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Posts posted by Artyz

  1. Thank you so much for the heads up for the down time, at least now we are all prepared.


    One thing I don't approve of me needing to open a Twitter account to get updates on what is happening. That is why we have this forum.


    To those who want more in this update. Stop and think how much time it takes to create what we are going to get. There is a lot of man hours in developing this and we are getting all this for no extra cost. Some sites charge for these sex scene up dates that can cost a packet. Be grateful please.  Would be nice to have coffee option dripping free from our computers into our empty cups....lol


    Please to 3DXChat staff, ( Gizmo ) keep us informed here not just on twitter.


    Thank you again.

  2.  Joking aside PAGOS, virtual worlds mean more to some than just a place to be naughty in. For some that don’t have options we take for granted it is so much more.


    Thank goodness I am well and count my blessings this is only a place to play for me...

    My beloved Step sister passed away in May and couldn't really get out of the house due to her health. This kind of place was her salvation.

  3. Really disappointed. Finally finding a site with like minded friendly people and the site fails.


    This all comes down to mismanagement of a business.  Apart from monthly Subscriptions, people are still buying coins so there shouldn't be any shortage of cash for the 5 years plus this site has been running.


    Gizmo or the support team should at least have some sort of backup parts for the server to get it up and running fast. Same as like in transport. You run a fleet of cars and trucks, you hold spares to keep the customer demands met.


    If what I'm reading on assumptions that the server bill hasn't been paid, then it all comes down to theft by the owner of this site. Customers comes first if you operate a business of any kind once you take their money to provide them a service.


    The owner of this site must have people monitoring the server in shifts 24/7 so this doesn't happen again if it gets up and running.


    If it is a serious issue with the server where a cash flow problem due to expensive component replacement cost as the problem may be so great, swallow you pride and ask for assistance, and surely people here will assist you if you being open and honest about the situation at hand. We all understand replacement parts are not cheap if it is a major problem. But if you haven't been paying the server bill like some persons I know then shame on you.


    I so hope this place gets up and running again, as I met some great like minded people and don't wish to loose their friendships. SO to the owner. Once you get this sorted and if you get it sorted, get some people to assist you and treat them with some respect and get of you Russian high horse that you own a business like most Russians do. (from past experience dealing with Russian business man), cause you can easily loose everything. y

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