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Posts posted by Tiazinha

  1. On 7/24/2022 at 6:11 AM, KaelaKitten said:

    no people would rather masturbate then learn a new skill. And let's face it most people playing this game aren't the creative type. Log on, beat off, log out, cancel sub in 2 months. Thats your average 3dx player.

    I loved your sincerity and also said a lot in few words. Sometimes reality is harsh but it needs to be said.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Pandorra said:

    Utter BS.

    I got a lot of help from buildes and tips how to use better techniques. And I am also not greeding in giving tips. If someone asks, I give an answer.

    Maybe it also matter how one asks for help? And if it is not only like leaching but also giving back something from time to time?

    Furthermore there are good beginners guides to the editor. A written PDF on modz and also some nice vids on YT how to get started.

    Sorry for the generalism, but of course there are also good people in the game who don't mind helping i also don't mind so much that i made my discord available for this purpose because i know it's very difficult for beginners.

    You mentioned the principle of reciprocity which I believe in and think is very cool. But despite the pdf and the collaborations of good people, I still believe that the world editor has a barrier to entry for newbies. Games are a teacher and teach people how to play, and it can't frustrate people too much right from the start. Let's imagine a person who didn't look for a tutorial on the internet and didn't even search for this pdf, this is the normal behavior of a person who just installed the game for the first time and logged in.

  3. On 7/18/2022 at 1:04 PM, Pandorra said:

    Just in case someone of you is in danger of running low on supplies soon.

    That would be bad, sad and boooooring.


    If you notice troll food here, keep it. I have enough for the both ouf us.

    Popcorn anyone?


    I was just here to expose all the dirty politics players do in the game.

    The gaming industry allows developers to use assets in their projects and create the best game possible.
    And it's not like here that a website owner banned this to make life difficult for newbies.

    The world editor has a high barrier to entry for new players as there are no good tutorials, it's not intuitive and it quickly frustrates beginners.

    Experienced builders don't help beginners because they have no interest in more people using their objects on the site or out of arrogance.

    But I also have praise for the 3dxchat team who work hard to add new costumes and features to the world editor to give the game a richer experience. I believe you are on the right path, and the more new things you release, the more people you will attract.
    But we urgently need a new mechanic or a fun economy that works within the game using XGold.


  4. On 7/17/2022 at 12:37 PM, KelsieKade said:

    Se a construção da mansão de Justin é considerada fácil, então não sei o que estou vendo. Acho que é um dos melhores, se não o melhor, do jogo. Eu vejo tantas pessoas hospedando-o, às vezes com suas próprias pequenas reviravoltas.

    Sério, todos vocês são construtores talentosos. Ele lhe pediu muitas vezes para parar e continuar com seus dias. Acho que todos vocês, incluindo ele, estão errados. é isso que egos e disputas podem fazer com pessoas boas. Todos vocês gastam tanto tempo e energia em criações tão bonitas e naturalmente querem que elas sejam reconhecidas e não menosprezadas. Compreensível. Mas transforma até mesmo os cavalheiros mais dignos em monstros. Mas o que eu sei.

    É meu aniversário em poucos dias. Por favor, me dê o presente de deixar o passado ser passado?

    Happy Birthday JustinCredible.
    I wish you many years of life, a lot of ethics and abandon false profiles.

  5. 5 hours ago, Allalon said:

    Ehm talvez você tenha lido mal mano...eu tento te defender e explicar sua posição rsrs...não sei quanto é o seu quarto mas a Tiazinha te disse 3mb de quarto de lag...ela errada não é de quanto é pesado o quarto :) leia com atenção:D

    Não me lembro de dizer que a sala do OliverX é pesada ou tem 3mb. Foi você quem o questionou sobre isso. 🤣

    Sorry , i forgot i don't talk to banned people.🤣

  6. 39 minutes ago, KelsieKade said:

    Muito bem dito:)

    Acho que todo esse drama precisa de um exercício de construção de equipe. Que tal um concurso onde há equipes de dois. Onde duas pessoas precisam colaborar e trabalhar juntas em uma compilação. Eu sei o que as pessoas podem dizer, diferentes visões e estilos podem colidir, mas acho que isso aumenta o desafio. Acho que Justin está certo. Vocês são todos os principais construtores. Então, por que não se juntar e ver o que pode ser criado? talvez Justin e Torox, Tiazinha e Oliver (não resisti desculpa rs), e por aí vai e por aí vai?

