ƬHƐ AUSSIƐ ƤRIƝƇƐSS, ƤLAƳIƝƓ ƬHƐ ƬUƝƐS ƳOU LOƲƐ ƬO HƐAR SATURDAY!!! ƐARƓASM ƜƖƬӇ Live DJ ƤRIƝƇƐSS SAƤHƳ Own mix of Rock & Pop from down under Guest Dances's Galaxxxy Club Time Zone Times: 11:00 am CET 8:00pm AEST 10:00 am GMT 6:00 am EST 7:00 am BRT 1:00pm MSK
  7. OfιcιαƖ Oρєηιηg σf Aυѕѕιє Ɓєαт'ѕ Sαтυяɗαу 30 Ɲσνємвєя 2019 αт 9:00ρм AƐSƬ ( 6:00αм ƐSƬ , 8:00αм ƁRƬ, 11:00αм GMT, 12:00ησση ƇƐƬ, 2:00ρм MSƘ, ) ஜPrıncess Sαphчஜ Plαчıng the ♫Songs♫ from the 80's to Noɯ!!
  8. Hello, I have a big issue since i'm back on 3dxchat, private radio no longer working. By the way preconfigured one are working great. What I have missing ? Does 3dxchat team block private stream now ?
  9. Hello, I have a big issue since i'm back on 3dxchat, private radio no longer working. By the way preconfigured one are working great. What I have missing ? Does 3dxchat team block private stream now ?
  10. Hey all, I think is a good time and Idea for a Radio stream link topic The Virtual DJ Community would be happy when you listen her Radio Channels in your Home! Clubzone: Club House/Dance, EDM, Chart... http://virtualdjradio.com:8000/ The Grind: Urban, HipHop, Reggaeton, StreetStyle... http://virtualdjradio.com:7000/ Hypnotica: Tech/Deep/Classic, Progressive, Trance... http://virtualdjradio.com:8500/ Powerbase: DubStep, D&B, Moombathon, Dutch, Electro... http://virtualdjradio.com:7500/ I hope that's useful for all without interest for a own stream server! Maybe get this topic to a bic collection of creat stream and internet Radio stations
  11. ☢ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ɛяυρтιση ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ☢ Saturday, November 4, 2017 10 am EST to start and going from there. DJ sets will be 1-2 hours long. Come enjoy the room you can run around in and have a little fun. Let the music take you away. The volcano might not be the only thing erupting. Listen to great music provided by the DJs. If interested in DJing just comment below and noted.
  12. Dear players, We received a lot of complaints that the music on the locations is not very good. Now you can advise good and free internet radio, which in your opinion is suitable for the game locations. Post here your suggestions, one stream URL per loaction. For example: Fresco - http://us1.internet-radio.com:8105/ Love Island - http://us1.internet-radio.com:8106/ Sin Club - http://us1.internet-radio.com:8107/ ...Thank you for your participation! Let's make 3DXChat better together PS: Want to become a DJ?
  13. Yo ! while its usually a bad idea to mix topics i will also add at the bottom of my mail an information for people encountering grey-screen crashes with nvidia cards as it drove me crazy fighting it but i found the solution. so this should be a self-contained "ps" just as source of exact information for people having the same issue in the future, without the need to comment on it. my technical issues are as follows: i cant hear any stream in default public rooms. i do hear streams in private rooms however. when i am in my appartment i cant hear the default stream (if there is any - i cant tell), but if i select manually any of the stations i can hear them all. and yes. thats shit. OK. i checked thoroughly following: - i already followed tips posted here, uninstalling the game, removing any registry settings. i moved the game now entirely on a lightning fast raid0 SDD array and while that gave general loading speed boost in crowded rooms (now near instant) it had no effect on the stream issue. i also checked if the radio.dll is present - it is. i turned the radio ingame option OFF and ON in public rooms without change. ah yes and i tried the two different login issues (US Direct, or EU) (funny enough US is faster for me and EU gives bit rubberbanding when walking but neither of the settings had any effects on the streaming issue) my bandwidth is 100Mbit i manually checked what streaming station would be theoretically used. while in the public room, i can enter it in the browser and play the station (in the browser) without any problem. it just doesnt works automatically in the room (while private room stations or even live streams by players work). i updated the flash version (of "internet explorer" which is not my default browser) as recommended in the general technic tips&tricks thread. so yes im pretty much out of ideas what could be the reason here. the stream works outside of the game. i can load it in the browser while playing. all without any bandwidth issues whatsoever. all other streams work. i already reinstalled the game 2 times and even moved its physical location to another drive. whats the issue ? possible nvidia grey screen stability fix second thing. my gaming rig is pretty much built upon e-sports standards featuring a rock stable system and 2x evga gtx 980ti sc running SLI (parallel). i used it even in competitions and never had whatsoever issues or crash. funny enough in 3dxchat i encountered a grey screen crash on the main monitor (4k Ultrawide) and while the other 3 monitors were still operational i quickly could determine that it was a partial gpu "hard lockup" and you couldnt recover the system unless a complete reboot. after all kind of research (involving replacing the ´be quiet!