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Everything posted by Rob.

  1. To be honest I understand both sides, which is why I make areas in the rooms I make where you can have sex and enjoy the game. I may even had copied what a friend of my who caught in the act did, and give pointers all in the name of fun. But on the DJ's side they were Spinning, would have been wiser to ask if they minded but I guess got caught in the heat of the moment. Either way, what i recommend, Room builders include a sex area, make it fun for everyone as for others remember the avis have people behind them, try not to offend and ask if there are sex areas. Event 4, like Event 2 has beds in front of the moon, that in itself is fun.
  2. MissMegan is just amazing, I am forever grateful that she and the COD have and are taking over the DJ selection and schedule. 4th Event too many Dj I wanted and more that wanted to be in. Sad to hear one of the best DJ I know, DjDesiree is calling this her last gig, I love Desiree's ability as a DJ, not many have I claimed as one of the best, but Desiree is one of the best. So I am glad I had the honor of asking her to play, Love you and your music Desiree, hoping you return to spinning soon.
  3. Old Charmer? (thinks he just got called a pervert ) I mean it GammaReh is an exceptionally beautiful photographer who takes amazing pictures!
  4. There is more than one Nikki, Clone.. NicoleLee and Lura, two great people I have the privilege of meeting and knowing enough to call them both friends.
  5. A beautiful photographer took these two pictures of the 4th Event. Thank you Gamma. I took these two hoping to catch that moment when people remember it is about the fun and music.
  6. yes the times have been translated from EASTERN to CEST
  8. https://youtu.be/65mEt_RvQDs?list=RDMLfMrBfqCu8
  9. The Event 4 Room How is this for a DJ stand?
  10. This is it, an amazing friend is taking over the DJing selection and time slots from now on. An amazing group that I have worked with has accomplished so much for the love of the music. The Coalition of Disc Jockeys or CODJ, https://discord.gg/KMwhrZB, it is a network for DJs to find gigs without having to join the group. Also for room makers and party makers to post their rooms there. So we as whole can have fun. It is like the Event we focus on fun not fame, it is about the music not the individual, I will make a room for another event and more things, but no more selecting DJs or time slots. I found better people that amazed me, thank you MissMegan, the many DJs that have worked with me, and the CODJ. To the music and the fun.
  11. The REM parties, one of 3DX's visible secrets, three amazing DJs, and I do call them DJs due to the song choice they make and the entertainment they put. I recommend anyone who sees the REM party occurring to go. You guys are amazing.
  12. Fuck it, photos of the actual Event 4 room.
  13. Actual Event 4 Room pictures.
  14. Rob.

    Thank you all

    Kicked her out of OX, more then likely harassed her, been doing that to me for months. You can't protect if you are the harasser. But hey what do I know, aside from how you reacted when I chose to leave, when a girl did not hug you, when more then one gf refused to do as you wanted, violating the right to privacy by demanding proof the women are 100% real.. While many are sad you blamed her?
  15. Event 4 DJs please use the site to promote yourself, your upcoming parties and so on.

  16. Damn! I love what I am seeing, hope I get to see it, awesome DJ, kick ass club, that is what makes 3DX so fucken awesome!
  17. Rob.

    Thank you all

    The surfer was the first room I saw of yours. It is amazing, I wanted people to see your rooms to showcase them. It was something we talked about after you were kicked off the group we used to be a part of. Your names, your rooms, since you were not on as much I figured you were not getting the harassment I was. E-mails. I hope you saved them, give them to Gizmo or Lisa. I can't tell how to live your life or play the game here, I can only ask, and I am asking return, show people your creations, inspire, Ayon mean something other than this.
  18. Slowly becoming colder, tired of the bullshit and games.

    1. LexiKitty


      you should accept my colds <3

    2. chloe
  19. The Double Dragon Room: the early stage the Completed Double Dragon Room: Warning contains alcohol abuse.
  20. Coming the 24th prior to the Event 4 weekend is Dragons of Fire's Summer Jam 2017( http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/4972-dof-summer-jam-2017/), it features many DJs that will be in Event 4 and some that wish they could make it but Real Life comes first. Love these DJs, they go out of their way finding the right songs, some mixing, fading them just right for people to enjoy the music during their set. Which is why I ask lead to use the Double Dragon Room. A room made originally for the Coalition of DJ's Saturday Pool, because I did not want to use the room Pandora. If I had the room, this would have been Event 3 and Pandora would have stayed as it was originally planned an anniversary gift to Malina the woman behind PandoraVonSayalin now JanusPandora. To be used by her and our friends. Alex Ryder and Nella Rochie, thank you for the dlls and savers that make these creations possible. Ayon thank you for making that beautiful bridge in the Pandora room. And Asher Reigns, thank you for allowing me to use that amazing Black Dragon's Head as the base model for the dragons.
  21. I wanted to thank Nella Rochi and Alex Ryder, whose dll mods brought a new life to the game. Gizmo and 3DX, for being the game it is, more then just a sex game, a game where you can have fun and party. Recently I asked Gizmo how to post the promo Natsumi worked on and posted at the night club. He was more then patient enough, cause I was not reading what to do, and he sent me a message today.
  22. (checks if Jana is near) Looking forward to being there?? Not gonna get pimped out again am I?
  23. Well if all goes well, I get to stay as a groupie. There are too many DJs that make the fan in me over shadow any thoughts of me playing anything.
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