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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    ... And here are a few portraits taken during the last part of the event

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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    10 - 3DXchat Saint Patrick's day 2024
    This room won first prize in 3DXC Saint Patrick's Day-themed build competition. It was the first room for which I explored green palettes in their entirety, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, even though the work had to be completed in 12 days, which made for a particularly intense period of work. Like some of my other rooms, the boundaries of the room are blurred from the visitor's view, increasing immersion and giving the sensation of being in the middle of a vast, impenetrable forest. My interpretation of the theme is a little "fantasy", and I could almost have built elves too ! 😄
    Event date : March. 17th  2024

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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    8 - The Thousand Sunny (light version for parties)
    The Thousand Sunny is my first reproduction, based on the manga "One Piece". This room will be the subject of a more detailed version, including all the rooms that make up the interior of the boat, and is destined to become a chill room. In this light version for parties, the ideal capacity is between 100 and 130 people, in relation to the weight of the file and the size of the boat. The main particularity of this room lies in an effect in relation to the water, hitherto unseen on the game, which gives an impression of movement to the boat (see video).

    Grand Opening : Oct. 20th 2023
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    9 - 3DXchat Xmas Party 2023
    This room almost didn't see the light of day in the context for which it was created: the event was about to be postponed, which would have deprived the room of its Christmas theme. Thanks to all those who worked to make it possible to organize this event on the day in record time, just before the event, thanks to the green light from the developers who were flexible, as the update had not yet taken place, for once. I was happy to see my work finally rewarded with this great party. It was a wonderful adventure, and the fact that it was all decided at the last minute made it a really special evening, a sort of "surprise" party. 
    The distinctive feature of this room is the play of light on the snow texture, a highly personal interpretation of a snowy landscape, where cool hues always stand out against a backdrop of warm colors.
    Event date : Dec. 23d 2023

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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   

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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    Closing event for the first cycle of rooms
    Having the desire to create different clubs with new concepts, I decided to close this first cycle of rooms dedicated to large spaces and panoramas by opening again the room I had made for the 3DXChat/Lovense event of summer 2022. I adapted it to a non-commercial event and it can now emancipate itself from the context for which it was designed. I named this version "Rave 360". A big thank you to everyone who participated in the party !
    Event date : May 5th 2023

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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    Hello ! Coming soon: a non-open club on an outdoor setting this time. It was a project I'd had in mind for a while -with a few technical challenges that seemed interesting for a builder-, before getting into chill rooms. Here's a preview. Photos and videos will be taken after the grand opening, as usual !

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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in OliverX Creations gallery   
    7 - Cocoon
    Cocoon is my 7th room. I wanted to arrange the club in a rather special way, with 2 dancefloors around a central axis featuring numerous poses. For once, the dancefloor is no longer in the center, and this seems to have had the desired effect: players spread out all over the room, adding to the festive and glamorous atmosphere ! 😊