´ 1200Watt supply and many other things) i finally found out that one of the SLI evga cards which comes factory overclocked in its "sc" superclocked version proved to be not 100% stable in 3dxchat. After years of competitive gaming this is the first application which found that flaw. i had to underclock my gpu´s by 20Mhz on the Base Clock (through nvidia inspector) to get it fully stable in 3dxchat. it may also work by trying to over voltage it, but the stability implications on an SLI systems were not worth for me trying (especially not for 3dxchat alone which is a hm not that competitive environment xD ) - so my hint is: if you have this issue, try decrasing the base clock in -10 steps and see when it gets stable. thats not 3dxchat´s fault, but freaking interesting to find out as this system ran all kind of performance and stability tests over weeks without any issue before. so in case someone ever has a similar issue i hope he finds the thread before losing lot rl time. (the keywords on this thread help finding him/her the info quickly) br
  14. Hello ladies and gentlemen, It is with great honor that I announce I'm sharing my room with everyone. The name of the room will be called Endless Dance Sex Club. I will be streaming music to the club but I encourage any electronic, dubstep, trance, and hip hop djs to contact me so that you too can share your musical talent. If enough djs do agree to play in the club, I may keep the club open longer so that you have more fun. Below are two posters. One is for the grand opening on 3dxchat 1.0 and another is on 3dxchat 2.0. Please feel free to check out the club website by clicking here. Please make sure to also check out the rules of the club located on the FAQ page here. Want to be invited to special events at the club in the future? Make sure to sign up for my VIP list which is located on the website. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]<script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">/* */</script> Please put your name and "EDSC question" as your subject. I look forward to seeing you soon! *UPDATED* We have a 125 song mix for our grand opening on 1.0!!
  15. Hello 3DXChat Community, it seems the host this game uses for the radio system "RadioTunes" no longer allows their public domains directly anymore, this is a problem, meaning all radio stations in the radio will not work. Sadly there is not much that can be done at this time due to the developers being away on holiday until 11th. I have written to them explaining this situaiton and I do sincerely apologise for any inconvenience it may have caused. It means the game developers will need to find a new host for the radio system in rooms. For the time being, you will only be able to use custom links given by friends, or to other stations that are not linked to radiotunes or it's affiliates, this is due to a new licensing agreement. My apologies on behalf of this situation and hopefully all can be resolved in a quick manner. But for now only public zones will have music played in them. Of other streams. Including the 3DX official stream. I thought I will let you all know of this situation until it can get resolved. So basically the radios will not work in rooms. Kindest Regards Ash Updated (by Gizmo): A Letter From RadioTunes Founder http://www.radiotunes.com/founder-letter
  16. Ok this is a odd one I have been wrestling with for a while. I see others have it too but nobody has a thread on it yet (That search revealed) Whenever I have the radio enabled I get disconnected from the servers anywhere from1 minute after up to 2 hours after enabling it. Some days it is every 5 minutes. If I have to radio disabled I can party for hours in hours without a single disconnect. More that that, if I listen to streaming music outside 3DX while playing 3DX....no disconnects at all. There is something that specifically has to do with the streaming of music through 3DX that is causing my modem to loose sync and reset. Yes, the lights on the modem go from green to amber and have to resync back to green before I can get back in. extremely annoying but I am at a total loss.
  17. Hi everyone, since the last patches 207 and 208, radio is glitching then totally stop in the maps, and at home too. I noticed this problem today, i asked people, not everyone have this problem... But a lot of people play without music in the game now... Hope this bug will be fixed soon do not hesitate to report here if your game has no music... Thx
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