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Posts posted by Perimede

  1. Yeah, yeah. It also gets more peaceful when certain people from across the pond go to sleep. Now stop trying to make light of what starts out as an irritation but, because of person’s intent, becomes more serious. Just like in my three examples.


    I suppose we could list examples of bad behaviour in order of severity


    Colds - irritating, a prefer not to happe thing. You have a chance to decline

    Random hugging. No chance to decline so there are some people who do it deliberately to cause offence or annoyance. Probably most are noobs who don’t know better. It is irritating, though, and most people don’t really like it.

    Random kissers- as per random huggers but worse because it’s a closer invasion of personal space.

    Naked wankers - seriously unpleasant and says a great deal about the naked wanker


    Now we get on to alt misuse in all its guises from building a one to one relationship while playing out with another. This can be very hurtful.

    Then we get on to the rumour mongers and mind messers. They really are beneath contemp in my book.


    So I think we, as a community, are right to be concerned about in game behaviour and seeking ways to reduce bad behaviour.

  2. Thanks, Twiggy. Did Xeno ever intend it to be anything other than a snapshot. He was concerned enough to look into the problem of alt misuse. Ex has made a suggestion worth considering. I think that is to be commended.


    So let’s see these things for what they are, welcome all suggestions, consider them in a sensible manner and, if a consensus.is reached, propose the ideas to the devs.


    The polls are just one tool to see how much support an idea has.


    There is, and never has been, any need for people to make out it’s doomsday because someone puts together a suggestion, in good faith.

  3. It’s his business, Sagie, so I assume he’s pretty interested in what people do with his product. I think it foolhardy if he didn’t. But it’s his business he can do what he likes with it.


    I still maintain that the way forum threads are made to go bad is a good reason for him to ignore anything here. That’s not altogether his fault.


    Improve the forums and it could provide good two way communication with his customers. Isn’t that one of the reasons software companies have them.

  4. 24 to 5 atm. Actually the difference between yes and no is greater than I expected. Still time, though. It's a nice diversion to see how it develops.


    @Chatterbox - it makes sense in the context of other stuff going on on the forums atm. This one might not be the wisest thing I've done round here but it does actually seem to be saying something. Most of the discussion is cool too. So, yeah, it's not quite as bonkers as you might imagine.

  5. I know the limitations of my questions with the benefit of hindsight. It wasn't intended to be rigourous, just a snapshot. It would have been more meaningful to include don't mind as well, but I didn't. The way it is forces people to chose between just yes or no, which will inflate both options. The can't be bothered was ................... taking a gentle pop at people who keep posting about how uninterested they are in topics.


    I do think it is a useful snapshot, and the discussion is mostly good too. It does seem to be creating a picture of how people feel. As for whether a suggestion for Gizmo will emerge, I don't know. Sagie's idea is a good practical step. If he formally suggests it then I think both you and I would support him. I don't think we'd be alone either. I believe Gizmo will consider suggestions, but ultimately he will decide what's best for his business. Little polls like this are a nudge into getting him to think a bit more than he otherwise would.




  6. Oh dear, would you care to list them in a PM? That way I can review them and decide if I have or not and then work out what to expect.


    It won't change because you'll attack other people like Twiggy, Chloe, Jess or anybody else who stands up to you. You have attacked Brett too, when all he is trying to do is put together something that could be good for 3dxChat. You are prejudging what he has in mind. Is that not bullying of a sort? A new cull is long overdue, if I get caught up in it, then so be it. If it gets rid of the people who are actually causing all the trouble then it's worth it.


    As you say Gizmo will make the decisions he sees fit. He does make himself aware of what goes on here. He wants his product presented in the best possible light. I believe you and your cronies aren't doing this, in addition to what I see as your attitudes to women.


    So your threats will be challenged every time you make them - the fact you make them will get noticed. If not by Gizmo and the mods then by the people reading the forums. They will make their own opinions of you as a person - anyway you're only a bit miffed because I rumbled you before you'd reached your five posts and I've got close enough to identifying you to make you uncomfortable. I can't prove anything but you have tripped yourself up on that, people have seen through you pretty quickly.


    Now let's stop this bickering and get the thread back on track. Have you got anything to offer on it? What is your analysis of what the figures are telling us, is there any substance in what is a minor poll done for fun? Is it telling us anything?

  7. They've made an attempt in your scenario, Tia, to communicate, which makes it very, very different. It invites you to say yes or no. It's certainly less random and suggests the person wanting to hug is actually interested in you. What I am on about is where it is assumed they can do it without asking and then when challenged suggest it is their right to do it. The latter turns what is a minor irritation into something far more serious. As in my grizzle earlier.


