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Everything posted by Derai

  1. Sometimes things really are to good to be true. Heh. As I’ve said before, I’ve been playing at the Slutmoore RP room recently. Leading to one of my most satisfying and adorably hot sexual encounters in 3DX in my recent memory. But.... While I can still think back on it. In the context of my character it had to be erased. Turns out the guy I had the steamy encounter with, ‘misunderstood’ his relationship with another character. So basically he cheated on his IC (In Character) Girlfriend by fucking my avatar. Leading to Out of Character (OOC) drama between himself and the player behind said Girlfriend. What ground my goat about it the most though wasn’t the IC relationship drama or even the OOC decision to erase it. No what annoyed me was that they never directly talked to me about it. Directed everything via another friend of mine that had zero involvement or investment in the issue except ‘being Derai’s friend’ Oh well.
  2. Good advice. Trash collection does pay pretty well.
  3. There was one that made the argument that because Epstein was into BDSM and turned out to be a pedophile. Logically that meant that every practitioner of BDSM must have Pedophile leanings. Which is basically the so called ‘Hitler ate sugar’ strawman argument. Someone Evil loved something unrelated, so ergo everyone who loves the same thing must be just as Evil. Total Bullshit.
  4. And how would you know any of us haven’t done all those things and more? Get of your high horse would ya?
  5. As intended lol. Figured we could use a chuckle. Although it’s also a good example though. We laugh, some are offended by it.
  6. I think a factor to consider is the ‘branding’ Yes there are violent games, but on the whole those tend to use the violence as part of a narrative. I think there would be outrage if someone basically made a ‘School Shooter Simulator’ and named it that. As for games like Grand Theft Auto, I think these games make the violence deliberately a bit over the top so it isn’t in fact very realistic. Which blurs the lines towards Reality. I do agree though that there’s little to no evidence that actions or acts online, directly lead to trying those acts in real life. Still doesn’t mean I’d want the term Rape flashed in my face in 3DX though. I would complain the same if someone opened a room that said ‘Nazi Orgy Heil Clitler’ or something like that. Some things are just to far. And should be banned.
  7. Mine is set to both Men and Women. I’m also married in the game to another girl. I have had comments that this makes me less interesting/easy.
  8. Well yeah, that is true. I feel the need to clarify though that I wasn’t saying she should cut back her profile. I’m just saying from personal experience that if it’s to long, the info at the end will be ignored most of the time. Better to have the important stuff up front. I wasn’t victim blaming, and do apologize if it came across as such. ps. If I’m just reading your comment wrong, feel free to correct me.
  9. I don’t really have a good answer for this, because I don’t get those things in the same frequency as you described. For me it’s practically the other extreme. I don’t get PM’s at all. But I digress. It might be that your Profile is too welcoming OR to long. I’ve noticed that if you have a Profile that is long enough to require scrolling to read it all, anything below the first paragraph will be ignored by most random folks. Besides that you might want to look at what rooms you get harassed in and avoid those? I dunno really.
  10. And we’ve found a True Believer. No sense in arguing with a Believer. You keep on dreaming the dream. March in lockstep with your Dictator in Chief. I’ll be across the ocean in a true Free nation, munching my popcorn while watching the soap opera that is US politics from a safe distance. Not like any Americans can come here to complain about it, with them being banned for medical reasons and all. It is kind of sad to see how much work the next president will have to in terms of damage control though. But oh well.
  11. And that’s different from Trump’s administration? How? Dude got impeached for a reason.
  12. The Digital D? I'm not sure when we'll use that one again. But tell ya what, if you ever see me around again, give me a poke. I'll load it in and invite ya into it, so you can get your screens. Deal?
  13. My next club after that was my first made with the new World Builder. I was way to ambitious about it, but It did turn out okay ^^ I called it Starlight.
  14. Like I promised Ex last time I ran into her in game, a few screenshots of rooms I made across my years in 3DX. My first room that I opened to Public was 'Yanda's Lounge' just a simple deck (made from tables) attached to the old Apartment 1
