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Everything posted by AlexRyder

  1. This is a bug... sorta? It happens when the server is lagging and takes too long to download a user's profile. If the downloading is stuck and you have already switched between a few profiles, there may be a situation when the page which has been loading from a profile you've opened earlier will load into the currently open profile instead of the correct one. Blocking random people was a total overreaction here, lol
  2. The user id is just an md5 checksum of your login e-mail. Each user profile contains an element with the user id, so it's quite easy to figure out the chars on the same account.
  3. Can't say anything about viruses (lol), but the game needs to know the list of currently online users at any given time, so it's quite easy to get this info. Though what harm can be done by knowing if you're online or not? O_o The earliest version of the game I have is 335 and it requires your password to get the friend/ignore list. Can't say what was or was not possible before that version. I think I wrote about actions in detail here on the forums already somewhere. Some of them require confirmation or need to be executed in the correct sequence by both participants to work, but basically yes, you can send random commands to the server some of which can be executed (like make a random character walk somewhere and so on). The Pandora, I suppose, is just constantly monitoring the player's profiles and other info provided by the server, so it just tracks if a character or some other info has been deleted and marks it as that. Hacking the 3dx server would be as hard (or easy?) as hacking any other server that is there on the net. It would certainly require the skills in the field. Also, it would be a subject for all kinds of legal pursuit %) The server does not share user IPs with other clients, each client is connected to the server and only the server knows the IP. Radio streaming is a whole another matter though. It is not really a part of the game and just uses the BASS audio library to handle this stuff. So if you're streaming from your PC directly, every listener will of course have your IP. But if you're using some streaming server for that, the listeners will only get the streaming service IP.
  4. It's not possible to read other people's PMs, the server only sends those to their intended receivers, so in order to do that one would have to hack the game server and intercept messages there. It's very unlikely there is a way to read a person's friend/ignore list without knowing their login password either. Probably authentication wasn't needed in earlier versions, but it is certainly required now. Keep in mind though that when you share a game log (in case of a bug report or something), the list of your chars, your friend and ignore lists are also there, so if you just post the logs on the forum, anyone can read those.
  5. 363 ran on Unity 5.5.3p4, so maybe it's indeed an engine bug.
  6. I don't think so, 363 -> 364 was literally, like, 10 lines of code changed in total. There are of course a lot of changes that can be made to game objects in Unity which has nothing to do with code. This may actually be related to some bug in Unity (or the VR plugin), there is a number of physics related issues on Unity's site that have been reported for versions 5.5.x–5.6.x and have been fixed since (3dxChat still uses v5.5.4p1 while the most recent is 2017.1). Could not get memory for large allocation 2147483648! Also, I don't think the heap suddenly requesting additional 2Gb of memory is something normal
  7. I think 3dx client has always returned 0 memory for me on crashes )) Hmm, all crashes so far seem to have happened in PhysX, but mine were only when it got close to 3Gb memory consumption so I thought it's not the real cause. No idea what can be causing PhysX to break, there are certainly no changes in code that are in any way related to physics, or anything that could produce memory leaks (compared to 364). They may have changed some shaders which can also lead to leaks and crashes if there are bugs in them, but I doubt they would crash PhysX. Can be Unity bug (there is a number of them related to PhysX), but Unity's version hasn't changed since 364.
  8. This is the weird way of Unity showing it ran out of memory (it's a 32 bit exe so it can only use about 3Gb). I also seem to have crashes every now and then, but I can't be sure if it's my stuff or the client itself. There seems to be some not-persistent memory leak which I can't pinpoint, and I think it gets worse when the server is acting laggy and causes timeout errors, but that may be a coincidence. Hard to tell without an access to the profiler.
  9. In your logs you have: The file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/3DXChat2.5/3DXChat_Data/resources.assets' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] This indicates there is some discrepancy in the serialization layout (i.e. your serialized file doesn't match the code class layout), meaning either some of your game files are broken, or you're using an incorrect patched .dll (older version?). This kind of error may lead to undefined behavior since Unity fails to deserialize some objects. May also cause memory leaks, which seems to be the cause of your crash ("Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!").
  10. Probably because Alex seems to be stuck in the permanent WiP state, lol
  11. 3dxchat.exe gets replaced with updates, so you setting will probably be reset with every patch. But you can create a batch file to run 3dx and set its properties to always run as admin
  12. The patcher is run by the game executable, so you need to run the game with admin rights for that.
