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Everything posted by Paulinus

  1. maybe you could even connect it to the weather selector, where the light level works as trigger to switch it on/off
  2. the RLstreet scenery is not just containing ferraris, lambourghinis or other sport cars. Some "normal" standard car types and some bikes would be very nice objects
  3. sometimes and some kind of lights are disturbing when burning at daylight (eg. street lanterns). A switch (similar to "start fireworks") for turning all lights on or off would be very useful.
  4. It would be a great enhancement, if the teleport option would also be possible between rooms. Especially when room are so full of details that roomsize gets over the limit. In edit mode it would not be necessary for the teleport function to work, you can edit these rooms separatly. In invite mode an invitation to the new room could be sent when entering the teleport gate In public mode the additional room could be opened automatically and set as public but invisible in the list. With changing room when entering the teleport gate. this would solve many problems with room with big filesize. just a dream?
  5. well, that sounds good if they fix it, but according to my experiences its DEFINITLY depending on the size of the room. This failure NEVER came up to me with "normal" word files smaller than 8 MB. And for sure its a matter of cache and missing or bad "garbage collection".
  6. I experimented around a bit and made my own thoughts about it. It seems that each avatar has a cache memory associated with it, where information about the last operations (to undo) and from copying is stored. However, this cache memory seems to do a poor "garbage-cleaning", so that it overflows with large amounts of data. As soon as a new room is loaded and the avatar is regularly brought back into the character editor, this cache memory is saved ... and is available again at the next entry. But apparently also with all the data garbage that has already accumulated. If the room is left out of turn, no saving takes place and the working state is like at the beginning of the last entry. Only when a new room is loaded and this new cache is saved, the data garbage from before is deleted. This therefore occurs especially with rooms with larger memory requirements after longer working time. Just my two cents to it, maybe I am wrong, but I really would like to know whats going wrong.
  7. Is there at least any information what events could trigger this white shutdown window and what happens as long as the green bar is increasing?
  8. well, I have repeatingly tried snap angle for goups and its definitely NOT working for me. And I tried it with many different values. and for the the stretch factor: you can look at the size of one base object of the group in the transform window and if you know how big this base object should be after transformation its would be easy to enter that values in the transform window ... the system would calculate that "factor" then and use it an any object and any dimension value (x,y,z) of the group. after all this is just a proposal to make it more easy working with "non smooth" values. EDIT: OK, YOU ARE RIGHT ! I DID NOT REALIZE UP TO NOW THAT I HAVE TO HOLD THE <ctrl> KEY WHEN USING SNAP. SHAME ON ME Thanks anyway to open my eyes.
  9. Sure you can rotate and resize a group - these are basics and I am quite aware how to do this , but: please everybody READ THE TOPIC before answering: 1) SNAP ANGLE is NOT working when rotating a GROUP ... go and try, if you don't believe. 2) there is a infinitiv amount of possible angles. You cannot even rotate a single object from start angle 27.37569 deg. exactly by 90 deg. to 117.37569 deg. with the SNAP-function ... go and try it. 3) try to strech any group object exactly by the factor 2.7839 All these functions would be possible over the transform window by entering the exact values.
  10. well, sure you have to select "center", but thats not the point, and rotating a GROUP does NOT snap in a selected angle ... and even if this would work: if the original angle is lets say 27,3375 degrees in the z axis, how would you set your snap? The world is not just having smooth and clean angles.
  11. "save often and save early" is an old game wisdom, Still this does not help, when you cannot copy at all as everytime you try the program is collapsing.
  12. it would be very helpful if the transform window would also open and work with a grouped multiobject selected. All values based on the values of the object which is clicked on to select the group. Rotating (for instance a fence with many poles) is very difficult to find the correct angle (eg. 90 degrees)
  13. Especially with new created objects or after changing the material texture. This appeared already some time ago but happens now frequently. For a short time a solution was to exit to the character editor after loading the room file and reenter the room editor. The system seems to write a cache file related to the avatar in this case. But since some time this workaround does not work any longer. Any suggestions? (PS: I admit the room files are rather big in size ) beete.world
  14. quote Fullscreen mode is now fullscreen window instead of exclusive fullscreen Fullscreen mode is still exclusive fullscreen ... if I click on my second monitor the 3dxwindow on the 1st monitor closes .. no parallel action possible
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