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Posted (edited)

I have taken over a year to build the reputation and role of this avatar.  Found out many things along that journey.  A few I am more than glad to share.

For one thing I have discovered that a lot of people do net read profiles.  They get all bent out of shape when they don't get the poses they want.  But then again most that do not read profiles have no clue what a cum slut is.  Far too many want romance, a prom date or a wife.  A glory hole room is no place to find a date.  People pay no attention to room titles.  But then again there are so many fake sex rooms that it is sickening.

I am not the type of person that wants to kiss you.  I don't' know where your tongue has been.  I am not after you for a relationship, just a quick fuck and go.  I am not interested in you eating my pussy or making me orgasm.  A cum slut does a service.  She is a cum dumpster and there to drain your balls.  All she is interested in is getting that white cream out of those hard cocks.  So why do people try to treat us like a date.  I am not the only cum slut that gets disappointed with all the romantic males there are.

I put as much effort into my role play that you put into your profile.  So basically blank profiles get silent sex.  If you are bored then either learn to fill out a profile or move on to others that hate blank profiles.  There is no excuse for a lazy person and it only takes a couple of minutes to create a profile.

I have found out that the best way to play is for me to host my own room.  I still get those that stop in look around and leave.  But the ones that stay get taken care of.  I host CUM SLUTS DRAIN YOUR BALLS.  I know that a lot of used the room in the past.  I create a room environment where people can come in and fuck and have a good time.  I have been doing it for quite some time now.  Some nights are better than others.  But I have started my own discord where I post screen shots.  I also have a section of screen shots in the forum.

I know that if people take the time to read a profile they might have less issues when out in the world.  I know that I read profiles and will refuse an invite from anyone that does not look like a good hook up for me. 

I will give you a great time for 10 minutes.  I don't get into long sessions, especially since I host a room.  I am not letting one or two fucks ruin the vibe of the entire room.  I do care about the guests that visit the room.

These screen shots were from my travels in other worlds tonight

My room discord where people can also post screen shots https://discord.gg/wvKFUkV8

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Edited by BeckySue
Posted (edited)

How can someone have any respect for themselves when they invite you to a default apt and then fuck you in the spawn.  Why even have the apt.  Just empty the default and put a slab in the middle of the ocean.  That is all you are using anyway.  Talk about a mood changer and that is from a cum slut that fucks anything.

I mean how hard is it to have a nice place or at least to use the furnishings.  There are hundreds of shared rooms to choose from.  You don't have to be a builder to have a nice place.  I have no building skills but have several rooms that I use.  If you look around you can always find a builder that will help you, especially if you are like me and compensate them for their time and skills.

It is as bad as those too lazy to create a profile.  Blank profiles get silent from me.  I give the same effort that they put into their profile.  Hell, it takes a whole 2 minutes to make a profile.  But then again most of the blank profiles are the worst fucks.  Most can't last 2 minutes.  So, they will poof quickly anyway.

Edited by BeckySue
to add more info
Posted (edited)

I sometimes host out of my custom penthouse that has a bdsm play area.  MissD did the custom build for me.


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Edited by BeckySue

there are some real degenerates in 3dx.  Some people need to raise their standards a bit.  Or at least grow up.  I just kicked one for this BrownSexGod: I am touching my cock irl  I don't need to know or really care what you are doing in real life.  Any mention of real life is an auto kick and stop the action.  I will give you blue balls in a minute if you cross the line.


why do some males have to have sex in the spawn area on the floor.  Do you have that much disrespect for the room and the host.  Basically, if you put me on the floor, I will go from the best fuck you would ever have to the bitch from hell.  God at least show some respect.  Instead of being lazy asses.


I guess some just don't give a shit about the role you take the time to build up.  Guys how many prostitutes do you go down on and eat out.  Think about it.  Would you eat a prostitute.  NO  Then why do you want to romance or eat out a cum slut.  Do you enjoy cleaning out 25 loads of cum from their pussies.  Yet when I reject the poses they get bent out of shape and call me names.  Listen it is the role I developed.  If you don't like it Fuck Off, problem solved.



so what makes some of these players feel so entitled.  Makes them feel like their profile is the only one that matters in game.  Had one that called me a fag and told me to leave 3dx then put me on iggy.  What crime did I commit.  I refused to accept kissing poses, but then my profile says I don't accept kissing poses.  Not my fault they don't' know what a cum slut is.  I spent 16 months developing my role and 3dx reputation.  If they can't respect my profile or read it then they can put me on their iggy.  Just one less ass I have to look at.


I basically host out of 3 different rooms that I switch around.  Soon to be a 4th room when my beach is completed by MissD.  I trust her with all my builds.  As far as role play.  My profile is my role play.  I can do an effective role play and never say a word.  Have done it many times and been gifted for it.  I can enjoy a little role play but some seem to take things to the extreme.  Let's face it I come to 3dx to fuck not type sex novels.  I have run across people that take 30 minutes to describe one pose. Then another 30 minutes to describe the next pose.  Talk about boring me to death.  I fell asleep on them within 4 poses.  Woke up 4 hours later and the person was still fucking me.  We are all here for our own reasons.  I try not to judge but expect the same courtesy.

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