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Everything posted by Niblette

  1. Its really odd but if you fly cam out enough in Sin you will see many people just walking around and stuff so I wonder why its really a lot of people who appear there some in Sin itself now and then but many more around it someplace or other.
  2. Don't let him fool you he is a sexual deviant just like all the rest of them. That's how you wind up in a sex cult and branded on both butt cheeks, and you wouldn't want that now would you.
  3. I kind of suspect that they are talking about the pose editor because people use the pose objects in ways they were clearly not made for and it looks ugly. I think that's kind if the same reason we got the world editor everyone was making rooms and they were mostly ugly. I think the pose editor will be powerful enough to fix that and let people separate poses and recombine animations and also change then enough so they fix better together but I don't really think it will do much more then that. I don't think it will really let people make new poses.
  4. Happy 3DX birthday I will be sure to come to your party.
  5. I sure hope it doesn't have anything to do with plexstorm, because if less then ten people watching a stream is going to crash the server I think it must have been one of the worse marketing moves ever. I think 3DX is likely slowly growing, but I bet they got less then 50 new uses from that whole thing.
  6. Well some people pick awful names or ones they don't like when they first join and those people should be allowed to change them I think. What if the cost to change your name increased each time you did it like the picture slots?
  7. Longer term the only rooms with "reputation" seem to be sex rooms or rooms that are run by someone who is part of a group. Which rooms have a lot of people seems a bit random at times to me. Its not that hard to get people to join a room once there are a few people in it, but there are a lot of rooms open lately with only one person and those rooms often never fill up. People who boost their rooms just want to get a few people into them not necessarily be the top room.
  8. I think people should be allowed to change their name. I don't see an issue with it, and 5k sounds about right. I know people who have wanted to do that. I think allowing gender changes would really create a lot of drama and isn't needed. It depends I suppose on the direction that the devs want to take the game if they want to make things more of a sex game and less serious then it might be a good change. I personally don't care and people can make alts for both if they want now, so it really cant be that big a thing, but I can see people freaking out over it, and I think most gifts are given with an assumption about who is getting them and allowing them to remain after a gender change might be unfair to the people who gave them.
  9. I was just thinking what if they added a timer that guaranteed your room would be shown out of numerical for say one hour and another room being moved to the top of the list would simply drop you room one slot behind that one until the timer ran out.
  10. Your right it doesn't go to the bottom but it still can drop really far.
  11. I was thinking and it seems to me it would be nice if there were objects that moved in the world editor. For example an elevator that goes up and down when a button is pressed. An escalator that is constantly on, or a train or cruise ship that stops and starts at various stations or docks. I think that it would allow for larger worlds without having the issue of people crashing cars, planes, or boats into things if it was setup to run on timers or button presses. For the train example it might also be necessary to be able to tie how fast the wheels spin to how fast the train is moving forward.
  12. Well for one thing spending 300 gold and then being booted to the bottom of the list instead of being moved down one slot seems unfair to me.
  13. I think that there are a lot more rooms though now then before that's likely why they did it. I agree though its unfair especially with the gold. Maybe it would be better if they gave rooms categories instead and basically had multiple small list.
  14. Hmm could be two issues I think. It could be that the image you picked isn't really a good one for combining and that it still has more objects then your computer can handle. Without combining 75x75 seems on the edge to me. The second thing it could be is that 3DX changed the .world format and that was happening to me it might be that it simply isn't reading the old format right I know there was issues with that when I tested a bit. Try my tool and see if it works or does the same thing. http://northprojectz.com/3dxtest20/index.php?/files/file/118-naughty-designer-ii/
  15. I agree with what your saying but I think the concept of consent in a bdsm situation may be at times more shaky then your implying, however my point was that basically any sex pose can be consensual in the right context. I think that some violent poses, however might not be but those are not really sex pose or things that I think could be depicted by a pose editor. Just as en example there was a guillotine made as one of the room assets that people can download. I think that would be something that would cross the line on whats acceptable. Could the pose editor make it more realistic with the blade dropping and what not well I don't know.
  16. Ok I am not saying those are good things but they are not necessarily rape pose. If people are really saying they don't want Bondage/Domination/Sadistic/Masochistic poses in the game it would be nice if they would just say that.
  17. I find it a little hard to believe that a pose editor has anything to do with rape rooms and until someone shows me what a rape pose is and how its different from a bdsm pose I am not changing my mind.
  18. You have to make an account to download for the mod forum its free though.
  19. The original save format was .dat it was something they either made themselves or got from unity but it was also not .obj. It was like the current save format only encrypted there were also .xml files that were made to be used with the 3rd party loading tools. Unity supports importing .obj files so they can easily be added the issue is texturing them they might be able to come up with a solution for that or let people import their own. I don't really know enough about that to say. They have their own way of combining textures from multiple objects that is part of the world editor right now. For rooms at least it might be best if they do add something like that to make people who make those objects follow whatever rules they have for creating the other primitive objects inside the game right now.
  20. I thinks what your really asking for and want which I would also like is for 3DX to support importing models made outside 3DX. The .world format isn't a object format its a save format it only saves position, rotation, scale, color, and material for each object not the object itself. I think that it would be tricky for it to be implemented for anything other then rooms since there has to be a way to share the files and those might get largish. I think its quite different from being sent a tiny .world file or pose file.
  21. I am honestly curious about peoples experiences with alts being misused, because the only miss use I have really seen is people making an alt, and then approaching me and telling me something about someone or posting in WC something they didn't want to post with their main. I think that and cheating are really the most common type of miss use, but people seem to cheat anyways in a lot of cases even without alts. I don't think that alts should be segregated or treated different in most cases it simply wouldn't matter the vast majority of the people on my list for example don't even know my name. For them an alt would be absolutely no different, and it probability doesn't matter to much anymore anyways people who really care seem to have Pandora now. I have seen people make alts or new accounts after they burnt out their old ones some people seem to do that often... I don't think that it has much to do with them having alts since they act awful regardless.
  22. Its a good idea but the only way to convert a .obj to a .world file would be to convert each face to a square or multiple triangles. Depending on the position of the face each one would require either one square or between two and four triangles using the existing objects. I actually have written most of a blender plugin to do that, but I never figured how to convert the angles I can get form blender to the world space rotations. It would be nice if the .world file format was updated to have each objects local rotation instead of the world rotation that would be really nice and allow for people to edit and work with the format much more easily.
  23. I think that the "super friends" list would have to be mutual like getting married you would both have to accept, if someone doesn't want to then that means they are not really as close to you as you though. Honestly if they are actually a close friend to you there really is no reason to hide an alt expectantly now with Pandora. I think it would definitely reduce drama.
  24. I am not sure really I think that a clothing editor would be a lot more tricky though. Anyone who has ever done any sewing knows that cloths have to be made from patterns not just being skin tight around the body or something. I think something like Marvelous Designer would be possible for most people to master. Its made for the fashion industry and lets people design cloths and see what they would fit like.
  25. I am not convinced everyone deserves to know everyone else's alts, or that that would reduce drama. I think the some people should know, however so maybe a second level of friend that reveals alts would be useful, so that way people know where they stand.
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