    Não? ok foi apenas o que eu pensei que era uma ideia criativa. Vou calar a boca agora lol

    I loved your idea, honestly this was ideal, I've also thought the same way as you, Two people also increases the quality of the room. But the individualism of a hegemony does not allow this.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Torax said:

    Basta me citar a parte em que ele solicita a remoção do quarto e eu o farei, simples assim.

    Entretanto parabéns novamente a todos os construtores que participaram, e estou fora.

    I'll mind my own business now.🤣
    I think everything is clear.
    I've already intruded too much on your honest work, sorry for the inconvenience and good luck.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Torax said:

    Sim e eu respondo a você.

    Até onde eu sei, você é a Tiazinha, não o Justin que construiu a sala, nem o Pagos que fez os alto-falantes, pelo que eu sei você não é administrador de nenhum site, nem é desenvolvedor 3dx, equipe Lovense ou Redji, e ainda você tenta me ensinar como administrar meu site, ensina o júri e o organizador a administrar seu concurso e reivindicar Pagos enquanto ele não tem problema?

    A única aqui que não é racional é você Tiazinha.

    Sua reclamação foi "Justin usou o item de Pagos" certo? Então agora temos a resposta de Pagos (boa), e ele está bem, caso encerrado.

    Did you deduce all this yourself? We're finally making progress, you know how to identify people's names and that's a good start.
      Now you come on behalf of PAGOS to say that everything is fine, do you know how to read? Or want to cover up the case.

    I am saying for the second time that the matter is closed

  9. 48 minutes ago, Torax said:

    Read Pagos's answer. Noone contacted me because he decided not to claim and move on. You should do the same.

    Got it, but you're here right? Was I talking to you now or was it someone else?

    So what do you need to understand that I made a claim? Schedule a meeting?

    As this conversation has lost its rational sense, I close the matter here.


  10. 5 minutes ago, PAGOS said:

    Queridos amigos, por favor, acalmem-se; Não reclamei com ninguém, e tudo bem da minha parte, estamos apenas criticando aqui, acho que Abra uma nova página do Editor Mundial e comece a revelar seus talentos... Este tópico é Black Hole

    I apologize to you PAGOS, You are right. You are very polite and assertive maintaining conviction, I need to learn that from you I admit.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Torax said:

    Peço gentilmente que cuide da sua vida e não me diga o que devo fazer ou não. Se alguém tiver uma reclamação, pode entrar em contato comigo e resolveremos o problema, aconteceu antes e acontecerá novamente. 

    No one will contact you because you already noticed the problem here. So I kindly ask you to wake up and do your job.

  12. 37 minutes ago, Torax said:


    I must remind JustimCredible that I didn't make the rules up, he's not happy with the rules? He didn't make a small slip in the contest, it was colossal.

    He broke the rule of all sites that support the game in using unshared objects in his room and giving free to everyone.
    PAGOS was very gentlemanly and assertive in saying this to him.

    What is the punishment that the builders who do this will receive?
    The Banishing.

    Remove his room from your site as it is more than proven that PAGOS did not allow him to distribute it for free to everyone.

  13. 2 hours ago, PAGOS said:

    hi Actually while building the room, Using other people's objects doesn't seem wrong to me, but some objects belonging to others used need to be determined,
    Lovense should have taken this competition more seriously, In addition, it may not be ethically correct to share the room or objects with everyone. I don't like easy work


    You're right. if I had done that, I would have gathered several people wanting my head on the tray because I'm not part of the beautiful people club. ⚰️🤣

  14. 14 minutes ago, Diana Prince said:

    but as a visitor to these two rooms, you don't know the file size. And as a builder, I can use a color picker tool to determine the color in the original room.
    Both rooms will LOOK the same.

