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Everything posted by Leopardus

  1. That video brings back great memories of the good old days and brilliant nights with friends in the 3dx night club. In many ways, despite the new features and functions that have been added since, it feels that was the 3dx heyday. And yes, please bring back the pumpkins with spooky effects!!!
  2. I'm very pleased you find a resolution and thanks for updating the forum for the benefit of others. Where there's a will, there's a way!!
  3. Interesting, so it is something else then. It kinda suggests 3DX isn't the problem, if the system is telling it you can only choose from one resolution. It does look more like a Windows/Graphics Card/screen driver issue. Maybe reinstall the latest drivers for your screen?
  4. Hi AllyLove, I have a suspicion you may need to do a clean install of Win10, as Chloe suggests, because I think your 3DXCHAT is probably looking at the WIN7 Registry file, or similar. It would be interesting to see if your Registry file is being updated when you change the Resolution settings in 3dx. The following thread describes how to check and set the UI Scale directly in the Registry, but one of the other keys will be for the Resolution. I suggest you look at the value you have for the Resolution in the 3dxchat section of the Registry, then close the Registry, change the resolution setting in the game, then open the Registry and see if the value has changed. If the Registry value didn't change you could you could try to see if a workaround works for now by setting it manually. The value required will relate to the position in the Game settings Resolution menu dropdown that relates to the setting you want. The first resolution option in the game settings dropdown would require a value in the Registry of '0'. The second resolution option in the game setting dropdown would require a value in the Registry of '1'...and so on.
  5. Yeah, I think that was more in due to the instability suffered over the preceding days. ColinDude's server status website gives historical details on all the outages here: https://3dxchat-status.com/outages And other statistical analysis here: https://3dxchat-status.com/statistics
  6. That announcement from Gizmo was about 24 hours earlier and the servers were back online 50 minutes later, so not relevant to KatiaSlut's problem.
  7. There are tools already publically available that can track the path from your own computer to a target site...all the hops and response times encountered, or blocked, etc and some even show it graphically on maps. They are called internet root tracking/tracing tools.
  8. Yeah, there is definately an underlying issue that needs to be fixed permanently. I have the impression that under the new server architecture that they built, sometimes the communication between authentication server and game server does not work well (maybe it is responding too slowly and timing out - I'm talking milliseconds here) even though both servers are up and running. Many people have reported these same symptoms you described at different times since the new servers were released, and it really needs to be examined and fixed.
  9. Good grief. Are you going to complain when they don't communicate AND when they do? It isn't a very smart idea to criticise and mock what was communicated if you want to encourage more communication. Sure, they don't deserve any award yet for 'Excellence in Communication", but neither will they if people treat them like you did. It is your kind of comment that has driven Gizmo and Lisa away from these forums. In fact, you were more effective at encouraging more communication while you were sleeping! One other point, can you see the irony of what you wrote in that message immediately after you posted a message in which you admitted you didn't realise the servers were back up again?
  10. Um...you don't have to. 3dx shouldn't have that much control over you. Some things they leave to free choice.
  11. It is worth re-trying now. The servers have been restarted after crashing completely.
  12. It's been up every time I've tried going in. (smutty laugh at my double-entendre).
  13. As long as it doesn't all lead to friction burns....
  14. Woohoo...looks like it's back already. It's a sea of green... https://3dxchat-status.com
  15. To throw a tiny bit of sunlight on this otherwise serious weather depression...it isn't a holiday weekend in the UK, and I think that is where Gizmo is based, and Lisa is somewhere in Europe (I think).
  16. A frayed knot. But I visit it so often now, I have saved it as a favourite lol.
  17. That webpage was kindly created by a user and one of our community @ColinDude. He has been actively improving it on a regular basis. Follow this thread to find out more...
  18. @ColinDude I really like the text box narratives you have added on the server status page. Really useful. Seeing those really that makes me think how SexGameDevil should be providing and maintaining exactly what you have created. I want to say thank you again for your commitment to the user community and sincerely hope you are not disrupting your life unduly on all of our behalfs to provide a service that SGD should be providing.
  19. I think it means... It is sea salt solution... simple iguanas, I play solo with my "miran"(? but possibly means dick) and my many rotten teeth. I am bad.
  20. Fingers crossed it's just a server reboot to flush out the intermittent issues. But probably not...
  21. You mean...the gorgeous Eva isn't real?
  22. Alerting @Gizmo or @Lisa to the sudden spike of threads and messages on the forums talking about login issues and disconnects, in case there is a server that needs kicking somewhere.
  23. @ColinDude Hi Colin, not sure if you are around but the forum has seen a few threads and messages in a short time about disconnects and login problems. Your server status site doesn't look like anything is wrong, so maybe there is an issue your site isn't detecting???
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