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3DXChat Community

Sage Stoner

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Everything posted by Sage Stoner

  1. I really think that more than anything else, this game needs more flexible chat functionality, including: 1. Group chat, where you can add people to share a chat tab (must include a list that shows everyone sharing the tab) 2. The ability to PM and invite from your Friend List 3. The ability to close any tab, including World and Local chat (Personally, I really don't want to see World chat when I am in my apartment, but I'm sure that there those who do.) 4. The ability to resize the chat window 5. The ability to save chat logs to text files (This really should be done automatically, but provide ability to turn off chat logs in the Settings window.) 6. The ability to set the font color for each tab as well as to use filters to specify a font color for specific attributes, such as "on friend list" or "player name."
  2. Actually, since everyone on 3DX is kind of a "fictional character," I think I'd like . . . Oh, never mind. I'm rather indifferent to Olivia Munn herself, but Sloan Sabbith on The Newsroom does sorta make me all . . . um, crazy.
  3. The point is, the rules that everyone agreed to follow say use English, so no one should have to _ask_.
  4. It is true that they are not obliged. But they are "entitled" to know what is being said. That is why I suggest that those who want to post in a language other than English should be allowed to do so. But they should also provide Google Translate version in English as a courtesy to those who would like to know what is being discussed.
  5. Riheb, Since I don't speak French I tried to used Google translate to understand your post, but Google translate is not quite good enough to provide an easy-to-understand translation of what you wrote. (Comme je ne parle pas le français, j'ai essayé de utilisé Google translate pour comprendre votre poste, mais Google translate n'est pas assez bon pour fournir une traduction facile à comprendre de ce que vous avez écrit.) On the other hand, I think that if you used Google translate to provide an English translation together with your French, then perhaps it would meet the "rules" of the forum, which I believe are intended to allow everyone to participate in all discussions. (D'autre part, je pense que si vous avez utilisé Google translate pour fournir une traduction en anglais avec le français, il serait peut répondre aux «règles» du forum, qui, je crois, sont destinés à permettre à chacun de participer à toutes les discussions.) As a professional translator myself, I personally think that it would be ideal if the Internet were a multilingual environment, not dominated by any single language. So I am sympathetic to the the use of languages other than English on the forums, especially. (Comme un traducteur professionnel moi-même, je pense personnellement que ce serait idéal si l'Internet était un environnement multilingue, pas dominé par une seule langue. Je suis donc favorable à l'utilisation de langues autres que l'anglais sur les forums, en particulier.) But from a practical point of view, there are so many languages in the world, that sometimes we must choose a common one, even though that creates a disadvantage for some people. (Mais d'un point de vue pratique, il ya tellement de langues dans le monde, que, parfois, nous devons choisir une commune, même si cela crée un désavantage pour certaines personnes.) Anyway, I would like to see more discussion of this topic and perhaps some brainstorming about how we might follow the rules but still allow people to communicate in their native language. (Quoi qu'il en soit, je voudrais voir plus de discussions sur ce sujet et peut-être un peu de remue-méninges sur la façon dont nous pourrions suivre les règles tout en permettant aux gens de communiquer dans leur langue maternelle.)
  6. That's what she says, Loki, but there are a few of us who have seen the full extent of her true abilities and know otherwise.
  7. Thanks, Gizmo. That's good to know.
  8. In the past, all the moderators made a great effort to protect not just the ladies but also genderbenders like myself against harassment from some of the less mature players, and since that kind of harassment seems to be on the upswing at this time, I hope that all players can continue to look forward to that kind of help from Support. One thing that does concern me, however, is that the Contact Support page does not include a means of attaching screenshots to complaints. I think that screenshots are an absolute requirement to ensure that false accusations are not made against unsuspecting players, and I hope that king of functionality is added to the Contact Support page soon. For the time being, I think that at the very least, there should be an explanation that complaints against players require screenshots and that URLs to screenshots that are hosted online can be placed in the text message. Thanks in advance
  9. I never said 3DX should be changed in any way, Bran. Maybe if you had asked me to clarify what I meant instead of jumping to conclusions on your own, this thread might have resulted in an interesting discussion, especially since a lot of people seem to have liked my original post and understood what I was trying to say. But it was a good lesson for me anyway. And a mistake I won't make twice.
  10. No, I did not, and I would appreciate it if whatever moderator or administrator who did change it would acknowledge this. I did not change the heading. Someone else did. As for the rest of it, I'm sorry if my intent was not well expressed. I wanted to hear other people's opinions about what I think is an interesting topic, but apparently some people feel that I was being critical or judgmental. Fine. My bad.
  11. Now I see that someone has changed the title by putting the second line in the body of the message. But that wasn't me.
  12. >Bran wrote: >It becomes so difficult to answer a thread when people go back and change their initial posts ... Not sure what this is a reference to, but I have not changed anything in my initial post. >So i consider this thread a total hiprocracy and even misleading ... Nothing misleading or hypocritical at all. I expressed my personal opinion and asked others to express theirs. It's a discussion, not a judgment. I think there are a lot of us in the community who think of this as both a sex game and a community of like-minded individuals. And I think that finding a name for it that expresses both those aspects of the game would benefit us all.
  13. Is it time to think about rebranding 3DX as an adult community? I’m not part of the development team. So the following is strictly my personal opinion. And I realize that SexGameDevil and the developers have the right to market their product as they see fit. But I would really like to see some discussion within this community about what this game is, how it should be branded, and how we want to refer to it. In a nutshell, I am hoping to get away from thinking about 3DX as a sex game and place greater emphasis on it being a community. Yes, there are a lot of people who use this game as a sex toy, and I have no issue with that per se. Everyone has their own motivations for being here, and I respect that. But in return, I wish that we could all avoid assuming that everyone is here for the same reason and show mutual respect to those with different values than our own. Like every other online game I have ever played, players come into the game at first with limited knowledge of what to expect, but as they gain experience, begin to push the envelope of the developers’ intent and start adapting the game to their own needs. Thus, even though almost all of us come to this game in anticipation of “cybering,” there are many of us who stay here long term not because of the sex but because we are able to form close friendships in a community of like-minded individuals, where people with different values show mutual respect and acceptance to one another. That is why I think that the time has come to shift our perspective away from viewing “sex” as the sole raison d'être of this game and emphasize the advantages of being part of a community of people who can enjoy relationships that include explicit expression of sexuality. I realize that not everyone will agree with me, but I hope that everyone can understand that the fact we can express sexuality in this game does not mean that sex is the only thing we come here for. And that being a member of this community is a really wonderful and valuable experience.
  14. And that differs from real-life relationships in what way, exactly? My wife and I never discuss transgender issues and she has no clue about this game or that some of my daily mood swings are related to what happens here. We've been married 26 years in real life. The reasons we got married are long forgotten, as are many of the reasons we've managed to stay together this long. We've each told the other some whopping lies in that time and share a miles-long string of little white ones, too. The reasons we're still together now have a lot more to do with things like money and comfort than with our affection for each other or how open and truthful we've been. But I'm not being cynical. I'm just saying that all these things come into play. Ironically, my experience on 3DX has shown me that you can have a bad relationship with someone who is exactly right for you, and you can also have a perfectly good relationship with someone who is exactly wrong for you. It all depends on whether you go into it with your eyes closed, hoping to find your ideal relationship, or with your eyes wide open, willing to accept your partner, warts and all. I can understand and appreciate Extreme's perspective, too, about needing all the physical sensations before being able to say honestly that you love someone. But I don't need that. The more cross over into real life, the deeper I'll fall. But even if someone says from the start that their character is total fantasy and there will be no contact at all outside the game, I will still feel deep affection for them and even fall in love, if the relationship develops that way. Damn fool, I am; but a damn lovable one.
  15. I have a better question: How do I stop falling in love with someone I've never met? The simple answer is "stop playing games." But the simple answer doesn't work for me, because this the first community I've ever found where most people are willing to be friends and lovers with both me and my transgender alter ego. And that releases a very strong stream of pent up emotions. Truth is, I let myself get attached to people way too easily, so for me the real issue is not "can you fall in love" but "how to maintain proper distance" when I catch myself falling for someone too soon. Oh course, there are some people who know me, read this, and say to themselves: Stop pretending you're not a "playa" for starters. Yeah, mea culpa on that one, I guess. Anyway, enough true confessions for one day.
  16. I agree completely with Skar, and just to add a little more information, the ideology of the original Black Panther Party went through considerable transformation during its history, and, to quote Wikipedia, "condemned black nationalism as "black racism" and became more focused on socialism without racial exclusivity." On the other hand, there is also a New Black Panther Party (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Black_Panther_Party), of which Wikipedia says "The Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights consider the New Black Panthers to be a hate group." In my opinion, it is true that the expression "Black Panther" is not necessarily racist. But it is highly politicized, especially to Americans, and perhaps best avoided in this kind of community. FWIW
  17. The perfect stranger, like a cross of myself and a fox

