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    Men, women, futas, groups, and most of all my cherished friends

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  1. I can't use Windows anymore...

  2. Keeping in Touch

  3. Not in the game anymore, but you can contact me here! :)

  4. I am ill. Will be back when feeling better.

  5. On vacation from the 21st of July to the 5th of August!

  6. Happy and relax!

  7. I'm back in the game ! :)

  8. Should be back in the game late June

  9. Should be back in 3D around the 21st

  10. My dear Saya, dear Yowan, Saya, the question you express is definitely very relevant. It seems to me it has to come with a second question : why do we stay in the game? (when we stay...). As the motivation for coming in 3DXchat can br different with the motivation we get to stay in it. I remember vividly someting that DEElicious (my sweet Cupido) told me one day: "You come for sex, you stay for friends". In my case, there is a lot of truth in that assumption. I think I came in 3D to experience something new (a virtual world) and to experience a complete freedom in sex and relationships. There is no AIDS in 3D, and I was expecting a complete freedom, swingers who pass on the flame of love and lust, without jalousy or exclusivity (I quickly realised it was rarely the case on that point, many people people bringing in the games some rl disavantadges such as weddings, mockery or jalousy). But virtual sex can be boring after some time, and the flame and inspiration for a good descriptive chat is not always there (in my case, it's much more difficult in English, as my muse always inspire me in French, even if English for me is not a problem when it's just about talking). Then if I stayed in the game for many months without getting bored, if I come back in a couple of weeks, it is mainly because of the people I love there, at least those who are still around. Those friendships are a bit strange, half real, and half virtual, and maybe they will not end for a very long time, as you think. But I think I will always remember my pets from the game, and among them MalissiaLawson. This makes a connection with what Yowan is saying. Saya expresses the rational side of it, Yowan the positive (and probably wise) side. Maybe I will never chat again with Malissia (who is not using the forum anymore, and probably not opening the mailbox she was using for me), but I will never forget what I experienced with her, and this experience should make me happy. In 3D, there are less barriers than in rl, and it's easier to experience very warm, sexy and very intimate moments with a friend. This is one of the good things in the game, and we should not spoli that treasure, and maybe take a lesson from it for rl. Love, Lily
  11. Warm feelings...

  12. [English version below] Il était une fois un doux ange du nom de Malissia, qui vint dans 3DXchat insuffler un peu d'amour, de passion et de tendresse dans nos cœurs. J'ai eu l'heur de connaître Malissia dans ma chair, et de recevoir dans mon cœur sa tendresse et sa luxure. A mes yeux, Malissia était une sainte, parce que sa joie résidait dans le don, dans la satisfaction et la plénitude des autres. Malissia n'était pas comme ces personnes soumises qui dans le fond sont dominantes, parce qu'elles obligent leur partenaire à être dur(e) ou violent(e) avec elles. Malissia ne pensait qu'à votre propre bonheur, et remplissait son cœur de votre propre joie, qu'il s'agisse de tendresse, d'échange, de luxure, ou des ébats les plus violents (ou tout cela à la fois). Il me semble que c'est cela un saint ; non ? J'ai partagé avec Malissia quelques uns de mes plus beaux instants sur le jeu. Maintenant, Malissia a disparu, quelque part dans les profondeurs du monde virtuel. Je pleure sa disparition, je ressens terriblement le vide provoqué par son manque, mais je bénis les dieux qui m'ont permis de croiser son chemin dans un moment de grâce. Once upon a time, a sweet angel named Malissia came in 3DXchat, to bring love, passion and tenderness in our hearts. I had the chance to meet that angel "in the flesh", and to fulfil my heart with her sweetness. and her lust. To me, Malissia was a saint, as her only joy was to give, and to satisfy the lucky choosen ones. She was not like those subs who are in fact dominant, as they oblige you to be hard or violent with them. Malissia was just thinking about your happiness, not hers, and she was giving you the joy you wanted, no matter if it was via tenderness, lust, or violent intercourse (or a mix of all those things). Thi total gift of her soul and person, this is what a saint is, I guess. I shared with her some of my brightest and deepest times in the 3D world. Now Malissia has disappeared, somewhere in the dephts of the virtual world. I weep for her, I miss her, but I will always thank the gods who gave me the chance to croos her way for some time in my life.
  13. Hello Niko, On sent de l'émotion dans ton histoire. C'est ça qui est touchant... J'avoue que je ne comprends as pourquoi tu veux te "marier" dans le jeu, alors qu'on peut y vivre tant de choses qu'on trouve si difficilement en rl. D'après ce que je vois autour de moi, la plupart des mariages sur 3D ne durent vraiment pas longtemps.... Dans ce cas, à quoi sert l'engagement appelé "mariage" ? Pas besoin de papier officiel pour connaître l'amour ; pas besoin de contrat d'exclusivité pour voyager dans la chair des autres, comme on voyage sur les territoires ou dans les livres ; pas besoin du mot "mariage" pour partager de la tendresse.... Je suis et serai toujours pour la libre circulation et expansion des bonnes ondes qui portent l'amour, la tendresse, et les joies du sexe. Bisous, Lily
  14. In the Mood for Love (director: Wong Kari-wai, 2000), "Yumeji's theme" (music by Shigeru Umebayashi): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIgU9aNpb9k
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