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Everything posted by Mils

  1. Lol it's not only a gay party. Some awesome and beautiful women from Eastern countries are expected to join the party But don't know if they are single or not.
  2. Another day in paradise

  3. don't forget to enjoy the real sun, summer arrives!

  4. This game is worse than the reality

  5. Ohh VIP Program is back. Sound really good.
  6. Oh my God...... I can't believe that! I met her two days ago on the game and i spoke with her. She was so nice. She helped me when I faced difficult and sad moments with the loss of my Neva. I don't forget it. I'm not only sad but really shocked and speechless. She was such a lovely person! if you organize a ceremony for her I would be there. My deepest sympathy and condolences for you Laua, his friends and family. Mils
  7. Mine first just pass by and relax
  8. Queen is back and will kick some ass
  9. This seems to be a real serious room with great new concept and effective manager LaFrançaises. Concept of VIP or further Best VIP seems a really good idea, this opens the door to many other things. Really great presentation post, i'm surprised to see no more comments here. I wish you good luck for the future and I am very excited to listening Daft Punk & Gorillaz Live stream from Las Vegas
  10. Mils


    What a beautiful new!!! Greetings and congratulations for both married!!! Kiss to the bride I'm really happy for you Isouki
  11. IN MEMORIAM NEVENA Born May 31, 1987 Died in March 27, 2015 Nevena nous a quittés récemment le vendredi 27 Mars, elle a laissé orpheline toute une communauté. Elle était connue sous les pseudonymes BettyHopes, XGabrielleX, LaureN et AnnaK entre autre. Sur le forum son nom était ZheravnaFr. Elle adorait les contacts avec les gens, était très sociable et de nature ouverte. Elle faisait confiance aux gens. Nevena était d'origine Bulgaro-Macédonienne et était très fière de ses origines, de son pays et de ses coutumes. Elle était polyglotte. Ses traits de caractère étaient sa gentillesse, sa franchise et son caractère trempé. Tout cela va nous manquer désormais. Beaucoup de personnes ont pu la connaître sans même savoir qu'elles avaient affaire à Nevena, car elle changeait souvent de pseudonyme. Elle adorait nouer des contacts avec les gens, se rapprocher d'eux et accordait sa confiance à beaucoup de gens. Elle venait de créer un topic sur le forum "Who has said virtual and real are impossible?", confirmant le rapprochement entre comportements virtuels dans le jeu, et comportements réels dans la vraie vie en donnant des preuves. 3DX n'est pas seulement un jeu de sexe, mais il permet véritablement un rapprochement réel entre 2 ou plusieurs personnes. A vous ensuite de construire vos futures relations. Bien sûr, des gens ont essayé de lui faire du mal dans le jeu ou de la rejeter, mais elle a su pardonner et transformer cette rivalité haineuse en amitié. Cela devrait, j'espère nous apprendre à nous respecter et nous tolérer. Elle laisse ses amis proches dans le désarroi, une communauté orpheline et laisse son fiancé (moi) dans une profonde tristesse et mélancolie. Nous avions des projets concrets et sérieux pour l'avenir, mais tout a été balayé d'un revers de la main. Les personnes amoureuses et en couple ne savent pas la chance qu'elles ont. La vie n'a jamais été facile pour elle, mais elle n'a jamais laissé tomber et ne s'est jamais laissée décourager. Elle a même toujours aidé ses amis ou connaissances à avancer, progresser... Elle n'était pas égoïste. Nous étions son moteur ici et elle adorait partager ses passions avec la communauté. Elle avait organisé une soirée Balkane pour faire connaître sa culture musicale à tout le monde. Elle ne lui restait plus beaucoup de famille et nous étions en quelque sorte ces suppléants, elle est désormais enterrée dans la région de sa naissance en Bulgarie. Je ne t'oublierais pas chérie, tu resteras avec moi et je t'aimerais toujours Nevena is recently passed away Friday March 27th, she left the community now orphan. She was known by the nicknames BettyHopes, XGabrielleX, LaureN and AnnaK. On forum she was known as ZheravnaFr. She loved contacts with people, was very sociable and open minded. She trusted people. Nevena was Bulgaro- Macedonian, she was very proud of his origins, his country and its mores. She was fluent in several languages. Her personality traits was kindness, honesty, and hot tempered character. All these will missed us. Many people have been able to know her, without even knowing they had contact with Nevena because she often changed nickname. She liked make contact with people, get close to them and gave her trust to many people. She had just made a topic on the forum "Who has Said virtual and real are impossible?", confirming the connection between virtual behavior on the game, and real behavior in true life with evidence. 3DX is not only a sexual game, but it can allow a real connection between two or more persons. Of course people have tried to hurt him in the game or reject it, but she was able to forgive and transform that rivalry into friendship. This should hopefully teach us to respect and tolerate us. She lets her close friends in disarray, an orphan community and leaves her boyfriend (me) in a deep sadness and melancholy. We had real and serious plan for the future, but these lovely projects were swept out, blasted. Romantic and loving couples don't know how lucky they're. Life has never been easy for her, but she never gave up and never be discouraged. She always helped her friends to progress and improve themselves... She was not selfish. We were her breath here and she loved to share her passion with the community. She organized a Balkan party on the game to show her cultural music to all the community. She had no longer family and we were in some ways these alternate, she was buried in her natal province in Bulgaria. I'll not forget you my dear, you'll stay with me and I will always love you Nous ouvrons une salle commémorative le samedi soir 4 avril à partir de 21h, pour la mémoire de Nevena. Toutes les personnes qui le souhaitent pourront venir se recueillir en pensant à elle. Les quatre chaises à côté de la table seront réservées à ses proches qui sont Janko, Mils, Eomer et Nikonours. La salle s'appellera Neva's commemoration et le nom du responsable sera Janko. Vous êtes libre et bienvenue de laisser vos condoléances sur ce topic. Merci pour votre participation. We open memorial room on Saturday April 4th from 21h for Nevena memory. All persons who wish can come and spend some moments together to meditate. The four chairs next to the table will be reserved for close friends who are Janko, Mils, Eomer and Nikonours. User's room will be called Neva's commemoration and will be opened by Janko. You are welcome to leave your condolences on this topic. Thank you for your participation.
  12. Mils


    I'm looking forward to it. Sure to find good and original music. Maybe some hot girls with good moods. Everybody must coming, cheap drinks and fabulous girls
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