    Or another example: If I build the Apple logo (a very basic structure), and someone else build it, too, chances are high that we use the same objects, size and color (white and black). So, did he copy my room (object)?

    It reminds me a little bit of the old paradoxon: every cell in your body gets replaced about every 7 years. So after a certain time, you are completely "renewed". So, are you still the same person?

    the color picker tool is not all that accurate because the lighting in the room causes changes in tone.

    But if the colors are identical white or black I compare the size with maximum precision. It is impossible for the 2 logos to be the same size in precise dimensions. even if you and I only make one square, the 2 will have different sizes.

    imagine if I were to compare each piece of your logo comparing each diameter accurately it is impossible to be equal.

    But that was not the case that happened here in the contest, unfortunately he just copied it and put it in the room without having the trouble to change anything to give me this job.

  15. 16 minutes ago, Diana Prince said:

    How many changes have to be done to a room to not be the original any more? Deleting a single object? Recoloring one? Moving or turning one object?

    Or what if I recreated a room from scratch 1:1? Would this be MY room then?

    As long as there is no protection for these files, it will always be a grey area.

    it's very easy to know if the work is yours or not, just analyze the file size comparing the two, color, texture, dimensions... if everything is the same then the person copied it, even if the person has the idea of making the same brown chair as yours i can see in the color code in the notepad if it is identical to yours or not. so a single shade of color is enough to discover a copy.

    the ideal is to build the room all the work needs to be 100% yours, you can try to make a sofa like someone else's, but it will never be 100% the same...something always changes.

    if someone takes an object of yours and modifies it? I say good luck, because I have ways of knowing.

  16. 5 hours ago, Pandorra said:

    Eu não li tudo. Demais .

    Eu só queria dizer: eu amo competições assim.

    Pessoas sendo criativas, dando o seu melhor e vamos ver quem será coroado no final. Participar e aproveitar a oportunidade para desenvolver suas habilidades e aprender com os outros parece muito mais importante para você. Muito mais do que pegar as medalhas. Vocês representam o "Espírito Olímpico" como nenhum outro, pessoal.

    Meus sinceros cumprimentos!

    Adorável, ler nas entrelinhas, como pessoas com a mesma paixão compartilham seus insights e trocam dicas e técnicas de conselhos umas com as outras. Um exemplo notável de espírito de equipe. Eu quase fiquei úmida entre minhas coxas, tanto que eu adoro isso.

    Você arrasa, gente!

    Comunidade @Lovense

    Talvez repensando em patrocinar dinheiro real como 350$? Se se trata de dinheiro, as pessoas tendem a ficar feias em pouco tempo.

    PS. Se você notar sarcasmo, mantenha-o. Eu tenho o suficiente para nós dois.😆


    I'm very happy to hear that, and I'll definitely be back to share my insights, technical tips and advice.🤣

    Meme: "No god!! No god please no!!" - All Templates - Meme-arsenal.com

    did anyone think this?🤣

  17. 3 hours ago, JustinCredible said:

    Nothing needs edited. And nowhere did I claim it as my own. Even on the download I stated special thanks for the few props used. But maybe I should thank you... Because going forward I will never use a mere block from someone else again. I really find it a bit pathetic how seriously you take this. Man... can you imagine if we did do a friendly competition and I beat you? My god how would you or Oliver live with yourselves?  

    I see yoru point Tia. No more needs to be said about it. But there is plenty of very very VERRRY valuable builds that I make that people use all the time. I make all my stuff open source and I dont add a signature because FUCK THAT. Everything I "create" is 100% open to the public. I dont offer it for money or for followers or anything. I do it for the love of building, not for fame or fortune. Now seriously...  unless someone wants to make a lil friendly competition putting bragging rights on the line... then im seriously done with this subject.

