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Everything posted by Rob.

  1. Rob.

    Pandora Review

    Yep and handed it to Gizmo. As for Pandora, everyone has a reason for making alts, if you do it for malice don't bitch if you get caught. If you do it for other reasons say so, more then likely your partner will forgive.
  2. Rob.

    Pandora Review

    and yet i reported showed proof of an individual hacking my Avi, you guys did nothing. I showed him threatening, you guys did nothing not even a suspension. Made him head DJ instead.
  3. DJs in the past Events use the forum site to promote and show they are worth going to see, I can honestly say Achroi is one fucken hell of a DJ. It is an honor hearing her play, time for me however is not always there. HI FLUFFY!!
  4. I don't have DJs. Fact is I helped a group to avoid issues with other groups and keeping things neutral , I never fully joined a group. I helped where i could, opened rooms when I could, made rooms, but never joined. As for misunderstand well you posted it here i assumed you meant my rooms. And by rooms well you would be surprised how many rooms i have made, modified and just fucken improved. In fact, I already started taking pictures of these rooms as part of Fluffy's day out, a forum that will appear some time next month. As for the 135 people in the same room well it is more like 135 avis, people with multiple accounts used their alternate accounts to beef up the numbers, so if anything it is more like 115 people the most were at party. And most of those DJs played at Event 2. Speaking of Event 2, it was fun until party crashers ruined it for the rest, the numbers to them mattered. However the room held over 100 people at one time without lag issues. I had a friend with an old computer who enjoyed the party being right in the middle and the sides, and in reality that is what I wanted a room where people with lousy computers can go in and have fun, looking at sites created by someone looking to have fun. "Music is Life," and Fluffy is big.
  5. I don't have a gamer's computer, I am not a programmer either. Pandora can hold, if i guess right 400 before it lags too much and it does get more than 25 people. What people complain about is the bridge, not the lag, so unless you are repeating a rumor then I have no idea what you are talking about since set on high, I do not get lag in Pandora or Event 3. As for Event 4, be honest did you even try to go? I spend hours making the room Pandora for the woman I married in the game, I shared the room as Event 3. 13,701 pieces, i doubt there are rooms with 8,000 pieces that lag less then Pandora does. Have you even tried to really enter that room or any room I have made? And people wonder why I had enough. FYI both Event 3 and 4 had way more than 25 people, lag was never the issue, rumors like a gamer computer needed to load that room that was an issue, because it is far from the truth, it is why I had enough. 3 more big rooms and my sub ends. 1 is done on my part it is a wedding present for a couple I care for a lot. I don't know if the COD will consider the room I have in mind for E6, nor do I care anymore. Because of the bullshit. When I make some room I care about that one friend that is so excited to enter a room and can't. If I wanted numbers, I would make a fuck room, but that is not what I want. I wanted people to have fun, I wanted to give DJs a place to showcase their love of the music. To bring up the mood in 3DX and make it fun. People here know the sex is not the only reason why 3DX is fun, the music and amazing rooms make it fun. If I am able to make a room that can house 2,000 and only 5 people like it, well there is your reason, because 5 people liked it.
  6. I was asked to see the room, so far I love it. As for the strippers, there were strippers at the Events? The purpose is to make a room with a fun atmosphere, to have fun while Djs showcase their talent. My wife was happy telling me she would be there, I am gonna be there cause I love the music. To be there as a fan, I am excited about it! As for details versus lag, not really always true.. Some crappy rooms have a lot of lag, due to density of information at various areas while other rooms have perfect detail little lag due to various factors. Natsumi has asked me to check out the room so I turn on my builder avi, put the settings on high and use my Pathfinder avi (that's right two accounts one computer that would flip me off if given the chance). That is my lag test, a crappy computer and two avis. Until Natsumi needs me, I will be hiding from Fluffy
  7. Actually I could have never done any Events without the help and guidence of my wife (JanusPandora/ PandoraVonSayalin), Maron, EvilElf, Ukari, Trena, SpinalRip, SugarBunny, Natsumi, Flake, Rockster, IceBox, OoOMariaOoO, MissMegan, Achilles, OOlisa, Icecream, Hornya, and StarrFyre whose moto, "Music is Life," was the step the Event series holds, do it for the love of the music.
  8. http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5226-event-5-festival-of-sound/ I am so looking forward to this Festival of Sound, AKA EVENT 5. I have been shown the room and I love it. I think it is a room to be proud of, way to go COD and Natsumi. There is no doubt in my mind that the COD and the many DJs to come will make the future Event series many times better than I could have ever made it to be. The COD, like I used to, is asking various DJs that want to showcase their skills and talents on that stage. The fans and the DJs are the stars on the Events. The Event series is not to excel the popularity of one DJ, but to showcase various DJs performing their best for the love of the music. Music to have fun in a neutral environment, that is what the Event was supposed to do and did. Under the COD, I believe music for the sake of music in a neutral fun environment will still be possible.
  9. http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5204-re-opening-of-the-craic-mc-irish-pub/
  10. One year flies hope you guys take more pictures for the second and the many more years to come.
  11. I can not wait to see what videos you make, you are fucken Amazing
  12. Coming very soon, Ayon's Volcano is coming with a night club, with a hot night club, with the hottest dance area every made, it is inside the Volcano, it does not get any hotter now does it?
  13. room building, 3 big rooms to go..

