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Found 2 results

  1. Greetings everyone, I would like to put this person to attention for the 3dxchat communicatie, as a crazy person who lost control and does a lot of things to make my experience of 3dxchat, a horrible one. I have added a couple of screenshot of my conversation with Silkebe. The conversation is in dutch but simply translated, Silkebe is furious in this conversation and calls everyone an asshole or a whore, calls everyone a horrible person even if they just gave me a compliment and being nice to me. Silkbe didn't let and didn't want me to talk with other people, crazy person. In one picture you can see his actions, where he dances next to me when he is on ignore. He shouldn't be able to know where i am, but still knows to find me, this is stalker behavior. Screenshot has been made by a friend of mine. Silkebe has also hired people to stalk me, they are on ignore but as you can understand, he ruins my fun and experience of 3dxchat. He even threatened me a few times and because of that, i even closed the game out of panick from that monster. I honestly do not know what to do with this because ignoring him, doesn't seem to work well enough to get him off my back. I hate him and i hope people here have some tips for me because i have also reported him many times but nothing worked. Thank you.
  2. So there I was enjoying a lovely evening slow dancing with my wife, enjoying the room, the banter in local and the great conversations with my wife and friends in group. Suddenly without any reason, I receive a message from a stranger.. thats cool. New friends are good but alas...this was not a person reaching out for new friends. This was a cold or at best a silly person, who really thought I would immediately leave the arms of my wife to have some unrewarding pixel sex. I really dont know how I managed to refuse such a delicious and tempting offer. Read for yourself. I have erased the name of the avi to prevent embarassment but I hope they read it and are shamed. Target singles next time, who are not in an intimate dance or enjoying couples company. I got a boxful of scooby snacks btw HHHHHHHHHHHHHooooooowwwwlsssssssssss I dont think colds or "colds" disguised as a short smiley or Hi conversation are ever acceptable when dancing with your partner... Do you?
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