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All Hallows' Eve IV at Absolute The whispers in the dark begin... ... and her eyes widen in surprise when she realizes he has returned... again, her breath catching in her throat as his eerie voice huskily whispers in her ear, bringing a message to us all "The time has come... once more..." 'Twas the day (or two) before Halloween and all through 3DX Your fate will be met, through spell and by hex DJ Rae will be spinning, you will be possessed, Come one, come all, in your finest dress. All ghouls and ghosts, vampires and black cats, Winged creatures like fairies, angels and bats. No matter the costume, a good time is all we care, Come to Absolute, come if you dare! You will tremble with laughter and dance with delight, As we celebrate All Hollows’ Eve... it will be such a sight! Do not fear, but rejoice, your time is at hand, The stage has been set; the party been planned. To be in her good graces, bring much caffeine, And to all a fright night and Happy Halloween. Thursday, October 29, 2020 9PM EST TUNE IN. GET LOUD. ROCK ON.
Absolute Concert Series Presents Special set. Special build; It's time to bring your sword and shield; To defend what you have come to feel... As the place you have called home; With a community you have known; Where the bargies rise and defend their own. The time has come, and the time has passed; The runes of fate have been cast; Nothing was ever meant to last... And here, by six, we stand; Sword and shield in hand; The time has come, our fates are planned. As the tide rises and the tide falls, for... The day returns, but nevermore Will bring the traveler to this shore. TONIGHT 10.22 STARTING AT 9PM EST TUNE IN. GET LOUD. ROCK ON.
Lit·tle Fri·day @ Ab·so·lute The Urban dictionary defines Little Friday as the nickname for Thursday. In other words, Friday just called, it said it would be here tomorrow and its bringin' the alcohol! Whether you are struggling through your week, just cruisin', or you are ready, willing and desperately waiting for Friday, join us in Absolute where the hard rock will help carry you through the most challenging part of the week. Thursdays are officially known as "Little Fridays" here at Absolute. Rock starts at 8pm EST with DJ Rae. * This is the official (and continual) thread for Little Fridays. Stop by for weekly updates, time changes or cancellations.
- 76 replies
The whispers in the dark begin again ... ... and her eyes widen in surprise when she realizes he has returned, her breath catching in her throat as his eerie voice huskily whispers in her ear, bringing a message to us all "The time has come... once more..." TUNE IN. GET LOUD. ROCK ON.
Dangerous Divas & Raevaen going "Under The Covers"
Stellania posted a topic in Events and Activities
Once again the Dangerous Divas and Absolute's own @Raeven team up!! Bringing you a day / evening to remember as she will go "Under The Covers" with all of us! No pussying around with one on one's .. she takes ALL of us on .. AT THE SAME TIME! Join us! .. starting at Noon EST for another event that will shake the rock foundations of 3DX!- 1 reply
- dangerous divas
- absolute
- (and 7 more)
Three bargies perspectives. Four bands. One concert. Representing a concert that SK, Savage and myself have all attended, we are going to rock Absolute as hard at these bands rocked us each night. Join us for some Knotfest love, bring your friends and your requests. Absolutely bringing you the best of our real life concert experiences!
Absolute presents fun festivities as we celebrate not one, but two "original six" bargie's birthdays. So come help us celebrate Rhets and LoriDs birthdays Absolute style. (No, that is nothing like Gangnam style, but if we get enough alcohol in Rhet, you might get lucky!) Four hours of classic rock, hard rock and whatever these two request for the night. Stop by, bring your well wishes and plan on having a great night with two of the best people we know in Absolute. July 2nd at 9pm EST
It has been a long time coming. It is time to Hit the Lights. Absolute Concert Series presents The Four Horsemen (in various forms), in all their glory (which basically means up to the black album). Am I Evil for thinking the best Metallica IS their early years? I have No Remorse in that thought. If you disagree, we will take a Crash Course in Brain Surgery, skip the Anesthesia, and remedy that mindset. Although, I may be The Unforgiven, The Struggle Within is Sad But True, we will be covering up to the Metallica album, as Nothing Else Matters. Think me Stone Cold Crazy, but Don't Tread on Me... Join me on June 13th at 9pm EST, as we do a little Damage, Inc in Absolute. Welcome Home (Sanitarium), your Frayed Ends of Sanity will be soothed, your Blackened soul appeased. For Whom the Bells Tolls, your time has come. *Fade to Black*
WOMEN OF ROCK In honor of this past Mother's Day (in the states), we are celebrating the powerful women of hard rock and metal. Running "Little Friday" early this week due to conflicts on Thursday. Starting at 8pm est TONIGHT, doors of Absolute will be open for your listening pleasure. Let's celebrate the power of the woman. She will rock you!