    You didn't give special thanks to anyone, these PAGOS objects used without authorization are released email downloads via Patreon and not downloaded from a website.
      So in addition to using them without authorization, you acquired them in a pirated way and he will be very angry when he finds out about it.

    What you make and make available to the public for free has not been used in a contest without the owner's permission.

    You are not calling me pathetic, you are calling the judges and contest organizers who made this rule very clear. You should take this seriously.

    You broke the rules and now you started swearing and disrespecting me.

    but you offended the contest you underestimated people's intelligence thinking that it would not be discovered.


  18. 3 hours ago, JustinCredible said:

    I pretty much knew the 3MB size was the likely reason I finished 2nd. Even though that could of easily been fixed by removing lovense text off furniture. Its not like that was very vital anyways lol. Oh well... chalk it up to a learning lesson for the future. As far as the props.. I built the metal structures myself to custom fit over the dance floor. i used a speaker, silhouette, and stand. Sue me lol.  They were not vital and i dont think that played much of a role. But sure... going forward I wont use a block from anyone. No biggie. As far as the dance floor size, I think its big enough because its the exact same size as my popular rooftop room that would get 170+ people on the floor and it had ample room, didnt look like Olivers dance floor was very big either by the pics though pics can be deceiving.

    Anyways im kind of tired of defending myself. Doing so makes it sound like I'm bashing others work in comparison and that is not my goal. I am very confident in my talent as a builder and look forward to the next contest where I will be going all out (safe to say ill spend more than 2 days on it lol). Or perhaps you, me, oliver, ect could have our own little friendly competition where the ultimate prize is respect and bragging rights?  Or.. you know...  go about our lives 😜

    Looks like ZigZag is hosting my lovense room as we speak lol.

    Did you ask PAGOS for authorization to use these objects? NO

    I waited for you to edit the topic so that your situation doesn't get more serious, you removed the credits from PAGOS, you're still saying that it's your own.

      And it still says: Sue me. lol

    I won't do anything about it but be careful using other people's objects and claiming it's your own it can cause a huge problem

  19. 54 minutes ago, JustinCredible said:

    Because I simply didnt know what my schedule would be when I initially made the sketch. And that sketch was terrible so I really think I only made the finalist based on my Beach Mansion build that I sent them. They knew what I was capable of. So to be frank.. I did not know I would have such little time when I initially entered..

    However... 2 days or not...  I still was happy with the room that I made. If you asked me, I still think it was the best one of the 3. I think it looks more like a lovense rave party and was more according to guidelines. But I said days ago that my opinion doesnt matter. Oliver won and I congratulated him. I dont see how 2 days of time matters if I was happy with my room regardless. I was happy enough with it to upload it for anyone to download.

    And again, let me say this because I can see where this will lead...  Just because I said I truly think my build was better does NOT mean I think his build wasnt good. Perhaps I'm biased to my style, (though at least 140+ people obviously agreed with me). And I also think my room was closer to what the contest was about. This is not putting his room down and its not sour grapes of finishing 2nd. We all need to realize were talking about a virtual build on a sex game for fuck sakes lol.  I could give a damn if im the best builder on 3dx or the worst lol.  Far more things matter in this world, like who is better at... IDK... LIFE lol.  

    So to bring it all full circle...  I dont say i think mine is better to cry, to pout, or to puff up some sort of ego. I say it to prove a point. If i still (regardless of results) think mine was the better build then obviously im happy with it which means the 2 days of time doesnt really bother me. Now sure if I had more time would I of been maybe a little more nit-picky? Sure. Would I of changed some things perhaps?  Sure. But the inspiration for the room was already set. The main layout was already decided. Nothing about any of that was going to change based on more time. I just may of made some cosmetic changes here or there to make it a more PERFECT build. I am a perfectionist after all.

    You have created a room with more than 3 MB for a party that can have up to 300 people. So you made the room thinking about you and not the contest. The champion made his room 100% without using anyone's objects, and you used the PAGOS metal structures and speakers. The floor size of your dance floor is small for this big event... but it's a very nice room and I liked it, but it's not suitable for the event.

