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Status Replies posted by IamTheNight

  1. to all my friends...... love u all ^_-

  2. Back soon :)

  3. Now that the DJ thing is dead, its time to revieve the "3DXChat 2.0 and why there is no progress" drama and also the "This game is doomed" threads. I love the forums.

  4. Now that the DJ thing is dead, its time to revieve the "3DXChat 2.0 and why there is no progress" drama and also the "This game is doomed" threads. I love the forums.

  5. Wohoo its monday again. <.<

  6. Happy Birthday To Me!<3

    1. IamTheNight


      Happy birthday Akali, i have mine tomorrow too :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. So that means goodbye forever. Fine with me. Just remember there is no way back ever and thats a constant in my life.

    1. IamTheNight


      I know it wasnt about us... i just said. No offence.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. So that means goodbye forever. Fine with me. Just remember there is no way back ever and thats a constant in my life.

    1. IamTheNight


      Well i can disagree that Nikki, actually i never disappointment you with same mistakes you gave me 2nd try. Well not big deal, just wanted proof your thoughts wrong :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. Good morning world.

  10. No women will ever be truly satisfied on Valentines day because no man will ever have a chocolate penis that ejaculates money.

    1. IamTheNight


      Thanks to Nikki im not gonna eat any chocolate after this :P not big lose tho...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Thanks for reminding me that this is a sex game were relationships are kinda unecessary and dont work anyway. Might be a good idea to play this game as its supposed to be and stop beeing silly by seeking a comfort zone.

  12. Getting back on track.

  13. I see little green men and women :D

  14. Some of you should keep me away from your little dramas, thank you "Only haters want to see you cry." Now Fuck Off.

  15. Busybee again.

  16. Nom Nom Nom

  17. Happy New year :)

  18. Beeing sick on new years eve does kinda suck. Still I wish everyone a nice new years eve party and a happy new year <3

  19. Shopping tour! Time to redeem all the coupons from Christmas <3

  20. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone :)

  21. Forums on fire again huh.

  22. How about you guys stop dragging me into your personal dramas. Thank you!

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