dec·ades at ab·so·lute Every decade, a period of ten years, music has proven to change and to grow so much, that it is worthy to look at each decades idea of hard rock and examine how it has influenced today's bands. Starting with the 70's, a time reflecting the antiwar and counterculture sentiments and the political unrest that carried over from the 60's; tie dye shirts, ponchos, bell-bottoms, gauchos, and frayed jeans; lava lamps and vinyl records; Mork and Mindy (rest in peace Robin Williams); Apocalypse Now, Alien, Superman, Grease, and - The Godfather (it gives 'to the mattress' a completely different meaning) and - the beginning of the Star Wars empire (see what I did there?); and the list goes on. But mostly it was the beginning of the journey of what people considered to be 'heavy metal'. Roots of heavy metal come from bands like Blue Cheer and Jimmy Hendrix but officially the first band cited as heavy metal is... Come to Absolute on Little Friday for that answer, and you will understand the musical journey of hard rock through the 70's and beyond. This will be a five week series as we go through the decades, exploring the various influences to the music you listen to today.
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through the dec·ades at ab·so·lute As we are coming to the end of our Through the Decades series, I decided to hear what YOU have to say about songs that you favored through the decades and what influenced you in the music that you listen to today. This is your chance to speak up, be heard, get loud and define the very last set for Through the Decades series at Absolute. The music you choose will be highlighted as we go through all the decades, from the 70's through today, covering the hard rock and metal of each decade. So, make your choice of which song you found to be the most impactful of each decade OR if a song is not listed, write it into the comments section. Just keep it hard rock and metal please. I look forward to seeing what YOU have to say and what you determine I play in two weeks. This is post two of two. Make sure to check out the first post for the 70's, 80's and 90's decades. (this forum only lets you ask three questions in a poll) Rock on people!
THIS IS A RE-POST AS THE FIRST POLL WAS DELETED. IF YOU VOTED, PLEASE DO SO AGAIN. THANK YOU. through the dec·ades at ab·so·lute As we are coming to the end of our Through the Decades series, I decided to hear what YOU have to say about songs that you favored through the decades and what influenced you in the music that you listen to today. This is your chance to speak up, be heard, get loud and define the very last set for Through the Decades series at Absolute. The music you choose will be highlighted as we go through all the decades, from the 70's through today, covering the hard rock and metal of each decade. So, make your choice of which song you found to be the most impactful of each decade OR if a song is not listed, write it into the comments section. Just keep it hard rock and metal please. I look forward to seeing what YOU have to say and what you determine I play in two weeks. This is post one of two. Make sure to check out the first post for the 2000's and 2010's decades. (this forum only lets you ask three questions in a poll) Rock on people!
Lit·tle Fri·day @ Ab·so·lute The Urban dictionary defines Little Friday as the nickname for Thursday. In other words, Friday just called, it said it would be here tomorrow and its bringin' the alcohol! Whether you are struggling through your week, just cruisin', or you are ready, willing and desperately waiting for Friday, join us in Absolute where the hard rock will help carry you through the most challenging part of the week. Given the overwhelmingly positive response to this event, Thursdays are now officially known as "Little Fridays" here at Absolute. Rock starts at 8pm EST with DJ Rae. * This is the official (and continual) thread for Little Fridays. Stop by for weekly updates, time changes or cancellations.
They say, the only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you've come. Prudent thoughts indeed, but in this instance, it isn't a bad thing to look back at Absolute, version 2018. Prepare yourselves for ROCK REDUX 2018 at Absolute, where we will be revisiting the Absolute events throughout this past year. Volbeat, Anti-Valentines:Rage Against The Cupid, In Honour, All Hallows Eve, ROAR, the Dualities and Trifectas, the Classic Rock sets as well as Covers, and lastly, the unpresented Perfect Storm. A blast from the recent past as each hour holds a reminder of events you have (or sadly, have not) witnessed. December 29th, starting at 2pm est and running until all events have been redux'ed (that is at least eight hours), stop by and enjoy the memories of Absolute or... make new ones. ... It has been my greatest pleasure to share 2018 with you all.
