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Everything posted by Namixo

  1. ITS loading but nothing happens
  2. Tell me the mean thing, i want to hear it
  3. My Husband and I are Best of Friends First and Foremost. We fight like cats and dogs, but never stay mad for long. I was lucky to find him and he is in every way my soulmate To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides
  4. First of all, Hello how are you people doing ? Having a great weekend ? I hope so. Here comes the ultra embarrassing question Do you watch Hentai? I like Yaoi SO which one is it ? Yes, Hentai is Part of my life Nope, I don't like it What is Hentai - You dont even know it I watch hentai and read those adult manga like every-night before i go to sleep im quite embarrassed to say this to my bf. really its awkward (He watches anime but he told me he hate hentai) But im going to tell him next week the truth for sure. before that let me know how many of you actually watch Hentai?
  5. So i havent been playing the game for like 2 months now. Has there been any good updates ? If there is, i might buy the membership tomorrow
  6. hey guys so i was wondering should i come back ? Also is there anyone who knows me or can remember me? How is the updates going ? anything good ? i heard about Marriage, is it good? Just tell me some stuff about new updates. THanks xoxo - nami
  7. Hello world i am taking a little break from 3dxchat for a while but kinda feel bored without it as well. so i was wondering why not chat with you people in Skype ? skype - cupidmaddy Feel Free to add me
  8. Have i ever seen you in game?
  9. indeed and i can call you dad
  10. Do i really look that young 0_0 ? im 18+
  11. i dont want it to get personal and i like to see a sharp line between in game relationship and real life relationship. But yeah, i will have fun indeed
  12. SO you like it Kinda serious lol I can do that but im not just looking for sex haha :3 Well Hopefully
  13. So you dont like skinny bitches ?
  14. Hey, weill im kind of new in 3dxchat. So i dont really know many people in this game but id like to know as much as i can. Also im thinking of having an ingame affair with someone. Weill i dont want to date a random person but ill be happy if i can find a guy or girl. Also i want to make sure that this is just ingame relationship becuase in real life i have a boyfriend So if anyone interseted having a little naughty affiar with me, Just send me a message in here Thanks
  15. Same goes for me haha Now im waiting for ep 6 :
  16. Game of thrones is Love Game of thrones is Life Just finish Watching S5Ep5 valyria valyria valyria <3 Keen for next week
  17. Looking for Friends also seeking a partner (in game only) If anyone interest to be my friend, feel free to add me and PM me My Picture
  18. Thanks. It feels good see all of you
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