  18. Well, thanks to this thread, I have been scouring quotes from all my favorite authors for two days now, and I just realized that, although there are many many books that I love and many authors whom I admire, John Steinbeck's prose affects me unlike any other. Travels with Charley is hardly his best book, but it does contain some wonderful writing. Anyone who loves dogs and traveling, and who can tolerate yet another American examining his own navel is bound to enjoy this this book. When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. Four hoarse blasts of a ship's whistle still raise the hair on my neck and set my feet to tapping. The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage. In other words, once a bum always a bum. I fear this disease incurable. I set this matter down not to instruct others but to inform myself. . . . A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us.”John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America
  19. If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry David Thoreau
  20. I think this is a great idea. Both I myself and several of my friends have been trolled repeatedly, and it's a very unpleasant experience. Of course, since I have used a number of different characters myself, there might be those who will say "serves you right." But there is a difference between wanting to explore different alter egos and maliciously stalking someone. I've actually identified three different parties who were trolling me, and their motivations were each entirely different. In two of these cases, it would be fair to say that the motivation was spitefulness or the desire to play mind games, which I suppose makes it partly my own fault for having done something that upset them. One, however, was a person who actually had a crush on my character and just couldn't move on after I said I wasn't interested. In any case, there are many different motivations and probably there are some people who do things without realizing that what they were doing might be considered trolling, which makes this is an issue that I think ought to be discussed more openly and more thoroughly.
  21. intelligent self-reliant self-absorbed passionate possessive
  22. I think this thread, the "Is Cybersex Sex?" thread, the "Poly/Open Relationship" thread, and several other similar ones could be combined into one mega topic, because they all seem to share a common theme. It's funny how we all read the same words but we don't all ascribe the same meaning to them. Reading Peter's comment, my first reaction was that if all these are OK, then you really _don't_ have a committed partner, do you? But there are, of course, many valid arguments that support the idea that a relationship can be open yet committed. So in many ways, discussions like this one often come down to the issue of where each of us chose to draw our lines in the sand. Personally, in any of these situations, I ask myself how I would feel if I saw my own partner do this as well as how I think my partner would feel if she saw me do it. On 3DX, at least, the longevity of many "committed" relationships might very well come down to how accurately you can assess both your own and your partner's feelings about these things.
  23. Maybe you should tell Jack that he doesn't need pick up lines to get your attention anymore.
  24. No. We just delete every time you post it to see if you will post it again.
  25. Jack, you told us that dream twice already. Or did you forget? lmao
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