    The judges were right and I could only see it now.


  20. 4 hours ago, NaIIey said:

    I am not defending anyone here sweetheart, all I said that you have no reason and place to come accuse anyone here, have respect for their work, promote your other ways and leave the people alone. I know you use translator, but I can help you with a better link so you might understand better what I meant to say. I am not , like I said a PRO builder, and I never publish my work, but watching all this drama you came and make here, disgust me and not only. Mind your personal work and business, and do not come to give morale lessons because no one is interested on whatever you have to say! Hope you understand now what I mean TIAZINHA

    You again? omg 🤣

    Do you think you deceive me?
    You 3 are friends, how do I know? Secret...

    You just do demagoguery.🤣

  21. 2 hours ago, Torax said:

    Or these people dont give a fuck about the build and came for the music, or to be with friends. You never got a great party real life on a simple beach or just around a fire and nothing else? You dont need to be in a palace or a luxury house or in a fancy club to have a good time. Let each person decide what is good for them or not, and let's not judge them. Keep in mind that as good as a builder or a dj can be, it is ONLY a builder or a dj, nothing more, nothing less. 

    We all love building, but we should keep in mind that building is not everything neither and builders aint gods but are only normal players like anyone else in game.

    I'm referring to rooms that don't have friends, DJ, just sex and nothing else, that use any radio or no music.
      Everything you said exists in the game is undeniable, but I'm thinking about development and other things you won't understand.

    There are unfair competitors doing the same thing and taking profit from this game. And I'm totally against it.(illegal servers)

    3dxchat game design document is intended for online 3D sex games, community and virtual world.

    I would like to write more, but leave it for another topic.


  22. 3 minutes ago, NaIIey said:

    Não sou um construtor PRO, mas li neste tópico e não vejo em primeiro lugar que seja errado proteger seu ente querido, mas vejo totalmente errado promover seu trabalho em um concurso do qual você não faz parte. Quero que vença o melhor, confio no julgamento objetivo e desejo sucesso aos 3, independente das minhas preferências, então não adianta ficar arrogante tentando ofender, desde que não haja nada de você minha querida Tiazinha...

    Will I win any participation prizes? NO

    Did I want a fair contest without interference from group leaders to decide the winner? YES

    Are there 3 participants? NO (2 just now)

    What do you think interests me? NO

    I offended? Seriously? you call me arrogant and I'm the one who started to offend? Or is it the opposite?

    I think OliverX knows how to defend himself? NO

    Do I have an obligation to respond to all groups and families who come to defend OliverX? NO (this is insane)

     Bye, I lost interest in answering you too.

    Any other lawyers? 🤣

  23. 35 minutes ago, Yennah said:


     "Chorar e se vitimizar não é atitude de homem." (Desde quando refutar e defender-se é sinônimo de "chorar" e "vitimizar"?) 🤔

    Provocação : Excitar alguém, empurrá-lo, por um desafio ou por atitudes ou linguagem ultrajantes, a uma ação muitas vezes forte e que exige uma resposta.


    "Eu sei que você está com medo de me ouvir e cancelar o concurso, mas você está pensando que o time lovense / 3DX / Redji são pessoas fracas como você influencia?"

    Sofisma : Um sofisma é um argumento falacioso, apesar de uma aparência de verdade, que é deliberadamente projetado para enganar ou iludir. (sua especialidade!)


    "Não há chance de o concurso ser cancelado, mesmo que eu ache que deveria."

    Manipulação : O ato de manipular, agir sobre alguém de maneira suspeita para fazê-lo fazer ou pensar o que você quer que ele faça. 


