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Ancient Rome (W.I.P.)


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On 1/29/2024 at 12:23 AM, Aeliana said:

So, back from Europe and back from two and a half weeks of thought-inspiring isolation, quite some snow, life-on-a-fire-stove, off-the-grid, and a tub with icy water instead of a shower

A friend of mine is renting out his cottage just like that, solar panels though, but the rest is a bare minimum, carry in water from a well, and a huge fire place with a self shot polar bear skin from Svalbard in front and it is always fully booked. :]

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Been a while since I posted here.

A few events happened, some good, some not so good, but here we are. The show goes on. Trix (Gladiatrix is still with us, and on our Discord, we now have 38 members, and we are issuing membership cards for roleplayers who love ancient Rome. Screenshot added.

In the meantime, I am looking for people who could tun on their PCs, get to our room, and stay there while they sleep, so that we can focus on expanding the city, and building this city further.
We would even pay some Gold for that, that's how much we like this project!

We added a better (much better!) version of horses to the game, where up to four people can interact at the same time (or not, if you prefer two, LOL). This is done by having both a chair AND a barstool incorporated into the horse's body. Screenshots added, and of course, I pose naked for that on the horse.

In another post (coming in a few hours I will tell you about who visited us here at "Ancient Rome Sex" cause it was like the queen of England coming down to visit a poor man's shop. It was amazing, and I never thought this person would visit us, befriend me and Gladiatrix and even join our Discord. A true authority in matters 3DX building! 




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