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Why are my events being deleted?

Sugar Bunny

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Hello there.


In the events section I posted an advert for my Newb Workshop.


I've run this event a few times in the past and not only has been popular, but I have received significant positive feedback from players in the game.


Last night I noticed that my workshop ad was gone, as were all my previous adverts for my past Newb Workshops.


I figured this was just a glitch, so I posted the ad again - then this morning I find it again removed.


I have not been contacted by the moderators about there being any issues with what or how I'm posting, so can someone please answer the question as to why this event is being deleted?


Thank you.


- Princess Sugar Bunny



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I don't run Hacker Tutorials.


I merely mention Mods which are already widely used throughout the game - probably by 75% of the players.


And if that is the issue it would take the Moderators 10 seconds to fire me a message asking me to remove that offending item. Why they would just blitz my posts without giving me that courtesy is beyond me, but perhaps you are correct and this is all a misunderstanding.


I might as well mention here that I also teach people in my workshop how to, for example, get up into the mountains above the "day beach". Again, that's something that loads of players regularly do, and I think its a fun little glitch that adds to the game and doesn't hurt anything. The issue in the end is not what I'm allowed to talk about or not - that is up to the Moderators to decide since this is their game - its an issue of communication so that people are not left wondering what is going on.

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 - its an issue of communication so that people are not left wondering what is going on.


Sorry but I've another opinion because the Community Rules are in the Read first section and this rules should be for everyone clear :)

It's a Adult Community and it isn't needed to ask any do no things against the Community rules.

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Oh that's fine, Achilles. We can agree to disagree. I doubt that even 1% of people have the time to read through every "terms and conditions" contract that comes with every game they play, but then again I'm not arguing that the rules set by the owners should be modified to suit me. I think we both agree that this is their game, and we either do things their way or we can leave.


That said, I have taken your advice and modified my new posting so that it doesn't mention anything its not supposed to - at least as far as I can tell. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

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Sugar Bunny, Enjoying your skillful and adept use of the tongue, errrr I mean language(innuendo intended), I have no doubt you will deftly convey your intent without breaking the laterals of our terms of use.


Sally forth Bunny and do your work.


Achilles, Continue dear sir from your lofty review to keep this forum and the game civilized and within the bounds that would make Bran and the original moderators tinge green with envy.


Respectful thoughts to all, Your humble servant,  Platoconsidered.

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Most games will have in their ToS that modifying their files is not allowed, for a good reason


The gaming industry is very cut throat


If they allow you to modify then they are seen as supporting it


Then say you modify a poster you found in say borderlands to fit in your room, this opens 3DX to a law suite from that games developers as they are now seen as stealing the material.


That is why they can not openly support mods ever

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Most games will have in their ToS that modifying their files is not allowed, for a good reason


The gaming industry is very cut throat


If they allow you to modify then they are seen as supporting it


Then say you modify a poster you found in say borderlands to fit in your room, this opens 3DX to a law suite from that games developers as they are now seen as stealing the material.


That is why they can not openly support mods ever


you would be correct if this was the 90's and early 2000's but it is quite the opposite now days.  Most modern PC games now comes with modding support built in for people to mod their games as they see fit.  Most game companies now recognize allowing modders to mod provides longevity and creates a community to and around their titles.  Heck even console games are starting to support mods now.

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you would be correct if this was the 90's and early 2000's but it is quite the opposite now days.  Most modern PC games now comes with modding support built in for people to mod their games as they see fit.  Most game companies now recognize allowing modders to mod provides longevity and creates a community to and around their titles.  Heck even console games are starting to support mods now.


Skyrim just got a heavy lawsuite because of this as well larger labels MMOs do not.

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