  13. Any writing activity inside Windows's system or program folder requires elevated rights since Windows 7. Changing the default installation path to something like "C:\Games\" may fix the issue for some users, but that really depends on their local configurations. You can try starting the patcher process with elevated prompt by letting the OS handle the execution: ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("Patcher.exe") { UseShellExecute = true, Verb = "runas" }; try { Process.Start(processStartInfo); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { if (ex.NativeErrorCode == 1223) { // The user has canceled the UAC request // Show some error message window here } else { throw; } }Though it may fail to elevate rights if the user has the UAC off. It is also possible to check if the user has admin rights in advance like this: WindowsPrincipal windowsPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()); bool isAdmin = windowsPrincipal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator); Maybe also check the Windows version: if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6) — no need to elevate anything. Not sure if the game will even start on XP though
  14. I mostly meant in comparison I have a powerful desktop and a pretty laggy laptop, the bug almost never happens on the desktop, but occurs on the laptop every now and then.
  15. I *think* it may be related to the Unity's UI event processing system — sometimes when you do a bunch of stuff simultaneously (or quickly in a row), like pressing a few buttons with modifiers ([Ctrl], [Alt], [shift]) while clicking the mouse or loosing the window focus at the same time, the internal event processor gets confused and an event gets "stuck" (like the system may be thinking the user is still holding a [Ctrl] or an [Alt] key). Spamming the [Enter] key just "pushes" that stuck event through the execution chain until it hits a combination which resets the state. A similar bug sometimes happens in Windows when you have a keyboard layout change set to [Alt]+[shift], and the [Alt] key may get "stuck" causing the window menu popup instead of the layout change. Can also be a conflict between the EventSystem's states setting order (Selected, Focused, etc.). The fact that this bug happens more often on less powerful machines with lower frame rates may be speaking for this theory. The point is, it probably happens when the user does stuff faster than the engine can process it But I haven't really investigated it
  16. Changing chat messages count is a matter of changing a single number in the code Also, it has nothing to do with the server after the message has been received, though it may affect the UI performance if there are too many messages in the chat window (Unity's UI is not very fast when it needs to process a lot of text messages. It may probably get better if Unity's text is replaced with TextMeshPro), I've been told that the UI starts to get laggy when there are about 500 or more messages in the window, but it also depends on the computer's power. Creating a chat logger may be pretty simple or pretty complicated — depending on how one decides to implement it
  17. The simple/high quality water setting is applied when the scene is loaded, so it won't do anything until you reload the room. As for the other settings, yes, most of them are applied on-the-fly.
  18. Never ever had to clear the registry settings for 3dxChat or reinstall the game to fix a problem (and my game doesn't really have an easy living XD). Registry just stores a few in-game settings, so they don't really have anything to do with patches or updates, no need to reset that unless you just want to reset the settings to defaults. 3dxChat is a generic-built Unity game, it doesn't even care about being properly installed or anything, you can install as many same or different versions of the game as many times as you like and they will work just fine, just install every copy into a different folder. The only thing they will share is the user settings. You can also copy, move or delete those copies as you need to. So, you can just download the 363 installer, install it into a different folder (if you want to keep the previous version) and don't mess with the buggy patcher. As for the patcher itself, it's a pretty old bin-diff patching system from Unity's Asset store that has been abandoned by the author a long while ago due to a lot of bugs and no time to fix them. So, it's probably not very reliable
  19. Oh, and the guys leather jacket's shirt still can't be colored (seems like there is no appropriate property in the shader for second color).
  20. In class orgasmMeter in method runCumshotAction() instead of: if (login.sex == "f") { nodejs.SendRoom("~action/squirt|" + login.login); } else { nodejs.SendRoom("~action/cumshot|" + login.login + "|" + login.reciever + "|"); } should be: if (login.sex == "f") { nodejs.SendRoom("~action/squirt|" + login.login + "|" + login.reciever + "|"); } else { nodejs.SendRoom("~action/cumshot|" + login.login + "|" + login.reciever + "|"); }
  21. AlexRyder

    Thank you all

    I have no idea what this all is about, but why not just tell those people to fuck off and carry on? And block them and their e-mail addresses and what else?
  22. You can use all of the Unity's Rich Text tags in the profile: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StyledText.html
  23. Maybe it was possible to see other people's friend/ignore lists in the past, I don't know, but right now the user's password is required to access those lists. It is always possible that the chat messages are being logged by the server, but that seems highly unlikely to me.
  24. Judging from the friend/ignore list formats, I'd say they're stored in the database as plain text, so it's most likely they're not updated when a user entry is removed. Probably there is a maintenance routine that is run regularly or manually to clean up all the orphaned data, or something like that.
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