  15. First day back at work. No more staying on 3DX till morning. I’m gonna miss that. And I reckon some are gonna miss me. Staying up that late let me mingle with folks from time zones I generally never get to meet. And much fun was had by all. But alas, by the time they log on, I’m heading to work almost. But boy it was fun while it lasted. Might start posting a little more in here too, seeing as the boredom of work has returned. Till next post. Be safe out there.
  16. We disagree on this, indeed. It wasn't about Republican or Democrat, heck that's not applicable to me, as I'm not even American like she was. She voted for a guy, and praised a guy as being the 'greatest president in history', a guy that has literally cost me a friend by way of his Politics. By actively praising this guy, she shows that she supported his politics, thus supported him. Which to me, personally makes her either an idiot, or a true believer. And thus she cannot be my friend any longer, as her Beliefs, Her Choice, is counter to MY beliefs. I'm not trying to explain myself, not even sure why I'm responding to you. Probably bored, eh I dunno. Have a nice life.
  17. I agree to a point. However I am not about to interact with someone whose beliefs are upsetting to me. Personal example. I had a friend who I had a lot of fun with over the course of a year, but then it turned out she was an avid supporter of a certain President whose policies I Strongly disagree with. She was very vocal about praising him during some heated arguments and that made me (and a few of my friends) decide to cut her out of our social circle. I still say Hi when greeted, but I can no longer say she is a friend or even someone I like. By supporting a politician that hurt people I care about, she became part of the problem. Hope that makes sense.
  18. Bit of a pot meets kettle thing you got going here. You condemn people speaking out against rape, practically saying they are just Kink-shaming. And in the same breath you Kink-shame the BDSM community. I myself have only dabbled in the BDSM scene and I admit I find the ‘slave’ terminology distasteful. However instead of just mindlessly hating what I don’t understand or like. I sought to educate myself. It is in no way, shape, or form related to Rape or Sexual abuse. Except maybe for the fact that both involve sexual acts. As for me ‘freaking out’ about a particular word. It’s so very simple. I haven’t had any negative experiences with BDSM. I have had negative experiences regarding Rape. So I speak out against the later. While not minding the former. I know I can never change your mind though. Not until you make the personal choice to Learn, instead of mindlessly lash out to that which you do not understand. PS: I’m sure you’d hate my kinks with a passion. If you freak out about Bondage, wait till you learn about the Primal fetish.
  19. I’ll let my dog show you what I think about that statement. I had the same expression myself. Summed up as ‘wut’
  20. Guess who's back? Didn't have much drive to talk for a while, to busy enjoying my vacation. Still am doing that, to it's fullest. Been getting some nice interactions in 3DX of late, but the old pattern still remains. I seem to intimidate people. Those that-do- poke me for a chat, are nine times out of ten very shy about it. Or, but even rarer, are the ones that ooze self confidence and then slink away when I make fun of their 'Alpha' bullshit. Not saying confidence is a bad thing, far from it. But some seem to think that the only way to be 'Confident' is to put others down. Or beneath them. I much rather like the ones that are confident enough that they don't -need- to put others down to feel good about themselves. Just a thought.
  21. Derai

    Safe Haven

    Not here to cause trouble. Your Comic Con can be in tribute of Chadwick Boseman. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/28/entertainment/chadwick-boseman-dies/index.html The actor that played Black Panther has passed away at age 43. A terrible loss.
  22. There’s few things in life that are as bittersweet as coming home from holiday. Back to the familiar nest. Distant shores as happy memories and mementos. The tiny bits of sand stuck in creases and shoes giving fond memories of walks on the beach. The sound of wind through the willow branches replacing the soothing crash of waves onto the shore. I am home again. Yet I can’t wait to go back someday. Because ‘Home’ is where the heart is, and hearts can be large enough for the whole world. Just a thought.
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