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Posts posted by Xandisweet

  1. Oi, my head hurts. Can only hope the negativity will stop and the baiting comes to an end. I need to make some tacos and reflect on the past week. In my rl I've been doing good, being there for a friend in need, teaching my children the value of selflessness. I come here to fight a battle that isn't mine to fight. Sometimes it's fun, others it just feels like a waste of time... this is one of those times. I say if that's how y'all want to spend your life, full of hate, then go for it. I'd question morality, but really in a sex game forum morality was out the door at sign up. xD

    Time for coffee and to get started on a new day. Hope everyone has a good one!


  2. they dont like using messangers because people will ask them to voice and then wonder why a female sounds like barry white

    Ok sorry but this made me laugh, because it's happened to me. Before I'd come to 3dx I was in another game where I had a friend who would depend on me for support through her many problems in life. She had asked for my email to send pictures of herself because she wanted me to know who she was. The email signature was not erased and it said "Ronald *****". Which led to an investigation from myself and others.. (I was new to virtual worlds and what I would like to think of as innocent) in the end I found who the person was and found out that EVERYTHING that was said was a lie. I spent a lot of time as this person's friend and supported them in times of need only to find out it was all bullshit.


    After joining 3dx was when I became more comfortable with using discord, voice chat or video chat. I have nothing to hide which is why, besides my laziness, I dont change my name in the forums. Anyway, was in voice with a few of my friends and someone came in who had been portraying a female char since we'd known them... the voice that came out was Male... BUT this person then went on to start transitioning. Which I'm proud of them for. My point is, there is a reason it's a constant accusation, whether it's correct or not. I'm not saying you have to accept it, but it is to be expected. Not your fault and not your responsibility to prove otherwise. Heck even a few times that I joined in saying they were jealous because my dick is bigger.

  3. *shrugs* Take care everyone and have a wonderful day/night. Hugs to V and Brandi, gratz on your marriage I've been absent from 3dx due to rl taking up more of my time, if you ever see Princey online give him hugs and kisses. (Lol just thinking how he would react if V gave him kisses xD) mwah!

  4. I think it depends on the thread a lot. Lets take the update thread for example we have seen that taken over a number of times by people posting completely of topic things, and arguing with each other. Half the post in it might be of that nature, and maybe even more. If it was up to me I think anyone who starts arguing in the update thread should have their posts deleted, and receive at least a temporary ban. Its wasting both the devs time, and the time of people who want to read that thread for updates.

    Even though I'm included in this I agree.

  5. Definitely, but I wonder if it'd be easier or the same amount of effort elsewhere, I can understand wanting to have everything in one place minus having to moderate several sites or platforms, but with the spread out of users as it is based on what they are familiar with ae the forums, telly, or Twitter seems like a better way. But only the devs truly know what course of action would be more efficient for them.

  6. Idk Mar, I think if this is what their life's mission is then we should let them. Dont let your dreams be dreams internet bullies! Ban! Ban! Ban! Come on y'all say it with me! Burn your bras or boxers! It's not worth it. They'll continue until they are banned like similar cases in the past. Not even worth your time or energy. We stood up for what's right now all we gotta do is sit back and watch them dig their own graves.

  7. I only insult when I've been insulted. If I'm not then I come out with a fair rebuttle to the assault. Fire with fire, glitches. Actions have consequences. I'm adult enough to accept that. Someone edited their rude ass baited post in my diary in the attempt to say they did it by accident... let's just say oops I didnt know this was a forum full of children, better edit everything so my "goody two shoes" image isnt compromised. I'm outta this playground. If you're real, odds are you have a way to reach me if you need me. Hugs to the people who love me and one finger salutes to those who cant look past their own nose.

  8. you are unblocked for this comment psycho.


    I have not visited your diary or commented in your diary except once by accident, yet you feel compelled to visit mine, where I have never mentioned you, not one single time, never, and attack me here. Are you that insane where you do not see the problem there? All you have done is widen my scope to also have you permanently banned from forums as well. I have no idea where your little group gets this bullshit attitude where you seem to believe you all control forums and this is your own personal playground that you rule over, that is coming to an end and you all just secured that. thank you.

    You would never insult someone.... yes I'm psycho, but atleast I'm not a liar, manipulator, fake, two faced, or dilusional. Go ahead and get us banned. You and your cult of queens can suck my nonexistent dick.

  9. Fucking liar. You may say you havent done any of that but guess what, you have done everything you pretend to stand against and then some. If you dont want to admit it that's fine, but each time you violate

    I will toss it in your face. You are not better than anyone that you complain about, you are far worse... because while we stand guard against bully bullshit, you just stand there hiding under a mask pretending to be a good person when in reality you're just a keyboard warrior who spends his or her time falsifying being a victim. Get over yourself, please. How can someone so fake have any friends? Fake attracts fake?

  10. Anyway. Have fun hating, I'm gonna go do rl stuff, cuz well... my rl is pretty fucking great. Which goes against your accusation that our lives suck.


    Quick edit before I go: I'm just standing up to bullies who cant accept what they are. Hate it as you may, but if I see a group of people going after one person you best believe my ass will be right there saying or doing something about it.

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