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Found 2 results

  1. Leeloo

    Sexy jokes

    Ok, i was watching ths erotic comics section and fell on a picture that remembered me a joke so i took the image to modify it a bit and here is the joke A blond woman visit her girlfriend on a saturday night and comes with flowers in her hands. They lead to the bedroom and the blond hold the flowers to her girlfriend and say: - Hello my love these flowers are for you for your birthday The girlfriend undress and lean on the bed.
  2. Hey everyone just wanted to put up a thread for all the randomness no matter what it is, I know theres a couple like this but stiff this one is mine lol, So I guess I'll start it off.... Last week I was watching a show on discovery science about the human brain, now on the show they said that we all process info a little differently if they didn't we would all be pretty much the same person and that got me thinking. Does someone else see what I would call blue as different like red or green, but to them that is blue. Now I know it would be impossible to ever find out or prove/disprove because then it would be like trying to explain colours to someone born blind but yeah....food for thought You walk through a door, the sky is the ground and sheep openly rebel, you have entered the Random Zone
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