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Posts posted by mysticandraven

  1. Hoping anyone could help me Please:

    I am on the Official 3DXCHAT Discord but the Site says I do not have pemission to post anything. I went through the verification process and still no permission. My partner I brought to the game is having the exact same issue.

    Are we missing something simple or is this some wierd glitch ?

    Any and all help very much appreciated,

    Thanks so Much in Advance


  2. "Starlights Lounge"  is a Small intimate Lounge with Dancers and Escorts with the Focus being Relaxing , Intimate conversations and "more" in a No Colds High Class Setting.

    We Invite you all to come in, sit down, have a drink and relax by yourself or with your intimate other while enjoying the dancers or a little more depending on your mood ❤️

    A place where the "Ladies of the Night"  will always be Treated Well  and do Enjoy Nice Messages and small Gifts as a small sign of Appreciation. What the Escorts charge or do not charge is up to them ❤️

    We are Still looking for Two more Regular Dancers who will be compensated by the hour so please DM us if interested or find Mystic Dreams or Raven Starlight in Game for any information you may require and Yes, we have a discord channel for the ladies to keep in touch.

    Gentlemen and Escorts Always Welcome - We Hope to See You There on Opening Night ❤️

    Huge Hugs Fom Both Of Us ❤️




  3. Please Keep the Sin City Music the way it is. It is the Only Club to my knowledge that plays a 70's 80's 90's Rock Mix. It is a nice alternative for those of us who like this genre and lets be honest, most clubs cater to different music genres already. Post Note:

    There is a "Reason" why Sin City is almost always packed ❤️

  4. I am having No problems moving Objects around but when it comes to putting Items on a Table Like Glases of Wine etc, for the life of me I cant understand how to snap them in place. 

    Please Dont laugh, maybe I am just getting old but HELP ?

    Also, how the heck do you fill a cigette pack ?

    Any and all responses extremly apreciated and yes I have read every tutorial so I am missing something really Simple.

    Kind Regards and Extreme Thanks for help with this Topic. I am just looking to make a Table like this:

    Kind Regards,



  5. I am The Madam of a Small Little Club Named "Starlights Ladies of The Night" A No Colds Club for the Gentlemen with the Finer Tastes ❤️

    Seeking Dancers - We will be in game at Sin City 5  PM Central Monday Evening to set up Friend Requests for just Two or Three Women who would like to be dancers from 6-8 PM on Monday Nights. You Can find us  there ❤️

    Raven and Mystic

    2024-02-19 04-04-47_75929.png

  6. Don't laugh because I think I already think I know the answer but just want to confirm so I don't get into any Trouble lol. I am starting a very small club just for fun and want to know if it is okay to pay Gold for Dancers (and of course whatever side gold they make is theirs 100 % of course) :)

    Anyways, Do I have to make that offer here in the forum or can I offer members in the game person to person and is it allowed ?

    Grateful ahead of time for all responses and if it is allowed and lady here is willing to Dance for 1 Thousand Gold per hour please feel Free to let me know. It will be a no colds small apt club That my in game wife Raven will run and I will only be looking for Two to Three Dancers once a week if interested.

    Kind Regards,


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