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Found 3 results

  1. ♥ Hello ♥ I just wanted to share some images of a build-in-progress that I have been working on the last month or so. I named it Elysian Falls because I used to have a town with that name in Minecraft when I was younger and it just always stuck with me. I joined 3DX Chat back in January, and quickly became addicted to creating my own world within the game. I hope that the build will be finished and ready to open by April, and will eventually be looking for some DJ's/greeters and dance groups who are interested in coming by to help with the grand opening. So if you are interested please feel free to contact me here. The area has 3 main portals that take players to various areas on the map, as well as some caves hidden around the landscape. While the main area is completed, there is a palace in the back that is still being worked on. I would love to hear any feedback or ideas that anyone may have. If there are areas that you particularly enjoy in other rooms that you have seen and would like to see here, or something that you wish people had done and have yet to see please comment and let me know. I hope to make more rooms in the future, as this was my first room and was my attempt at testing out what the world editor could do. I do wish I had been aware that you couldn't swim in the 'placed' water and discovered the flattened sphere bug. But I hope that I can make some adventurous new rooms for people to enjoy.
  2. Is there somthing wrong with spheres while building in the game? Its like there is an invisible "no go" area around them? It’s like if the game uses a hidden "hitbox" for them that is 3 times the size that they visually are Seems it apears after i rezize a sphere using the rezize tool. @Gizmo @Lisa
  3. Hello! I decided to share some stuff I built and will build in the future. So first here a little thing I made and can't enjoy as much as I'd like. Let's call it "Love Shore" a room with a romantic ambiance, perfect for a couple (or more ). It's a simple build with a bungalow. And lots of candles (Please be careful don't burn everything!) There's a pool directly in the sea. Some champagne: And a heart shaped platform for nice cuddles just under the full moon. If you use it, lemme know what you think of it. Some technical details: The radio is under the spawn point Ocean level settings at 170 The room is made for night time. The file can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vv81lsk4gr925jo/LoveShore.world?dl=0
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