    Grand Opening : Sept. 22th 2023
  18. Thanks
    Yennah reacted to Diana Prince in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    About the copyright: I'm not sure, I'm no legal expert, but I would see it like MS Word and Word files.
    The texts I write with Word don't belong to Microsoft. So, do the rooms I create with 3DXC belong to SGD? I don't think so, they are just plain json (text) files. You can create a world file with Inkscape and Niblette's Naughty Designer, without having used 3DXC. Why should this world file belong to SGD?
  19. Like
    Yennah reacted to OliverX in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    I don't know why you're talking about shadow dancers or hologram dancers, as the topic is about file protection; here you're talking about construction ideas, which don't belong to anyone and which are just an original way of using several elements in the editor, to obtain an effect not offered straight away in the editor. Your message gives the impression that the effect is proposed as it is, when it's not: the most obvious proof is that you won't find, for example, any photo or video of the hologram effect (doubling of avi, not the skin) before I imagine and implement it. But I'm not the owner of this idea and I'm not claiming it, I don't think the person who first thought of shadow puppets is claiming anything either. It's only natural that it should inspire others. Every find is meant to do so, and that's a very good thing. Since then, I've come up with many other ideas for taking advantage of the editor in new and roundabout ways (taming bugs to create an effect not foreseen in the editor), and I don't think I'm alone. But there are just "ideas", nothing more. What we're talking about here on this topic is the file itself, i.e. the entire creation. Here, I really think it would be interesting to have possible protection, which would be just as legitimate as for any creation on any medium. DianaPrince's answer seems to me to be quite relevant in this respect. Selling is another -quite distinct- subject that should not be mixed up. Let's not confuse creation and its tool, which are two equally distinct things. Let's not go off topic !
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    Yennah reacted to Ica in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    Lol. In your list is one person who is using a tool and a other did use an club of a friend and did open it if it is her work. That is quality? You guys are talking here without beeing inside this issue...
    It is interesting to see how people use this topic! And I did not talk about the free-rooms. It can be how its. I was just asking for a function to protect designs from people you did mention 
  21. Like
    Yennah reacted to OliverX in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    I understand this point of view, and it's indeed a whole other subject. Having said that, for people like me, who systematically create from scratch without ever downloading or take a model from anything, the problem is that what we create has no possibility of protection in the context of sharing. We could quite legitimately sell our work (as a kind of compensation?) without fearing the slightest worry in terms of copyright, but this problem of control over our creations arises upstream and has not been resolved. For my part, for example, I've simply chosen to archive photos and videos, and to create public events on the game, in order to retain control over my creations and still share a minimum of my work. But it's a bit frustrating in a way, because I'd love other people to benefit from my work as a host.

    I don't know how many of us there are. From my point of view, what is certain is that offering players control over their creations, whatever their skill level, would boost sharing and the desire to create from a blank page. I systematically encourage people to do this, once they've got past the room tinkering stage, which is a perfect initiation. But it's true that it's not a natural tendency for many people, I realize that. I still hope that something will be done in the future to offer players the possibility of being authors, and not just craftsmen, with all the virtuous mechanisms that entails (no more dramas about the authorship of a room, more original creations, more recognition for each other's work...) That would be great ! 😌
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    Yennah reacted to OliverX in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    It seems to me that we're missing out on the real issues linked to the question of a dual file-sharing mode.
    Imagine a customer in a bakery, who would like to order chocolate pastries... But the bakery doesn't use chocolate. His arguments are "we've already got enough to do with pastries without chocolate", or "you just don't eat chocolate, what's the problem?" or "we don't have enough customers asking for it" or "why do you want chocolate? You only think of yourselves !"
    The problem is, if we were to take a poll, the majority of players would opt for chocolate pastries as well. Simply because they wouldn't be losing anything, but gaining something - an extra choice. Because the game doesn't have a minority of builders, but a vast majority. It's not a question of judging the vanity of so-and-so, and let's beware of judging everyone's motivations, at the risk of falling into moralizing, which always avoids getting to the heart of the matter. Instead, let's ask ourselves what the creation of a dual file-sharing mode would or would not bring to the community. Nothing more, nothing less ! And our developers will calmly assess the situation, taking their time. There's no need to put ourselves in their shoes - that's not our role, and they don't need lawyers either. Our role is to bring up ideas. If these ideas appeal to them, so much the better; if they don't, it's no big deal.
    For the moment, things seem set to remain unchanged, but this kind of decision can't be made in a hurry anyway. The message seems to have got through, that's the main thing, and we'll adapt anyway 🤗
  23. Like
    Yennah reacted to OliverX in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    You're right to point out that creating is an act that many won't have the desire or the time to initiate. But not everyone, and it's those other people I'm thinking of. They may be very creative, but they can get discouraged very quickly at first, because the first step is difficult, and reusing a room is the easy and moderately satisfactory solution. If the best way to get exactly what they want is to take the editor in hand, that's just a few more designers on the game. Others won't take the plunge any more than they would normally, and often won't even edit a room; for them, having more files available (editable + non-editable) would actually increase their choice and satisfaction. On the other hand, those who know how to edit a room would be encouraged to do a little more in the editor (between us, when we know how to modify a room, the border is not very thick to start creating...).

