Hello everyone I decided to do a small website to share my work, and finally decided to open it to other friends and builders.
I totally know some excellent forum exists about it and there is topics here as well. My Idea was just to make a display website, gathering rooms and objects. Just galleries, no forum, nothing, to keep it simple. Also I want this site to be totally free, all contributions are given away. All we ask for, is people not to take credits for what they didn't do
So far the objects section is quiet empty as I made the site yesterday, but I will load more files in the coming days.
Any builder wishing to share their work on the website, please contact me!
Last point: this is a showcasing/downloading website. There is no group attached, there wont be any event and parties related to it, just people willing to share their work for free.
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to contribute too!