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  1. I'm a jaded, cynical asshole. For me, someone has to be the positive voice. So ... go team go I guess!
  2. To best answer your question, it's more like mix and match without true creation. You're given a base that you can't change. You then choose a few superficial changes to the face/head, torso (like Derai explained), and then colors of things. For clothing you're given pre-set stuff based on gender and placement; Hat, shirt, pants, underwear, bracelet/watch, glasses/mask. You can color most of them whatever color you want, and a few pre-set patterns can be used on some. Then you choose a unique name and that's really it. You can edit your character 100% whenever you want, only not able to change name/gender unless you spend points to do so.
  3. I have no problem with the idea as long as it's optional, but it raises the question of how clothing will be handled. Does that mean all women's clothing will need to be done in two sizes, regular and preggers? What about sex poses, there will need to be a lot of work making them all viable (or only allowing some to work with preggers) I feel like that is asking a lot honestly.
  4. Korinra

    VR Feedback

    So it seems the vast majority of people don't use VR (no surprise, it's expensive and not for everyone). As someone who has VR, I figured I'd give some feedback. Graphics Yeah I mean, it's what you'd expect. VR is phenomenal in any game with good graphics that natively supports VR. It looks like it does in 2d, except in 3d. It's more immersive, and really gives the feeling of being in a crowded room with horny dancing people. User Interface Abysmal. It's absolutely abysmal, sorry. So I put on my headset, and grabbed my controller. I thought, well I can't type fast with my controller, but I can at least move around. Except you need your mouse to turn the camera beyond what your head moves to. The problem is, you can ONLY turn with the mouse and ONLY horizontally. I would like the ability to move with the mouse on the vertical axis too. This would allow users to recenter on any axis, and for added benefit, it would be nice if the camera tilted with the head in first-person mode. Additionally, the UI windows are huge considering the limited space to put them in, and are annoyingly hard to move around sometimes. Some of the buttons, specifically the camera one, are hard to click. It's TINY and it's in a corner. The keyboard can just fuck right off if I'm honest. Anyone typing with a mouse or controller can fuck right off with the keyboard. It literally takes up 50% of the screen, and you can't recenter view when it's up. Remove the keyboard entirely. If you're going to make me use the mouse for some functionality anyway, I don't need a HUGE keyboard in front of me, I have real one thanks. Also whenever I take a screenshot with UI turned off while in VR mode, the white dot shows up in the shot... make the white dot never show up in the shot please... like ever. Sound Yeah this is confusing. No matter if I'm in VR or 2D mode, the music comes through my regular headset and the game sounds come through the VR headset. I just don't understand why the sound doesn't change to whichever headset I'm using. If I'm in VR, put all sound to VR headset, if I'm in 2D, put all sound to regular speakers/headset. Controls I mean, this kind of comes back to something I've said before VR came out, it would be nice if I could walk around without just clicking where I want to go. If I could use WSAD to walk around that would be great. I know that won't happen, but in first-person mode it would be nice at least. W-Forward, S-Backward, A-Straft left, D-Strafe right, and mouse to turn camera around. This is just me saying what a perfect world would be though, I don't expect this to ever happen. Otherwise controls are about the same as 2D mode, no real complaints. I will say dancing SUCKS in VR. The camera occasionally tries to resync with the body, rather than following it constantly, in first person mode. This is disorienting, bottom line. Either don't make the camera move or make it move naturally with the body. Also weird issue, when in third person mode, when I right click and drag to adjust camera angle. Everything goes black until I release right click... why? Summary Totally worth using VR mode if you have a VR headset, I wouldn't buy one just for this though. The keyboard can literally jump off a bridge into a dumpster fire on wheels heading toward the grand canyon filled with TNT, and if I could get sound fixed and the white dot removed from screenshots I'd be a happy man. Oh and please let mouse-right click also adjust default up/down camera angle until recentered. Third person mode too... don't forget that. All in all it's great and I'm grateful, but I'd like to see it refined.
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