    As for the possible worries associated with this tool, they're real, but it's not as if there weren't huge worries already. These seem to me far more problematic than what we're discussing here today. I think that file-sharing platforms would be very good at filtering file submissions, especially if the extensions are different. They could manage this very well without the developers ever being held responsible. In the case of hacking, of course, it's different, but that's the lot of all games, and it's a matter for the developers alone. Here, we're merely discussing an idea that would benefit creators, who could thus share files that they would not normally have shared, or at least more peacefully... We will see if this idea will fail or not !
  24. Like
    Yennah reacted to OliverX in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    I agree. When I talk about increasing creativity, I'm not talking about quality but quantity: in other words, encouraging players to create, globally, with the means and experience they have. To make the effort to go the extra mile, shall we say, with all the pitfalls that entails, but which are always rewarding in the end. I'm sensitive to this aspect of things, but I recognize that it's probably secondary. In any case, to answer your question, with the possibility of sharing my rooms via read-only files, I would probably have shared them all without exception for free, and for a long time. Instead, I keep them on my computer and open them between 2 and 4 times each to bring them to life and share them at least for the duration of an event. I've often been offered money to acquire them, but I've always refused, and my close circle of friends also advise me against accepting. That's why I reacted to this subject.
    I'd also be curious to hear from other creators. I think whatever choice everyone makes will be the right one (selling, sharing for free or abstaining), but from my point of view a tool to save read-only files might have a real impact on the game. While some clubs would undoubtedly remain exclusive, we could, on the other hand, see the reappearance of many "forgotten" chill/sex-rooms or discover more new rooms... At this moment I am not sure either, but this question is very interesting.
  25. Like
    Yennah reacted to OliverX in Missing Code-Function for room protection   
    If I had to ask for one thing, it wouldn't necessarily be a password, but the possibility of creating a read-only file to share creations that you don't want to be modified. Generally speaking, and no matter what anyone says, creativity isn't about using bits and pieces of creations and mixing them together. This results in "Frankenstein" rooms with no unity whatsoever. Of course, adding a sofa here and there can be useful, but fundamentally, creativity will only increase if players are encouraged to create things themselves, at least that's my opinion. It's quite true that some players would opt for the non-modifiable option, temporarily or indefinitely, on some of their creations. But the mass of new files (those that would be non-editable) usable by everyone on the game would more than compensate for the reduction in the flow of editable rooms made available. I work in the arts... If anyone could appropriate the work of others, it would just be hell ! Here, it's just a game, you might say. But the mechanisms are the same. Does this game deserve a little more consideration for its creators ? I think so, but that's just my opinion. And let's not forget that there are a great many creators...
    As for why a creator would like, temporarily or otherwise, to share a non-modifiable room, that will always remain very personal. This question seems strange to me. Why on earth would anyone want to avoid having their work butchered by someone before they claim to have built the entire room ? People like me, who spend hundreds of hours on the editor (for a single room !), with passion, and who put all their sensitivity and imagination into their creation, who get tendonitis from working so many hours... Would never ask that question. It's legitimate, but that doesn't mean we won't share anything that can be modified. In any case, the choice will make it possible to share in both cases, instead of abstaining.
    Personally, I wouldn't underestimate the generosity of the creators - I'm sure they'd continue to share editable files. Simply, everyone will know that this will be possible without the slightest ambiguity or drama.
    In any case, we can even anticipate that for those who sell their creations, editable files would be sold at a higher price than others, which would guarantee their continuity.
    I understand how skeptical you can be about all this, as a game developer. You have to weigh up the pros and cons. In any case, I think it's an interesting idea for everyone. 😀
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