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Status Updates posted by NickFantasy

  1. <-- Friend's List Review

  2. Back from holiday - i just watched outside my window and saw my motivation dancing naked on a field...with flower in his hair :D

  3. Come closer sweet little weekend.....i dont bite you :D:P

  4. Come on monkey...weekend's waiting for us!

  5. Confused ... :)

    1. Felia


      na dann ordne mal deine Gedanken wieder ;-))))

    2. NickFantasy


      ok, ich defragmentier mal meine HD ....

      ...oh disc failure! :D

  6. Day 5 on 3DX .... ups and downs....beautiful and ugly persons....respectful and arrogant ones....sweethearts and assholes....

    1. NickFantasy


      wtf its like in real life :D

  7. finally no green flickering screens anymore - had to install an older version of playonmac to make it work again...wtf

    1. OliU


      haha....anyways: main thing is that it is working fine now :)

  8. from snowdancing to icedancing ... wasnt springtime next?

  9. guess i snowdanced way too much...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NickFantasy


      yeah, this was a further proof for

    3. Nikki
    4. duplexi


      i eated snow hole day. not yellow tho

  10. happy sunday @all

    1. PoisonMortel


      Thank you ..have a nice sunday too :)

    2. laromis


      Dir auch einen schönen Sonntag :-)

    3. Felia


      ....wünsche ich Dir auch Nick :-))

  11. Here comes the sun, and I say, It's all right

  12. I got my easter eggs - now all i need is a bunny :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jenie


      hihi yes i love it if you come in and go out ;D

    3. NickFantasy


      well..ok, as long you dont close the door while im out :P

    4. TerryHeart


      I'll be your bunny... goggle

  13. I've been waiting for you the whole week, my love....i missed you so badly, dreaming of you each and every night...waking up in the every morning without you be my side...but today we finally meet again sweet darling...i <3 you FRIDAY!!!

    1. PoisonMortel


      I was waiting for Friday too...:) Have a nice weekend dear :) kisss

  14. Just passing by ... to say a little Hi ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jenzi
    3. OliU


      if so....Hi Nick :) ^5

    4. NickFantasy


      hello up there :D

      hifives oli!

      Hi Rick, back on track ?

  15. Just when you think you have seen it all ...

    1. Felia


      ....then you looked into the forum of 3dx Chat. Disgusting or Nick......hug and kiss

    2. NickFantasy


      I did, unfortunately ... speachless tbh - hugs&kisses

    3. Felia


      RobT insults with it every German here in the forum or ingame as a Nazi. And the Devs do not ban him in the forum and ingame? really speechless……..

  16. Looking for my motivation....i last saw it running naked with a drink around the pool ...

  17. Monday, Monday, ...can't trust that day...

    1. DeletedUser


      I only trust Friday...

  18. People are like music, some speak the truth and others are just noise.

    1. Nikki
    2. NickFantasy


      <--- has some earplugs for that

  19. Roller coaster ridings for FREE - Grab the last tickets !

    1. PoisonMortel


      One for me please :) Thks

  20. Saluti da Marte, spero stiate tutti bene laggiù sulla terra ! :D

    1. PoisonMortel


      Saluti caro Nick :) un grande abbraccio gnocco :)

  21. Silence is better than lies..

  22. snow, sun & mountain - life is beautiful :D

  23. Sometimes They Come Back :D

    1. Jenzi


      Wbchen Nick :)

    2. OliU
    3. darkangel


      bentornato gnochho^^

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