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Everything posted by DrPaulCampbell

  1. Thank you so much for saying that Peggy. I tend to play the exact same way. I don't enjoy any kind of non-consensual roleplay (even though of course, it has to be consensual at some level, since we can all just log out). But I don't enjoy anything that isn't also enjoyable for the other person. I have had experiences where someone later would say, "I didn't enjoy that." And my reply is, "Well, why didn't you just tell me? I would have stopped immediately!" So, yes ... I'm an extension of my own principles here. I'm not here to really be a whole other person, since I can't seem to occupy a different personality than the one I have. That's just me, however.
  2. Thank you so much for replying Tasha. I think you are right to point out the balance between how much effort they should make towards anatomy and poses, since the large part of 3DX is being able to chat. I think everyone surely has their favorite poses. I suppose it's just an instinct to want more variety. Some people don't really want things to be overly sensual, but I happen to love the poses that have us kissing and also fucking. I think that's somewhat realistic and feel right. That being said, I'd love to someday see a reverse amazon, punish the dog, and lazy doggy pose!
  3. Hey 3DX Readers. I looked for an entry about this topic and couldn't find one, so I apologize if I'm repeating a thread that exists elsewhere. If I am, please point me to it, and I'll delete this entry. I'd love to hear people's thoughts, simple or contextual, about how they make the decision to "unfriend" someone. I realize in some cases it's an easy decision, but in some cases not so much. I know there are people (of which I'm one) who like to keep their "friends" list small, so if I haven't seen a person in a long time (a month or so), I just drop them off because I feel like our schedules will really never line up again anyway. In some cases, however, if I feel a connection to the person, I'll keep them on, but I don't like the list to be so long that I can't see the bottom of it without scrolling. Kind of a stupid rule, I know, but that's mine. I'd hate for this post to get argumentative, but I realize that there will be differences of opinion. I'd encourage that, but just be polite please. Just because we disagree doesn't mean that we have to be rude about it. Not everybody will have the same feelings about this subject. The only other time I consciously unfriended someone was when they chose to "trade up" on an experience that was about to go partnered. Someone I'd known for a while, but for some reason they made the decision to move over to another room to meet someone else. To be fair, they told me this was happening, and rather than ruin their night and sulk about it, I just said, "Sure, go ahead." It wasn't like I was going to change their mind anyway, and nobody likes desperation. I didn't mind admitting to them that I was hurt (yeah, people have feelings here too), but I unfriended because ... well, it just seemed like a really inconsiderate thing to do. They admitted they felt guilty, but not enough to tell the other person "another time, I'm with a friend." Who knows ... maybe I was getting the slow fade anyway, but there are more considerate ways to resolve that, especially with someone you've been with multiple times. So, this seemed like a valid reason to unfriend, since I think friendships are mutually considerate. Love to hear people's opinions, thoughts, experiences, rules, norms ... whatever.
  4. I appreciate you writing this so much. I've recently been thinking about this topic a lot. While I don't think I've ever hurt anyone's feelings in 3DX, I've certainly been offended. How you view the "game" versus "community" perspective, I think has a lot to do with whether you see your avatar as an extension of yourself (and thus bound to the same ethics that you as a person believe in) or just an alter-ego that can do whatever it wants. Me, personally, I cannot compartmentalize myself that way and I don't like to make up other characters. I think I'm just fine being myself. So, yeah - people have feelings when they express emotions through writing or relating, whether we know their real names or not. Good post.
  5. OK - I've never known a woman that doesn't like her tits played with a bit before or during sex, foreplay or otherwise. Would it ever be possible to have a pose that allows the woman to feel like the guy is paying some attention to her top half? It's sensual and I think it excites guys a lot too. Ladies probably need to chime in. I guess we can talk about tit slapping at some other level too, but likely only a kink versus a pretty common move.
  6. I'm not sure if anyone has read this post in a while, since it's many years old, but I wanted to raise it again, because I thought it was very helpful. I came upon it when I was looking to sort through some thoughts I was having and I thought the person was really brave to have written it. It's worth a read, along with the comments. I'm posting it also because I'm interested to see if anyone has any reactions. Maybe there would be none, but as with many of us, our 3DXChat life is not known to anyone in the real world, so it's not like you can go talk to other friends who don't really understand how a relationship with 3DXChat and the people can be. I'm posting this, not to be judgmental and also please I'm not asking for advice or negative commentary ... just wondering if anyone relates to this. I also found that writing about it is kind of cathartic. In my opinion, what the person above wrote is entirely correct. Because you don't have to adhere to the rules of real world, and there are basically no consequences to discourteous behavior in 3DXChat, you deal with people who essentially change their persona on a dime or ghost you without any explanation. This stuff would never fly in the real world because well - it's impossible and you have to deal with your personality problems. But 3DX is an escape for most people on one level or another. Be wary of people who seem to ALWAYS be on, because they might be in way too deep, and I had to start checking my own behavior when I found that logging in to 3DXChat was the first thing I wanted to do when I got home. I was bordering on addiction. Thankfully, I had an emotional reaction that alerted me to the fact that I was truly getting addicted and that's what landed me on the post above. I had an entire day, thinking about nothing but an experience I had in 3DXChat, as if the conversation had happened in reality. It's dangerous and not good for the heart and soul to have that happen, since you can just start to lose yourself in these thoughts and it becomes maddening. This isn't to say that it can't be fun, but I find that you basically have to treat the place like a new city that you're just visiting and you don't go there all the time. Maybe something like a vacation that you're on, where you're not really responsible for anything, and you're not really living your "real life" because you're in a situation where you don't have any responsibilities and you can actually be someone else for a while. But eventually, you have to go back to the place where you make money, have a life, and touch and feel real people who can love you in a way that the experience of 3DXChat never can. Be good to each other. PC
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