Hey 3DX Readers. I looked for an entry about this topic and couldn't find one, so I apologize if I'm repeating a thread that exists elsewhere. If I am, please point me to it, and I'll delete this entry. I'd love to hear people's thoughts, simple or contextual, about how they make the decision to "unfriend" someone. I realize in some cases it's an easy decision, but in some cases not so much. I know there are people (of which I'm one) who like to keep their "friends" list small, so if I haven't seen a person in a long time (a month or so), I just drop them off because I feel like our schedules will really never line up again anyway. In some cases, however, if I feel a connection to the person, I'll keep them on, but I don't like the list to be so long that I can't see the bottom of it without scrolling. Kind of a stupid rule, I know, but that's mine.
I'd hate for this post to get argumentative, but I realize that there will be differences of opinion. I'd encourage that, but just be polite please. Just because we disagree doesn't mean that we have to be rude about it. Not everybody will have the same feelings about this subject.
The only other time I consciously unfriended someone was when they chose to "trade up" on an experience that was about to go partnered. Someone I'd known for a while, but for some reason they made the decision to move over to another room to meet someone else. To be fair, they told me this was happening, and rather than ruin their night and sulk about it, I just said, "Sure, go ahead." It wasn't like I was going to change their mind anyway, and nobody likes desperation. I didn't mind admitting to them that I was hurt (yeah, people have feelings here too), but I unfriended because ... well, it just seemed like a really inconsiderate thing to do. They admitted they felt guilty, but not enough to tell the other person "another time, I'm with a friend." Who knows ... maybe I was getting the slow fade anyway, but there are more considerate ways to resolve that, especially with someone you've been with multiple times. So, this seemed like a valid reason to unfriend, since I think friendships are mutually considerate.
Love to hear people's opinions, thoughts, experiences, rules, norms ... whatever.