Your heroes may have saved the world, but you changed it. ... Rest in Peace, Stan Lee. 1922-2018 In Honour of Stan Lee at Absolute ... Tuesday, November 20th 8pm EST (will make adjustments to day and time if 3dx is not available)
It's been watching for hours now. Sometimes I catch glimpses of its reflection on the computer screen, but I dare not turn around... yet, hearing whispers... "The time has come" [more to follow]
Little Fridays airwaves have been hijacked. Through the static, you finally receive a message... Well damn... The hard rock you know. A club that you will love. A birthday girl you adore. Join us to wish CAL the happiest of birthdays, The Fox Den/Absolute style. If you are not here, you are wasting your time in 3dx.
- 2 replies
- Vixen
- The Fox Den
- (and 7 more)
THE The Perfect Storm is typically defined as an event in which a rare combination of circumstances drastically changes the current situation... Here at Absolute we like to think a perfect storm is a combination of events that causes one amazing and unforgettable night. Absolute Concert Series presents Like A Storm and Halestorm Two bands. One night. August 31st @ Absolute
You know it. I know it. We have all known this feeling at some point in our lives. Struggling with the pure hatred of the job we do. Working for the soulless institution for feeble wages. Well one amongst us has defiantly said "No more!" (and probably a few other choice words like 'frack this shite' before grabbing a beer). So, with the cry, something akin to William Wallace in Braveheart, we scream, "They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!" Join us in Absolute as we celebrate one man's journey from the abyss. Hard rock, mayhem and the festivity of freedom ensues. July 24th, starting at 9pm EST. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it to Absolute.
du·al·i·ty /d(y)o͞oˈalədē/ noun 1. the quality or condition of being dual. 2. an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something; a dualism. What is better than one amazing DJ bringing you the music you want and need in a place you know and love? The answer is simple. Two rockin' DJ's to make your Saturday night loud, continuing your weekend the best way we know.... with music. Night and day. Light and dark. Above and below. Life and death. Black and white. Rock and roll. Cats and dogs. *rawr* In essence... two parts of a whole. ABSOLUTE presents the latest in events, Duality. Two very different DJ's bringing you the best of both of their styles in one absolutely amazing night. Saturday, July 21st. Party is starting at 8pm EST.
Got some down time on a Thursday night? Awesome! Rocking it out in Absolute? A Must! Joining us for LoriD amazing Birthday Bash? Priceless! You know you want it. You need it. Join us Thursday @ 8:30pm EST as we celebrate LoriD birthday and the fantabulous person that she is. Bring your avatar. Bring your requests. Bring you birthday wishes. Bring your craving for ROCK! I promise you, your needs will be met.
First ever (as far as I know) "concert" in 3dx. An entire set dedicated to Volbeat and the celebration of Rhet's birthday (since someone turned him on to Volbeat. Welcome to the fold, my friend.) If you know and love Volbeat (or Rhet), come and join the party… or if you’re not familiar with either, we WILL make sure you know and love both before you leave this night. Going down in Absolute on 7.1.18, starting at 8pm est. Be there or you will miss an absolutely unique party. “Well the music seems do cover And all the liquid do the colours Well I turn my back and Go for all the better things in order And a gangster keeps on telling That he got a song that matters So I flip a coin towards him Thank you very much for listening…” - Still Counting
Anti-Valentines: Rage Against the Cupid You know the truth... love sucks at times! With the airwaves full of testaments to the power of love and on Valentines Day, reaching insulting proportions, we are here for you with counter programming. Whether you're just not a fan of V-Day, recently broken up, happily unattached, or just looking for great music and good company, join DJ Rae and DJ Stellania for ABSOLUTES Anti V-Day event. Like an ill-advised sexual encounter with a vacuum cleaner, it will prove that love can both hurt and suck. Sunday, February 11th at 6pm EST