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Everything posted by SamanthaSweetheart

  1. And before the rest of you put your feet in your mouth, think about the people being harassed in game because of Pandora.
  2. To you it might be but to others who also pay to be there it is much more, so don't paint everyone with your own standards and expect them to think the same way you do. 3DX is lots of things to lots of people and just because you see it one way doesn't mean everyone has to. We are talking about people who set-out to specifically and intentionally offend others so this point is rubbish. Others are offended for good and valid reasons. People have the right to involve themselves in the social aspects the World Chat without being subjected to anti-social behaviour. I do remember an ex of a troll telling me that she stopped interacting completely in World Chat because everytime she said one word she was targeted, which was what the person in question wanted. -Just wanted them out of the way because she was a thorn in his side from his own past behaviour so he sabotaged her full enjoyment of the game. All these people want is the right to monopolize World chat by picking fights or offending others for their own twisted satisfaction unchallenged which does everyone else a disservice because they also have the right to use it equally. Personally speaking World chat is just something I click on and watch sometimes and never speak in, or if I see someone who is a friend I interact and say hi, or if I see someone who is new and asks a question I help them out, but no my dear, it is not my reason to live. That would be the ones who abuse it because on a chatroom in a virtual world, hiding behind a keyboard, they suddenly feel powerful and become addicted to the negative attention they create. Same as you think no-one has the ability to stop you from doing your stuff on there, I am not leaving either. And how I use 3DX and the way I utilize it, and what it means to me (as long as I do not act anti-socially) is not for anyone else to control. Sounds like you are forcing your own thoughts and behaviour onto others and expecting them to be you. Take a real good look at your answer, kid. You say you don't give a shit about World Chat and how World Chat doesn't even pop up on your radar when it comes to playing this game, but it clearly does. You're the one with the problem.Your account wide ban was cute when it was first introduced, but then it brought Pandora, didn't it? I will always stand up for the respect of others and the right of people to enjoy a platform which they come to in order to socialize in a multitude of ways, often not only sexual, without having their mood brought down and made to feel crappy. Nothing at all tin foil about that. *sticks middle finger up* If you really cared about the people, to really enjoy a platform whom they can come to in order to socialize in a multiple of ways, you'd talk more about Pandora's disgusting reach into people's privacy. If you really cared about the experience, now that development has seen the problem with Pandora, and is doing something about it and its TRUE violation to people's privacy, you'd white knight this cause, but you'd much rather keep the account wide ban, with a little hint of Pandora in your back pocket. You're a phony who prefers there playing favorites to a small few who play this game—which after the update rolls out I truly hope you all stop playing this game and leave forever—rather that focus on the privacy of the entire community as a whole.
  3. They pay money to play a sex game, or a video game in general, so let's get that bit of business out of the way first. You do know this is just a video game, right? If you choose to be offended then that's your right, but just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right. Again, I plainly put out there what you should do in order to avoid the shit on World Chat. Just, turn off your notifications and you're set. World Chat is no longer your priority, your in game cause to live, or your reason to log in to the game in the first place. Little factoid, I was on World Chat last night for an hour and guess what, aside from the room ads, everyone was behaving. So maybe it is all in your head, rock star. Maybe all these illusions about people getting murdered in 3DXChat only exist in your head.."Quotation marks". If your social aspect and game experience are just centralized on World Chat, maybe you should rethink your priorities when your playing this sex game, don't you think? Again, turn off notifications if you don't want to be bothered by World Chat talk. You do realize that there are other ways of communication within the game, that don't involve World Chat in its entirety, right? Now you're getting into this whole fantasy world about people being abused, women not leaving their homes in fear of being attacked, and holding the attackers accountable like if this VIDEO GAME was real life. And of course, none of this would be complete without throwing in a passive aggressive accusation right at the end. Take off the tin foil hat, rock star. It's just a game. Relax.
