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Status Updates posted by Ceres

  1. "Last Active Nov 16 2017 02:12 PM" /me sighs dejectedly. Miss you, girl! <3

  2. "The loneliest people can be the kindest. The saddest people sometimes smile the brightest. The most damaged people are filled with wisdom. All because they do not wish the pain they've endured from another soul."

    1. Sparklebottom


      How do I "like" this? Or love it, even? I feel like I've said this before, only without such eloquence.

    2. Ceres


      It's not my quote, alas. But I'm glad it touched you guys as much as it touched me.

    3. Sparklebottom


      Can I touch you later?

  3. "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." - Ezekiel 23:20

    1. Matrix


      for the love of me I don't pretend to understand Ezekiel. Please allow me express a laymen's comment by saying - I thought size was a male preoccupation :P

    2. Ceres


      Well, Adam was male ... and he was created in God's image ... so that means God is male. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, "all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." The Bible is the Word of God. Therefore, the size of male genitals ... and the size of the emission from genitals ... is important enough to God for Him to describe it in His Book.

    3. Ceres


      God *wants* us thinking about big erect penises ... and big fat creamy loads of semen. The size preoccupation is Godly.


      Can I get a hallelujah?

  4. "Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied." - Ezekiel 16:28

  5. "You don't roleplay for yourself. You roleplay to make others' experience a better one."

    1. Sparklebottom


      Is it wrong to get turned on by my own words?

    2. Ceres


      Hehe. Of course not. If your own words didn't turn you on, they probably wouldn't turn anyone else on either. And ya, your words turn me on. In case you were wondering. <3

  6. Drinking is not the answer. Drinking is the question. 'Yes' is the answer.

    1. Lascivious


      ...rather a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy...

  7. English is hard but can be mastered through tough thorough thought, though.

  8. Ceres

    Here thinking of you ... <3

  9. I asked God what the most unlikely thing in the Universe was. He replied.

  10. I wish that people who posted lost pet signs added updates. I need closure.

  11. I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.

  12. I'm an acquired taste. Don't like me? Acquire some taste.

  13. I'm so broke. I had to choose between paying the electric bill or rent. I bought wine.

  14. If I ever decide to rob a bank or a store, I'm going to apply temporary tattoos beforehand. The cops will ask for a description of the robber and they'll look for someone with "a star tattoo on her right hand," or whatever.

  15. If you lift up the handle on the car door at the same time I'm trying to unlock it more than two times, I'm driving off without you.

    1. Sparklebottom


      I need a "like" button.


      If you call me and I say "Hello" and you don't immediately respond, I'm hanging up.

    2. Ceres


      I just got my third hangup call of the day. It's either telemarketers, or I have a stalker. If a stalker, I hope (s)he is cute and/or rich.

  16. Mummies are just rich zombies.

    1. Lascivious


      That's actually kinda true. In ancient Egypt, bodies used to be buried in the sandy ground. Sand plus the dry heat preserved the bodies. It was only when they started having an "upper class", who decided they shouldn't be just slung into the dirt with commoners, started building above ground tombs and such. BUT they started to decompose, and therefore couldn't continue onto the afterlife, because they weren't getting desiccated by the sands! And so mummification be...

  17. Mwuahhhhhh! <3

  18. My friends try to tell me I'm addicted to maintaining velocity, but I can stop anytime.

  19. My safeword is 'Honorifficabilitudihnitatibus'.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lascivious


      "O, they have lived long

      on the alms-basket of words. I marvel

      thy master hath not eaten thee for a word;

      for thou art not so long by the head as honorificabilitudinitatibus:

      thou art easier swallowed than a flap-dragon"

      -Love's labour's lost Act 5, Scene 1 Shakespeare

    3. Lascivious


      ...and let me say, I totally could of just googled it last night. But I vaguely recognised having seen that word in Shakespeare before so, for you my lovely, I poured through pages and pages of REAL books to find the quote for you. Also... don't ask me what a "flap-dragon" is or whether they ARE hard to swallow...

    4. Ceres


      Mmmm .... The passage starts with a big 'O' ... and then there's all this talk of 'masters' ... and 'eating thee' ... and 'head' ... and 'swallowing thou' ....


      Yummmmm. <3


      I totally need to read more Shakespeare. ;-D

  20. Not looking to be tied down. Might consider being tied up.

    1. roxygrrl


      Pfft, that's only half true.

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