    It's a good point, and illuminates the issue well, so thanks for asking.

  8. Hmmmmm ..................... funny that. I don't treat people with disrespect, I don't make light of what they feel, I don't bully. I just stand up for myself - nothing wrong with that. Anyway it's not just me that's on the recieving end of your efforts. There's Twiggy, Jess, Chloe as well, Interesting that we are all women, don't you think.


    The forums were just fine after the cull until certain people, who I won't name, started stirring things up. People see what goes on here, from that they'll make judgements about the kind of people who play the game. All these attacks, all this bullying is doing the game a grave disservice and is probably affecting the bottom line - and no I won't do another analysis. The people who recognise this have worked it out for themselves and the people who don't won't get it on principal.


    Lastly you claim to be the truth, the truth is always what you want to see, whoever you are. So nobody can ever claim to be the truth - you can try, as most of us do, to be as truthful as possible. To claim the absolute right shows arrogance, not the most attractive feature in a man, or anybody for that matter, to my mind.


    With regard to this little poll, all I'm trying to do is make sense of it and share what I think. People don't have to agree with me, they are welcome to share their own experience and understanding of the figures, both these and those gleaned from elsewhere. They may have their limitations but they do suggest something that might be useful at some time. That's why I find it unhelpful when people say the figures are wrong, they don't reflect anything etc. They do reflect something, always. The difficulty is discovering what that might be. Information is always useful so it's worth the effort, I think.


    Information becomes particularly powerful when it connects up to other information derived from elsewhere, to my mind.

  9. You'll never get the point both because you don't want to see it but also because you appear to believe that women are in some way creatures to be used ................................................. grow up out of the victorian era and into the 21st century. We have the right to control what happens to our bodies, whether it be pixelated or real. In exactly the same way you blokes expect do.

  10. TheTruth is making threats now, which is against ToS - it is up to the moderators to dfecide if ToS have been contravened or not. It is up to them to decide what action to take on any reports. They don't always get it right but the fact they do act, and I hope they will soon, sends out a strong message. Up until a week or so ago we had relative calm on the forums since mid March, and I was participating just like I always do. I believe the forums have an important role to play in informing the devs of what we want from the game as well for them to feedback what they feel is important for us to know. All this trolling causes any message contained in the threads to be obscured and Gizmo when he reads it probably thinks 'why do I bother coding one of the best social interaction games around for my product to be treated like this?'.


    It would seem that some people have forgotten the message the moderators sent out when they did their cull back then. In the meantime show Gimzo and the Mods, at least, some respect and do a little to make their working life more of a pleasure.


    So what is the poll telling us now, insofar as it can - That the majority of users mostly use one avi, even though they may have others. Nothing startling about that. In fact it seems quite reasonable. I don't think it suggests that 3dxChat is becoming more of a social game or not, however.


    Roughly a quarter have three avis, roughly a quarter have two, roughly a half have only one. Again nothing very startling and very rough and ready, but interesting nonetheless.


    Despite all the debate the poll has kept those two points pretty clear.


    I see your point, but, no, not necessarily.  For example, when offering to couple dance, to partner, or to go to someone's apartment, a confirmation dialog with a timer bar appears in the lower left of the screen. If that were added to the cuddle and kiss-on-the-cheek animation, and the friend you are trying to cuddle doesn't respond, then you can assume that they have crashed. 



    A great point that, Sage. You do sometimes talk sense :-) That would certainly reduce the incidence of both those irritations. In my experience the people who do both are noobs, who don't know better and nearly always apologise if challenged, and those who do it deliberately to annoy or degreade. The former it wouldn't affect as they'd soon work it out. The latter need stopping anyway because they are beastly. It should be easy to implement so why not make a suggestion to the devs? Maybe take a quick straw poll and present it from there. Like if you get a few seconders then it's worth presenting.


    Could something similar de done for naked wankers, maybe that wanking isn't possible in public unless partnered?

  12. So let's try and put my thread back on track - funny, nice, interesting, irritating (in a nice way) things people do in 3dxChat.


    Both are in keeping with the part of the thread but both had nice outcomes. I've already mention one incident that turned out rather well when I challenged a random hugger. He gifted me after thanking me for giving him the heads up.


    The day before him another noob random hugger did his thing. Again I confronted him. He apologised but it was clear his english wasn't good. We chatted for a bit as best we could and he came over as a nice man and was very concerned that he hadn't hurt my feelings. I quite liked him. So the moral is? If you screw up, apologise, things might turn out for the best. Don't do what the one that set me off did where he responded 'I do what I like'. What made me angry in that case? Not just the hug, that was a minor irritant, but the attitude that he had the right to do it, my feelings about it were of no consequence.. You have no right to hug somebody unless is is clear that they want it end of.


