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  1. Is anyone else having trouble installing the new 3DX release (392, 64-bit) on their macOS? I'm using the latest version of PlayOnMac (4.3.4) and Wine 4.11. I'm running macOS Mojave. I can install it fine, but when I try to open it up, it just gets stuck on the "wine64-preloader." I've done multiple clean wipes and reinstalls with no luck. It boggles my mind that the developers refuse to provide a functioning .dmg version of this for macOS.
  2. 3DXChat is designed to run on Windows, but if you have a Mac you don't need to feel left out. There are many ways to run Windows applications in Mac computers. All forms to run Windows apps in Macs can be classified in three different groups: Dual Boot, Wine and Virtual Machine. DUAL BOOT -> BOOT CAMP Boot Camp is a utility that comes with your Mac and lets you switch between macOS and Windows. This solution create a separate partition on your computer to install Windows. This allows you to choose which system to start and they behave as two separate computers. Advantages You have a clean stand alone version of Windows and it works well. Disadvantages When you boot your computer in macOS you have no access to your Windows apps and when you start your computer with Windows you have no access to your Mac programs. If you have a Mac, it would be fair to assume you do so for a reason and when you are playing 3DXChat you want to have access to all your other programs. Due to these disadvantages and because Boot Camp is very well documented I will won't cover this process in this tutorial. But if you think this is the best option for you this link can help: https://support.apple.com/boot-camp WINE Wine is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on your macOS. On paper is makes sense and it would be a good option, but it makes for a frustrating experience to play 64bit games such as 3DXChat. The whole process requires manual installation of Wine in your Mac and other libraries. This process was easier with 32bit apps. But since macOS Catalina (10.15) Apple removed the possibility to run 32bit legacy apps and included other limitations like the access to Windows graphic libraries that are required to play 3DXChat. There are programs that offer Wine in a more user friendly packages such as PlayOnMac (free) and CrossOver (paid). This guide will not cover these options as they end up being very complex with many variations depending on your Mac configuration and all with unsatisfactory results. Advantages In theory you can run 3DXChat with your Mac apps. Disadvantages Very difficult to setup and to get it to work. If you can get it running it can have performance issues. https://www.playonmac.com/en https://www.codeweavers.com/crossover VIRTUAL MACHINE (VM) The most popular virtualisation options for Mac are Parallels (paid) and VirtualBox (free). VirtualBox works well, but it requires more fine tuning and, in my tests, has serious performance issues when playing 3DXChat. No matter how many CPU cores you give the VM, it runs them all at 100% and the game becomes unplayable. In this guide I will use Parallels 16. Advantages Works well and you can run 3DXChat alongside your Mac apps. Relatively easy to install and setup. Disadvantages May require a good configuration Mac to run well. INSTALLING PARALLELS STEP 1 - DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL PARALLELS Download Parallels 16 and open the image file (.dmg) to install Parallels. https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/trial/ InstallPD.mp4 STEP 2 - INSTALL WINDOWS 10 Parallels will help you download and install Windows 10 right after it is installed. Just follow the screen prompts. InstallWin.mp4 STEP 3 - UPDATE WINDOWS As you would in any computer make sure you run an update. In Windows, go to Start and search for update and click on Check for updates. Follow the easy prompts and make sure your Windows 10 is updated. This is important as it will install several libraries that the game will require to run. STEP 4 -CHANGE YOUR VM SETTINGS To play 3DXChat you can leave all Parallels default settings with the exception of the Mouse that has to be set to Optimize for games. If you don't change this you won't be able to move your camera in the game. With your VM turned off go to Configuration, select Hardware and Mouse & Keyboard. STEP 5 - INSTALL 3DXChat Fire up your new Windows 10 VM and install 3DXChat normally. You can run the game in full screen and even in Coherence mode which makes your Windows apps work side by side with the masOS apps. FINAL NOTES Parallels isn't free, but it offers a 14 day trial. In my countless tests it proved to be the best option available without performance issues and offering a good game play. You do not need a licence to run Windows 10. I find Parallels to be easy to install and effective, but there might be other ways to play 3DXChat in an updated Mac computer in 2021. If you have any comments, suggestions or use another method, please share your experience with the community. I have used other methods extensively in the past including PlayOnMac for years, but, in my humble opinion, I don't find it to be a viable option anymore. This is based on my personal experience. I know I don't have all the answers and I'm in no way responsible for your actions. This is not advice, just what works for me. I'm only sharing this as it may help others. And most important of all, stay safe and have fun.
  3. Loading wheel stops spinning and game crashes right after login. Please see error log attached. Running: OSX High Sierra 10.13.5, PlayonMac 4.2.12 - 32bit drive Can you help me solve the issue? Thanks in advance! Archive.zip
  4. I have a Mac and I am using the latest PlayOnMac version. After starting and logging in the game crashes and I get the notification from PlayOnMac that the game crashed. I tried reinstalling but it didn't help. I ran the error diagnosis (not sure what it's called in english) and it just put this message a lot: "err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x0a" Can somebody please help me? I hope i didn't spend the money on a game I can't play....
  5. Hi all! Just joined the community, but am a longtime Mac user . Is there a good starter PC gaming laptop you'd recommend? I don't know about any of these things, but don't want to spend a lot of money or have to build a lot. I'm already a pretty avid Second Life player so would love to upgrade that experience as well. Eventually want to get Oculus too Any recommendations appreciated!
  6. Hello Lately im experiencing more and more screen flickering and game freeze on my mac (using playonmac). I even downgraded the playonmac version, which partially fixed the issue, but still having those problems from time to time though. Anyone with some advice ? Nick
  7. Hi, I play using PlayOnMac (and Wine) and everything was ok until the last update (337). I was able to install it and connect... but once connected the graphics were awful, the image/colors kept flashing and when I tried to go to any room, I got freeze. I've tried to uninstall it, re-install the 227 version and update it again, same problem again and again. I send two messages to the "customer support" never got any answers. I haven't been able to connect for a month now, and my membership has expired... so don't want to pay again for it if it still not working. Can anyone help please ? Thanks
  8. Since a recent update I was able to set add new pictures to my gallery in game. A recent update to the game appears to have broken this functionality. Steps to reproduce: 1. My Profile 2. My Gallery 3. Clicking Upload Photo does nothing Expected: Clicking upload opens up the file explorer in the the Wine VM. Also there is an error opening the screenshots folder in the Photo menu. No logs for Upload Photo but the Screenshots button throws the following error: wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x0000005c at address 0x46da75cf (thread 006b), starting debugger... Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than or equal to 2.0.5. http://www.freetype.org err:syslink:SYSLINK_SetFont Failed to create link font! The second issue looks like TrueType font not being located and throwing an error. I haven't tried upping the free type version.
  9. Hello guys, I am trying to run the 3DXChat on mac using "playonmac" as suggested on the website. I could install and run. I can see the first screen with the login blanks on the left side and the News on the right side, everything fine... then when the program opens the "Patcher"program, the Patcher screen opens like a black rectangle and nothing happens from there. What can I do? Thanks!!!
  10. Hey yall, I'm playing on a Macbook Pro using playonmac. I keep accidentally zooming in using the trackpad, and I'm not sure how I'm doing it. I usually try to move my view using 2 fingers on the trackpad (right-click+drag), and sometimes I zoom in on my character. I've been searching far and wide for the answer to this (because I want to know how to control it), but haven't found it yet. Anybody know how to zoom using the trackpad? Just to clarify, I'm not asking about the spycam view - this is in standard play view. Thanks!
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