  4. This is FANTASTIC news. Yes. A thousand times, yes. Finally, we have a real reason to come back and play this game. This is great news for a game I so lovingly picked up back in 2015; brought back to some of its original roots instead of catering to the paranoia factor some people have brought into this game on their own, and made the rest of us live under it like some depressing, having to worry about walking on egg shells regime. Some people are losing their fucking minds over this, and it's exposing those who have something to hide, who probably already have their fair share of alternate characters—who they themselves, run amok. The gun is now pointed in the other direction. How does it feel looking down the barrel of your own gun, hmm? You want to ignore someone? Now you have to work for it. Now, it keeps YOU in check rather than the person "offending" you. You don't want to incur the wrath of "trolls" in the game? Mind your business and keep your mouth shut. You don't want to get "stalked"? Don't be a prick or a bitch. Simple as that. Moderation in World Chat—seriously? Apparently, none of you know how to turn off notifications in your chat window. It's easy. You go to the gear in the upper right hand corner, you select the notifications window and uncheck it, do the same for sound notifications and you're done. You no longer have to worry about the garbage being spat out in World Chat...unless, you're driven to that vomit like a moth to the flame. Slight edit. Thanks Gizmo. ♥
  5. While "trolls" like me, are voicing our opinions to make things free in the game; advocating some form of freedom so that the game is a fun experience again. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's because we have nothing to hide and all of our cards are out on the table for everyone to see, while others have something to hide and play this game locked behind their own minds. That's pathetic. But I'm done answering schizophrenic, guilty minds who need reassurance about their life on the internet on this subject. SexGameDevil micro-transactions, the insecure can breathe a breath of fresh air, but I still have over 40k XG to change my nickname how I want to, thanks to not having any kind of choice to change it for free in the first place. The idiots win again.
  6. To "deter" people from changing nicknames left and right, that's why. But the account is still under ignore, which doesn't make an sense of charging for something that can no longer "leave havoc in its wake" and "destroy my experience" on a sex game. noun: schizophrenia a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation. I bet the people complaining don't even play the game at all. If you're talking about the real trolls, here they are, fucking up the game for everyone else.
  7. So why make it a paid option then, if you STILL can't get out of the blacklist of someone else and their ignore list? Isn't that what the fear is, and the problem of accountability is for some insecure people here? This is you admitting that no one will be able to fuck with anyone because of a name change, Gizmo. Well not you, you're just a representative of SexGameDevil, you have nothing to do with development anymore, that's been evident for some time now. Watch, the name change is going to cost more than a wedding now. Thanks for turning 3DXChat into AChat; one of the main reasons I left that game to play here. Micro transactions are alive and well here too, even though you're back-peddaling now about future updates being free.
  8. So long as you understand your paranoia, I'll understand accountability. It starts there, doesn't it? Be accountable for your paranoid delusions about this game and I'll agree with you that a name change shouldn't affect my storytelling one bit. Plain and simple.
  9. But I digress. I'm still for the change. Reputations be damned. I agree with Niblette. If you're still stuck in the past about alts and how they've managed to destroy and cause havoc to your experience on a sex game, stop playing this game. This is not the game for you. Go find something more suitable to your needs. If you enjoy the drama you've created for yourself, continue to live with paranoia every time you log on and someone comes up to you and tries to talk to you with "another character". Don't make your problems, the problems for everyone else playing this game. Keep your insecurities to yourself. Or use the IGNORE button.
  10. And see, this wouldn't have been a problem back in 2015 if paranoid, guilty, egomaniacal, insecure people started playing this game and causing havoc for themselves. The use of alternate avatars became a problem when the individual brought it on, for themselves, the problems they created. If you don't go looking for trouble, guess what, trouble won't find you. If you're a shitty person going around breaking people's hearts, why would you allow yourself to have your heart broken in the first place? Misery loves company. Why should the rest of us have to suffer in new decisions SexGameDevil makes because of a few insecure people?