    Why is it I get angry when people say this is trivial and I'm creating drama. Because they make light of that man's attitude, they're saying it's OK behaviour to give people unwanted physical contact, that it's particularly OK if it's pixels. That it's OK for him to assume he has the right to do it.  Why do they think there's legislation going through the UK Parliament at the moment outlawing upskirts, and upkilts, offences. Why do they think that people who touch people up on buses and tube trains are prosecuted when caught. It's not the offence itself that's the problem, but the attitude and intent behind it.


    Hence I see RobT and co's attempts to make light of this, and his suggestion that I made it up, as really quite offensive. It shows exactly what their attitude to women is.

  13. I've not seen your movies Brett, because I shy away from anything that could be porn. Various reasons. But if you are goign the whole mile with it and, as Twiggy says, taking in to account women viewers you could be on to a winner. Good luck to you.


    I'm tempted to throw a barb to TheTruth(as he sees it)3dx, yeah I know I couldn't resist a little one sorry, but the main barb I'll leave out.

  14. Back to the topic. As I said in Ex’s thread. This is a simple survey, not a full market research data collection exercise. It is limited but it does tell us something


    Why is it so hard for some people to see it as that. What’s so wrong with looking at what it suggests, trying to make sense of it - helped by other stuff from elsewhere, Balanced by personal observation and making up our own minds.


    In that light it could be useful In getting a bit of thinking going and might promote suggestions.


    These attacks, because some people don’t like what it is suggesting, are completely unnecessary and do nothing to encourage forum users to participate in anything but the fun games. But then that’s why the bullies do it. The attacks also do nothing to promote 3dx+hat. The attacks in Brett’s thread the same. His user base is big enough for his films to have an impact on the development of the game.


    If he made a film about World Chat and these forums ............. i’m sure the trolls would love it if 3dxChat failed. They wouldn’t have people like me to try to bully. They’d have the joy of bullying themselves, all two or three, maybe four of them,

  15. 24 to 1 now. My unrepresentative data, limited by my failing to include ‘not worried by random hugging’ is telling us something. Most people don’t like it.


    It’s so obvious because it is something you’d never dream of doing rl unless you wanted to cause offence or made an error of judgement, in which case you apologise pdq.

  16. I never said the data was reliable. It does tell us something. Anyway this thread is not a survey.


    I suggested four criteria to help decide if a suggestion is good. I’ll rephrase them later but they do represent a start. I believe enough people are concerned about poor behaviour in game for suggestions to be invited, considered, improved and then proposed to the devs.


    Maybe they will help to avoid all this back biting and bullying that a tiny minority use to derail threads and get them pulled.

  17. You Xandi are as bad as RobT, possibley worse because you are following everything he does. Random hugs from strangers are unacceptable to the majority of people, you're only trying to suck up to RobT because you either want to get in his good books, maybe for some other reason.


    You forget that behind the pixels there are living, thinking, feeling human beings. You forget that the vast majority of users behave pretty well in game. The problems arise with the few who think normal social mores don't apply to them. You, RobT and one or two others, maybe a lot fewer, are doing their utmost to encourage them, and to encourage bad behaviour. You wonder why people get pissed off with you.When you take in to the whole gamut of bad behaviour, of which I agree that random hugging is one of the less serious ones but is very irritating and certainly bad manners, there's scope for causing anything from annoyance to actual harm by encouraging these people when they get in to rumour mongering and messing with people's heads.


    Just because you think it's fun doesn't make it's OK - basically you're behaving like the school bullies that seem to appear at the age of 13 and maybe continue until they decide find a girlfriend. This thread started out as a fun look at the things people do, it was meant to be light hearted. OK, it touches a serious subject as well. I will ask for it to be locked if we can't have a sensible, mostly amusing covnersation about the odd things people do. Sadly this one isn't as funny as some of the posts.


    The tone of Xandi's and RobT's posts is very much as if they are trying to run me out of the game ............................... well sod you, busters, I've paid my sub and I'll do my best to enjoy it while it lasts. I have as much right to play as I chose, basically trying to be the, hopefully, decent human being I am rl. I want to enjoy the compnay of my current friends and any new ones I make. Try to mess with that and you not only go on iggie but also, if ToS have been contravened, get reported. Now that is a promise not a threat.


    Lastly Xandi I give and receive plenty of hugs from people who care about me and love me for who I am. I really do not need hugs from people who do it to be annoying.

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