    " Eu queria mostrar que o 3dxchat tem gráficos lindos"  (obrigado por estar aqui, não tínhamos percebido por todo esse tempo  🙏)

    "Tenho centenas de ideias simples e fáceis de implementar que tornarão o jogo muito melhor, mas não vou falar sobre isso aqui porque senão esses dois senhores se intrometerão." (é verdade que você nunca se intrometeu lol)

    Pretensão : Um traço de caráter que leva a pessoa a se bajular com qualidades exageradas, a ser excessivamente auto-satisfeito e a exibir ares superiores. 



    Poderíamos acrescentar muito mais (oportunismo, desrespeito, ciúmes...)

    Isso é um roleplay de troll ou você é realmente assim? 😅


    PS: E sim Tiazinha, eu sempre escrevo meus posts por conta própria (caso você queira fazer de conta o que ainda combina com você).

    Wait, an English class? Let me get my notebook to take notes...

    I was wrong, it's OliverX's wife again.🤣

    I'm not in the mood to talk to the wife of a guy who thinks he's very smart. Bye


  24. 9 hours ago, JustinCredible said:

    Caramba!!! Eu gostaria de nunca ter respondido aqui. TBH Eu acho que vocês AMBOS têm grandes egos. Suponho que sim de alguma forma. Afinal, todos somos humanos. Mas volte e pense sobre o que vocês dois estão brigando. Quem é o melhor construtor? Sério? Eu acho que uma vez que um construtor atinge um certo nível de habilidade, é tudo de maçãs a laranjas. Sua preferência individual e estilo. Então, quando se trata de nós três, provavelmente éramos todos iguais em talento. Tiazinha aquela casa que você dividiu, apesar de ser desacreditada pelo Oliver é muito bem feita. Eu tiro meu boné para você. No entanto, a necessidade de jogar na nossa cara foi um pouco vergonhosa...

    Acho que os três competidores fizeram um ótimo trabalho. Dizer que eu acho que o meu é o melhor era apenas eu sentir a necessidade de defender meu próprio trabalho depois que parecia que você estava levemente se gabando. Estabelecemos que não era sua intenção e peço desculpas pelo mal-entendido. Eu acho que o meu é o melhor, mas isso não significa absolutamente NADA porque, pelo que sabemos, redji, 3dxchat e lovense poderiam pensar o contrário. São eles que importam. Não nós. Vou parabenizar os outros ganhando ou perdendo. Ainda estou feliz com minha construção e fiquei feliz por me inspirar para criar algo que possa compartilhar com os outros.


    9 hours ago, JustinCredible said:

    Caramba!!! Eu gostaria de nunca ter respondido aqui. TBH Eu acho que vocês AMBOS têm grandes egos. Suponho que sim de alguma forma. Afinal, todos somos humanos. Mas volte e pense sobre o que vocês dois estão brigando. Quem é o melhor construtor? Sério? Eu acho que uma vez que um construtor atinge um certo nível de habilidade, é tudo de maçãs a laranjas. Sua preferência individual e estilo. Então, quando se trata de nós três, provavelmente éramos todos iguais em talento. Tiazinha aquela casa que você dividiu, apesar de ser desacreditada pelo Oliver é muito bem feita. Eu tiro meu boné para você. No entanto, a necessidade de jogar na nossa cara foi um pouco vergonhosa...

    Acho que os três competidores fizeram um ótimo trabalho. Dizer que eu acho que o meu é o melhor era apenas eu sentir a necessidade de defender meu próprio trabalho depois que parecia que você estava levemente se gabando. Estabelecemos que não era sua intenção e peço desculpas pelo mal-entendido. Eu acho que o meu é o melhor, mas isso não significa absolutamente NADA porque, pelo que sabemos, redji, 3dxchat e lovense poderiam pensar o contrário. São eles que importam. Não nós. Vou parabenizar os outros ganhando ou perdendo. Ainda estou feliz com minha construção e fiquei feliz por me inspirar para criar algo que possa compartilhar com os outros.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to throw it in your face. My target was to show my room to the 3DX team.
      And thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

       I'm honestly very sad to see the best adult game in the world with the best graphics have rooms with more than 100 people with just a lamp and bed. These people must have a potato pc or came from an inferior game...lol

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