  11. I still say bring on the character name change and the sex change for your character!
  12. ...on a sex game. ...on a sex game. Really. Who hurt you? lol
  13. Hi hon, good to see you, too! Having a complete nickname change would be good. To have to advertise your "real name" and your character name seems. too cumbersome. Again, it really is all speculation until we actually see this roll out in some form on the next update so, as much as we want to see the change, it's going to be up to SexGameDevil to see what they create. It's evident people have trust issues on here. Go back to when Gizmo first mentioned the change in nicknames and you have eight people either against it completely, or trying to limit the amount of times one can change their nicknames. If you have done nothing wrong, then a nickname change shouldn't affect you, because you have a clear conscience playing this game. Paranoia, guilt, egomaniacs, and insecurities should not make for good choices here.
  14. It was, especially in World Chat. But for the life of me, I rarely entered WC unless I had to look for someone who was disconnected. The only room spammers were, and are the ones, who had DJ music playing and really, that didn't interest me at all. It still doesn't, and people still spam their rooms like they were the be all, end all of the disk jockey experience. I've learned to role play a lot better since I first started playing in June of 2015. HTML wouldn't be as essential now, plus the spam on WC would be worse. Nostalgia talking, really. ♥
  15. I miss the way the game used to be before it became all politically correct for the sake of a few. I miss the way the game was back when I joined in 2015. It had SO much fun playing the game back then. HMTL was integrated in the chat so we could create our own stories and characters with stories that would last for HOURS; free avatars for days on end so we could create Chun Li or LaraCroft or FayeValentine so that we could make a few fantasies come true, and the Roleplay window was up for anyone interested in joining a role play while in a local, public place. You'll get a GIANT influx of old players and new players if you could just go back to the way the game was played back in 2015. Wow, I'm getting nostalgic about 3DXChat. That's pretty cool.
  16. Absolutely. Change the name and the gender. This allows for a new, breathable experience to the game that is SORELY needed, one that takes WAY too long to grind as far as XG goes. Logging in for about a month to create a new character gets boring, seeing the same nicknames OVER and OVER, is boring. At least with the new nickname option, you can create a whole new character for yourself, and have fun with the game, as it is intended. The same goes for the gender. I know plenty of guys who would LOVE to play as a female avatar, and like I mentioned before, having to grind away for a month only AFTER you've paid for a month JUST to get another character, doesn't make sense. When you miss a day without logging in, you're dropped back to 100 XG again, making the grind to a new character that much more bothersome. If you already have a character, at least give us that opportunity to change the sex of the character and we're good to go. Easy peasy, lemon squeazy. The ones who bring up the drama that may or may not "potentially" be created are coming up with those scenarios in their own heads. They are the ones causing it, or are being affected by it. And really, it's only a few people; less than 15 people being affected at the most. To cater to those players, is to cater to the drama. Please don't do this. For the rest of us, please make this option affordable. I hate having to pay for weddings, divorces, new avatars and the beer in the game, when really, all these things, should already be free. Anyone taking those things too seriously deserve the consequences, because as we all know, this is just an adult sex game. This isn't the Sims; this is not your personal gateway to finding true love. This game is as just as much as it is for us women as it is for all guys. Sure, you can bring up Pandora as say that all avatars are now in jeopardy of being ousted in the game. People who use Pandora are weak, insecure and desperate. There, I said it so you don't have to. And really, who cares if you play as a male or female avatar anymore? No one does, except for those who think they can find true love on here, which you can't. It's a platform to meet people sure, but to fall in love? Not really. And of course, we bring up the subject that one or two players could abuse this. We all know who we're talking about, but that ignore button is still there. Even if they change their nicknames, that account will still be under ignore, so, if you can keep that aspect of what you're trying to implement on your sever and game, I say yes. If it were a perfect game, these options would be allowed for free. Allow us the opportunity to change our names and sex of our avatars. That way, it opens up the world to the STORYTELLERS and the ROLEPLAYERS, who by far, outweigh the casual player 10 to one. I would LOVE to have this option, for the sake of telling a story again with a character I'm free to change at my heart's content. You've given to the drama queens by making everything cost XG, and you've given to the Minecraft builders of 3DX with World Editor. Please, please, PLEASE give something to us storytellers and role players. Give something back to the imagination of the game. Some of us aren't looking for love, we're just looking to have fun and be able to tell a story when we log on. That shouldn't have to cost a thing. Better still, if we're engaged in a story through what development would like to implement to the game, World Chat wouldn't be riddled with crap. I know I'd much rather spend my time imagining on a PM that wasting my time on World Chat. Please, Gizmo. I'm begging you, on behalf of all players who have fun with this game, please give us this chance, and if possible, for free.
