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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2024 in Posts

  1. - Possibility to make notes in the friendslist - Catsuit and in general more latex clothing - adding options for various types of gloves - adding nipple piercings - more options for tits (like more hanging ones)
    2 points
  2. Awesome suggestions, love seeing people get involved and trying to work together to improve the game ! I think it would be cool if there was chess/checker tables in game that you could challenge a player on, opening up a little mini game. Same with poker, maybe even being able to wager your xGold for some more fun. On a side note, I think a coffee cup emoji would be nice as well to be able to add above usernames along with the others
    1 point
  3. Malene

    Whimsy`s weird wall

    All things come to those who wait [ A result of love for poems and metonymy ]
    1 point
  4. Malene

    Whimsy`s weird wall

    The Demon Child [ A result of playing around with lights ]
    1 point
  5. Malene

    RP can b Exciting or Boring

    Of course it was rp, i love playing dress up and games, i just don`t like to read "400" lines of purple describing how my earlobes look when all i wanted was to gag on a cock... It is.
    1 point
  6. Malene

    RP can b Exciting or Boring

    The difference is that Bob is a bot, while every avatar has a human behind them, so even silent pose jumping with a stranger can be fun. Well, assuming they have a sense of rhythm and don`t jump across a lake and fourteen buildings to get to a new pose ... and the ones you feel are semi afk can also sod off. I had a guy from Japan that wanted to play "Time stop" from some anime, (as in him stopping time so i would "freeze in the moment" and then he took ages to just grope me) no words, but it got me going, and i know he had fun, so yeah it happens
    1 point
  7. BeckySue

    Music at the Sin Club

    I only play the classics in all the rooms that I host
    1 point
  8. Malene

    Genderless outfits & more

    More stuff is always appreciated, but it is "a ton" of work to remake all of the items to match both genders, and they are not the fastest to add new stuff, let alone rework / merge the old tbh, so i highly doubt we will see anything like that for many many years, if ever ...
    1 point
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