  14. Got it wear a hat!! Stripping and DJing... you better not pimp me out Nitro! I have morals, sure they are low morals... well... yeah no pimping. . cause Pimping ain't easy..
  15. MissMeagan, Trena, EvilElf, Maron, Natsumi, Ukari, Nixxx, Flake, Hornya, and OOlisa all had a hand in the 4th Event.
  16. I didn't even get a chance to say I don't strip anymore.. Oh well guess I will be up there wearing glasses, I feel naked without glasses.
  17. Please talk to the COD, it is my belief that in their hands the true purpose of the Event can be seen. It is not to give fame to a DJ but to showcase the real passion and love some DJs have for their music. Were it up to me I would not have to build rooms to show case DJs, I would use the general rooms. But it is not up to me and the general rooms are not being used nearly as good as Achilles and so many other DJs used to do. To steal a quote from President Trump and alter it, "Lets make 3DXChat great again by putting music and fun first." As a friend and a great DJ I love says, "Music is Life." p.s. Want to show you are the best, https://discord.gg/KMwhrZB Coalition of DJs, for gigs, history and a fucken great group of people.
  18. I have always been a fan of Achilles since Trena started telling me about him. She told me what he told her to work on to become a better DJ after her DJ Test just before the first room party that broke the 100 personal room barrier. He ran great music in Sins, Fresco, Love Island and the 3DX Night Club. Prior to the party EvilElf called The Event, 3DX had general room Event Parties, Achilles did not have these parties revolve around him, which is why during all the Events, I avoided playing to keep the attention on the DJs showcasing their amazing skills. I took that concept from Achilles over a year ago now, I used to play after the Event is over. So accept it Achilles you are an inspirational, LEGEND, wanna avoid the LEGEND title keep DJing. More rooms are coming.
  19. Taking time off the Pathfinder avi.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OliU


      Take your time and then... see you again :)

    3. Rob.


      I am using my building alt. More peaceful.


    4. LexiKitty


      we are not done with colding each other Rob

  20. I am only human, think I pushed the limits of my staying awake too far. Sorry to those who did not get to play, the Event Series is in the hands of the COD now. EvilElf and I began it to showcase DJs a big party to get all of 3DX together. Maron a guide and true friend helped me accomplish that. SugarBunny (7Sins) brought it higher. Like Icarus, I got too close to the sun and burned out. Make it fun Coalition of DJs. LIFE IS MUSIC. bye
  21. Here is the thing, a DJ has to know what is going on in the room, 3DX, real life, or other games where there is a DJ, they set the tone for the party. If everyone likes a type of music the DJ will see it. You can't read facial expressions so it is harder. If it makes everyone feel better I'll take the blame or be a politician and pass it to Trump or Obama. What I pointed out was it was a fun party, on the DJ table it was fun until you got caught, but fact is, Sex on the moon, or in front of that flat disk, that's something to write home to mama about if she is that kinky. Locations, locations unwritten rules but why that is why we ask. Thing is, it is a party, it is for fun so lets go have fun. That is why we play 3DX, to have fun. We can't change the past, so no point to it. My advice now that you know you can fuck on the moon, aim for the moon, go have fun.
  22. To avoid room crashes I isolate my avi near a radio and all the graphics to low. I turn off a lot of programs trying to get everything I can from a lappy (word I stolen from OOlisa), that is not a gaming computer, it is a regular basic functions lappy. I have 2 photos taken from the same angle with the names of people showing and without. What makes the Events fun is the DJ's attitude is to go in and have fun, it is catchy and some DJs are actually nervous because they are showing who they are, to me they are geniuses of the turn tables having fun with everyone else. Today is the final leg of the Event 4. After I get to collapse and return to regular life.
  23. The game crashed for me and I do not like taking time away from the DJs. Achilles went beyond what I had hoped and I loved his set. I highly recommend tuning in to his radio broadcast to hear what an amazing DJ he is. In using the word "BEST" there are many that complain, but to me Achilles is one of the best DJs I have heard was honored to have him be a part of Event 4.
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