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Posts posted by AlixAndre

  1. She was here at the memory ceremony for Nevena, she has stay with us all the ceremony, we have spoken together...

    Nice girl, volcanic one, always near her friends.

    It's a real, real loss for our community.

    She was not always understood in difficult moments.

    Condolences for you, Laua, and for her family.

    We'll never forget her. She was a legendary here on the game.

    People who has known her can't forget her.

    RIP Lunaa



  2. Félicitations à Melinda  et toi. Si le Petit Ange était là elle te dirai je suppose : tu as intérêt à te tenir à carreau et être un bon mari sinon je te botte le cul !. Heureux que tu ais trouvé le bonheur ! à très vite.

  3. My angel, you'll always stay in our heart, I hope now you're in peace !

    Hope that now you are with your wonderful mother, laughing, singing as before in our life.

    One day, we'll be together and it'll be the best moment.

    Kiss my lovely daughter.


    Во Ἰѻрдáнѣ крещáющусѧ тебѣ̀, Гóсподи,
    трóическое ѩ̉ви́сѧ поклонéнїе:
    Pоди́телевъ бо глáсъ свидѣ́тельствоваше тебѣ̀,
    Bозлю́бленнаго тѧ̀ Сына и̉мену́ѧ,
    и̉ Ду́хъ въ ви́дѣ голуби́нѣ,
    Извѣ́ствоваше словесѐ оу̔тверждéнїе.
     ҆Ѩвлéйсѧ Хрїстѐ Бóже,
    И мíръ просвѣщéй, слáва тебѣ̀.



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