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Everything posted by Collier

  1. Yup, that's the idea.
  2. Started playing with the idea a while ago - thought the Row and the Tetterby Hotel might make for good locations. But then I got sidetracked by mocking up scenery. Anyways, I thought I'd share the idea and a screen dump to see what people might make of it?
  3. Update: 2166 KB Continued work on the courtyard in front of the Great Hall. Moody sunset screenshots are below for your viewing pleasure. Note, the light blue blocks are updated placeholders, whereas the white blocks are still somewhat sketchy. Blocks with non-placeholder textures are locked in, as it were (oh, if only there was an option for that!). Progress is generally slow going, as there's plenty to do and I am working with some time constraints. Add to that a healthy dose of wanting the details to be... juuuuuuust right
  4. Update: 1875 KB. New Year, new... chair? Added a throne-esque chair, with a passable resemblance to the films. Also, I started on one of the exterior courtyards. Long ways to go still.
  5. Looks nice! For my attempts at a modern urban build, I've added foundations for building, usually concrete. Just something to differentiate the walls from the sidewalk. Also, for interiors, I add panels between walls and floors, window sills, door frames, light switches. Basically just a lot of little details that add up to a more coherent look.
  6. Thanks for the tip I have thought about using it. Might have some AI produce pixelated portraits of wizards/witches to keep down the amount of blocks used. But regardless, it IS going to be a massive map, so high end machines are likely going to be a prerequisite anyways. Alternatively, the devs might get around to implementing image import on 2D planes before I get to a point in the process where I flesh out the build with paintings and such. There are so many buildings, rooms and windows on my to-do list
  7. Perhaps as a compromise, if the request is technically infeasible, maybe just some more pose platforms? E.g. a bench without a backrest that includes poses from the sofa and chair platforms, where neither participant is leaning on the backrest? Or a table platform with only 3 faces (2 vertical, 1 horisontal), so it can be utilized on rectangular (not square) tables/surfaces?
  8. Might not see an update on this project until January, so... Happy Holidays!
  9. Update: 1639 KB. Worked on lots of smaller details in the Great Hall over the last few days, e.g. the rear window, banners etc.. Also, trying to recreate that "magical" ceiling has left me scratching my head somewhat*. But as I've only been able to sit with it for 1-2 hours each night, progress has slowed a bit. I think I'll move on to a different building or part of the school after this. In the meantime, here are some moody screenshots to match the season. Ta-ta. * I'm very open to suggestions, if you have any?
  10. Both the walking and running animations could do with an upgrade into the standard of the current, hell even the last, decade. That stiff neck and permanently immovable head just looks painful. I'd like to see a relaxed pace animation, a brisk walk, a swing-of-the-hips walk, light jogging, maybe a skipping animation. Feck, I should probably figure out how to do it 3DSMax myself and submit it.
  11. Oh look, someone sat in the big chair
  12. Added some furniture to the Great Hall, plus a fireplace and some touch up on the rear windows. I messed up by continuing on an older save, so I don't have the candle lights from the previous post. But that's a quick fix, I hope.
  13. I'm glad you like it, @Ashbash! I appreciate any enthusiasm I can get! Here's today's progress; mostly I've focused on smaller details, the central spire of the Great Hall building, steps, some decking along with some interior furniture in the Great Hall. So, yeah... progression is slow and steady. I've come to realise that I need to switch back and forth from building architecture to making furniture and small detail work, if nothing else just to keep my sanity somewhat intact.
  14. Updated the Great Hall with side windows. some flooring and a grand door. Exterior needs a central spire still and some decorative windows. The interior needs a LOT of work, before I'll be happy with it. But with the side windows out of the way, I can cross off a big mark on my list. Next up; rear window and long tables, I think.
  15. I made some headway on the exterior of the Great Hall building tonight. Missing windows and a central spire. But other than that, I think it's looking fairly decent.
  16. Thanks for the encouragement. Here's an update so far. Layout and building mockups are getting close to being finished. It's all quite crude still, but I plan to get the basics right to begin with, before I move into details. Stairs are going to be such a damn hassle, I can already tell.
  17. So, somehow I got into my head that the notion of building a replica of Hogwarts in WE would be a good idea. Found some scaled production design layouts from the films, and started from one end. Here's my progress so far. I've only gotten a partial layout done - still missing some parts in the western end and greenhouses at the main compound. But otherwise, the mockup is starting to look like something I can work with. I'm using Rhino 3D to calculate sizes and coordinates of the foundation blocks, because WE still sucks bawls at accuracy features. Wish me luck!
  18. Is there a threshold to keep world files under, in terms of size? I'm working on something that is currently 3.8mb, but I don't know how efficiently the engine renders objects, or if they are streamed, or users download a read-only copy upon entering? How does it work?
  19. That screenshot is from one of my maps. Looks like the moon at least renders a distinction between light and shadow that I can live with. Other light sources, not so much. Fair points. Still be nice to have. Doesn't mean it has to be forced on every graphics setting?
  20. This post is meant to start a discussion and suggestion thread for those of us who spent the majority of our time building worlds (and objects). I realize there have been quite a few different suggestion threads for the game itself, but I would like for this one to be restricted to suggestions regarding the World Editor. To wit, here are mine (not in any prioritized order): Source of music (radio) and/or pre-cached sound effects (e.g. sound of running water, hissing steam, traffic noise, generic sounds of crowd voices, etc.) implemented as an object along the lines of how 360° light sources work. The idea would be that instead of being able to change its color, you'd be able to choose the source of the sound/or music, and scale a spherical object to adjust the limit between where the sound/music can be heard in the world and where it cannot. Ideally there would be context menu for this control, with the possibility of adjusting the drop-off and strength of the sound via a graph/curvature tool (see attached mockup). For larger rooms, the possibility of synchronizing certain sound sources with one another would probably be quite useful. Having light sources respect the collision boxes of object with non-translucent materials, so that light in one room is not rendered in the next. I've noticed that light from the moon/sun cast shadows that respect this fairly well, but other light sources seem to disregard it entirely. This might be a rendering issue on my end (I'm not sure). This is probably something I miss the most in this editor; the ability to lock an object or a group of objects. Locked meaning that left-clicking on them will no trigger a selection of said object(s). This would be tremendously beneficial in my building process, but would like require a listed overview of the object within the .world file with options to lock and unlock the objects or groups. Thoughts? Let me know if you could see the benefits having my suggestions implemented (fingers crossed). Better yet, bring on your own suggestions. If we can get something resembling a consensus going, maybe we should make a poll of priorities. That way, the devs would have a handy way of seeing which features are missed the most by the userbase. /tata
  21. Here's something I've thought of. Could shapable objects (cubes, spheres, etc.) block light? Not as in, it doesn't reflect a light source, or is lit up by it - but in that it prevents the light from that source to pass through to the other side?
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