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Found 5 results

  1. So we all know most of the new hairstyles( all those made after v2.3) are combined from 2-3 different individual layers such as bangs and fringe, and a main piece. Then from the last major update we have hider/ texture system, which means. hide/ replace a part of outfit is possible. So... Maybe devs can try to make 1-2 hairstyles with hider feature, or simply splits hairstyle to 3 different layers such as “front hair(fringes), main hair, Accessories(ponytails, which have multiple slots like accessories)” and let player customize their own hairstyle for avatar? it might sound silly... but It's not hard to make, and probably works, which could save time for developing and meet the need of players at same time---you only have to make several new pieces of layer at one update instead of making and debug the whole hairstyle, and it can also modifyed from old hairstyles which already debugged to save even more work! @Gizmo
  2. The new straight hair is soooooo awsome~~ loveit! Thank you official~ >u<
  3. I dont know if anyone suggested it before but it would be nice to have a Mirrored version of the Hairstyles. Reason: My like to look at us if we slowdance and I hug her from behind, but strangely most hairstlyes cover the hugging persons Face(what is a bit unfortunate): but if the hairstyle of the person in front would be mirrored you could see almost the complete face from the person behind. what would be nice to have imho. so Pleeeeeaseee Thx for reading Regards Luke PS: Mirrored like: Left to Right (not front to back )
  4. I have just Joined recently and although I'm extremely excited about the site, and love what it has to offer..I'm also surprised to see that the dress up part is seriously lacking, as a Virtual Reality you want your Avi to Look sexy and want to dress Her/ Him up to catch attention and the choices you have are basic and the Hair options are Horrible. I'm a Veteran of other Virtual reality sites Like SL and IMVU . And it took them awhile also to get more options But they have really upped their game in the past 5 years..I only wish I could bring my Avi from over there here, what a perfect Mesh that would be..I'm not bashing this site at all..I know this is a more sexually charged place and people probably prefer to be naked but I'm sure Most would agree that More options would be a nice touch.
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