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  1. AIRPORT CLUB ʙʏ ᴜᴍʙʀᴇʟʟᴀ The weekend is just around the corner and tempts you to travel. What would be more obvious than to head for the airport first, to be carried away by the awesome beats of our DJs? This time our artists will be supported by the dancers from Eclipse and the Virtual Crazy Dancers.
  2. ▒ THE SECRET BEACH ▒ SUMMER PARTY ▒ THIS WEDNESDAY ▒ The SECRET BEACH is back for a chill and fun party. See you all on Wednesday
  3. >> JUMP TO NEXT PARTY << Welcome buccaneers and pirates, I have the honor to inform you that the THUNDER will set sail again on February 19th. After its launch, it will cross the world's oceans, not to plunder and rob, but to spread fun and joy. ROAR
  4. Celebrate with us one year TRANCE MISSION + the B-Day of Felia and AWahba
  5. To the 3dx community We had a long conversation on Discord the last days and tried to work through everything. It is in the nature of things that some things cannot be exactly reconstructed, but the most serious chunks could be cleared out of the way. One point that might be of interest to the general public would be that misunderstandings in operation and technical problems were seen as an indication of far-reaching bans in BunnyBot. Our common statement is intended to serve as a sign for all others who are or have been involved in this conflict, either directly or indirectly. We buried the hatchet and it would be great if others would follow our example. Katya and Chloe
  6. THE CROWN XXX RESORTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QntFL05i8 FREE DOWNLOAD https://www.3dxchatsharing.com/the-crown-by-chloe
  7. THE CROWN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QntFL05i8 ~ GRAND OPENING ~ Join us tonight 2nd October 10 pm CEST The room will be available than as a free download here: More screenshots here: http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/7571-the-crown-grand-opening-and-free-givaway-party-tonight/
  8. Hello and welcome to my private music page! Recently I started to produce my own songs and I like to have some feedback on it. So if you like House and Techno music I would be really glad if you could spend some minutes to listen to my tracks. If you like them and if you have a Soundcloud account - I am happy about every like Here is a link to my Soundcloud profile: https://soundcloud.com/user-545854709
  9. We are proud to present you a very special party coming next Friday to 3dx. Just the best synth and new wave pop from the 80s and retro tunes from the last years. See you on Friday WOOOHOOOOOOOOO PARTYYYYYY <3 Kisses Felia & Chloe
  10. I like to invite you all to our 3rd wedding anniversary! On 6th February 2015 we said yes to each other... Time has changed, not many from the party guests at that time are still around, 3dx was different as today, but one thing will never change: Our love! So we would be really glad if you would join us! KISSES Felia & Chloe
  12. Hey , Join us at Friday on August 25th. 6 Girls, 6 Dj´s at least 6 Hours of Fun Music and Dance. DJ Lineup: CEST EST 20-21 14-15 Looana 21-22 15-16 LexiKitty 22-23 16-17 Achroi 23-00 17-18 Starrfyre 00-01 18-19 Chloe 01-02 19-20 Desiree Emergency DJ is Shaylee
  13. An alle Freunde und Neugierige, wir machen nun jeden Mittwoch Abend (sobald wir on sind) unseren Beach Club auf und würden uns freuen, wenn Du uns besuchen kommen würdest Der Beach Club soll ein Treffpunkt für deutschsprachige Spieler sein, um alte Freunde zu treffen oder um neue Freundschaften zu schießen. Musikalisch wird es recht chillig zugehen, was aber nicht heißt, dass der DJ Pult nie in Benutzung sein wird Wir werden ausschließlich unsere Musik streamen, also keine Radio Einheitskost. Dann bis Mittwoch KISSES Felia & Chloe
  14. This Friday night the BUNKER will open its doors again. We present you just the best rock music we can find on our hard drives And as you can see, we have a guest DJ this time. WELCOME XANAR TO THE BUNKER WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO He will rock the house for sure... like we will do See you all this Friday night KISSES Feli & Chloe
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