  17. Ah, I didn't know that. I though Gman was using spheres. My mistake.
  18. Gman, I just created a ball 100m large and I'm not running into any invisible wall. Could there be something underneath the ball that's solid, like a wall or a plane large enough, that might be obstructing the avatar's walk, you think? It's happened to me before where planes underneath have obstructed my avatar's walking path. Taking a guess from your picture, try taking a look at how those stones are placed on the ground , or where two existing planes meet with one another around that junction. Without your world file and uploading it on my machine, I can only assume that might be the problem, but if you're okay with uploading your world file, I'll gladly take a look at where the problem lies and maybe try to fix it for you. : D
  19. Your ambition is to be commended; I'm not knocking that at all. Kudos for thinking outside the box. May the 3dxChat gods hear you and trim this down to something more accessible to a younger audience like Steam players, but I imagine you can create something all your own with the kind of technology floating around. I'm not killing the buzz, just helping it along in the right direction, I suppose.
  20. And they have mods in that game to safely allow you to sex it up without it being sex outright for you.
  21. Yeah...they tried making another game like this. But their resources became VERY limited. Not as L.I.M.I.T.L.E.S.S. as they said is was going to be. If you all want another game like this without all the sex, you're better off playing the Sims. This is not the world for you.
  22. Thanks for adding something new and letting us know that development is still alive and well Gizmo. If you have a pose editor or a clothes editor in the works, PLEASE, release it before the holiday season so that some of us can help contribute. The World Editor has been a great addition to the game, and it's certainly kept us busy (well, some of us). I was one of these naysayers in the beginning, remember? Instead of complaining, now I want to help. Please give me more tools to do so. Thank you. -Sammy Cakes ♥ Give us the tools to create for ourselves rather than rely on you to feed us a fish for a day.
  23. My friend Amanda shared this build with me this morning, and I laughed so hard at how AWESOME and RETRO this build is! She loves playing The Sims and was inspired to create something on World Editor on 3DXChat while she messed around with my laptop yesterday. She was up until 3 a.m. creating all of this and I was just blown away by it! The build is sound, with very little lag at certain places around her home, and she wanted to give credit and thanks to the other creators on this thread where she implemented the grill, the bathroom, the pond, the patio bench and the pool table to help create her dream home on 3DXChat! You know who you are, thanks for helping inspire my friend to create on this game, too! ♥♥♥ She was happy to share this build with my entire 3DXChat family and community, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. So from her heart to yours, enjoy Angelica Amanda and her childhood dream home! ♥♥♥ Her 1999 Ford Mustang GT ♥♥ My old 1989 Chevy Camaro IROC-Z ♥♥ The DeLorean from Back to the Future!!!!! And the Knight Industries Two Thousand (KITT) from Knight Rider!!!! Here's the download link! Take and use whatever you need to help inspire you, too! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lF2y5_aYaAKyO7X-ZKZwTukIayfFcVTR
  24. I took inspiration from Home 1 on an earlier build of 3DXChat and came up with this apartment if you're looking for a place to call home. The apartment comes fully furnished, but you're more than welcome to change it up however you'd like to suit your needs. There shouldn't be any frame rate drop with this build; I used a simple build for those of us who have laptops or desktops that have a bit of a problem keeping up graphics wise. I just wanted to give back to my 3DXChat community. And many thanks for helping make this happen, Rob. ♥ Here's the download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mGH-AYa3L1a1xNSTbeFz-YIgklXYHvJM EDIT: I'm sharing the file through Google Drive now so that the download is fast and easy, and you don't have to go through so many hoops just to get a place to call home. I'm really sorry about that! ♥
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