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Found 3 results

  1. Well, seeing that the "Say the first thing which comes to your mind" is quite popular, I sort of wanted to start this thread that I encountered at a different forum site I used to be in The title says it all! Just say the first thing that you thought of when you woke up this morning. Be creative! Of course, taking breakfast is always a given Hahaha, apart from that, enjoy! I'll kick things off then The first thing I thought of this morning is... ...that dream of mine I had last night about someone special
  2. Alright, alright, alright. The rule to this game is simple, go to Google, search images for your name along with the word "meme" see what happens. Post the results here of course. Disclaimer: If this game exists, I have not found it. Carry on. I will go first. Camden Meme produced interesting results with it being a city in Camden County, NJ. Yerrr uhhh. No pervy on this one. LOL My fave!!!
  3. Hey everyone just wanted to put up a thread for all the randomness no matter what it is, I know theres a couple like this but stiff this one is mine lol, So I guess I'll start it off.... Last week I was watching a show on discovery science about the human brain, now on the show they said that we all process info a little differently if they didn't we would all be pretty much the same person and that got me thinking. Does someone else see what I would call blue as different like red or green, but to them that is blue. Now I know it would be impossible to ever find out or prove/disprove because then it would be like trying to explain colours to someone born blind but yeah....food for thought You walk through a door, the sky is the ground and sheep openly rebel, you have entered the Random Zone
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